


电子邮件:[email protected]

  • 教育背景

    2013.09−2017.06    南京大学,物理学,博士,导师:王炜教授、曹毅教授

    2009.092013.06    南京大学,物理学(生物物理),学士

  • 工作经历

    2023.11至今            上海交通大学,世博娱乐 ,长聘教轨副教授

    2020.01−2023.10    新加坡国立大学,物理系和力生物学研究所,博士后,合作导师:Jie Yan 教授

    2017.07−2019.12    南京大学,世博娱乐 ,博士后,合作导师:曹毅 教授

  • 研究方向






  • 科研项目

    2023    国家海外高层次引进人才计划

    2023    上海市海外高层次引进人才计划

    2025-2029     国自然面上项目

    2025-2028     国家重点研究计划 培育项目

  • 代表性论文专著

    1. Wenmao Huang, et al. Ions shaping the mechanics of chromosomes in mitosis, Nat. Mater. 2024, 23, 1468–1470

    2. Linfeng Yang,..., Chunhai Fan*, Wenmao Huang*. DNA Mechanics: From Single Stranded to Self-Assembled. Nano Letts, 2024, 24, 38, 11768-11778

    before SJTU:

    1. Wenmao Huang*, et al. In situ single-molecule investigations of the impacts of biochemical perturbations on conformational intermediates

     of monomeric α-synuclein. APL Bioengineering, 2024, 8 (1) (一作+共通,Featured Article)

    2. Chaoyu Fu#, Wenmao Huang#, et al., Unveiling Mechanical Activation: GAIN Domain Unfolding and Dissociation in Adhesion GPCRs.

    Nano. Lett.. 2023, 23, 20, 9179–9186.

    3. Wenmao Huang, et al. Mechanical stabilization of a bacterial adhesion complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 37, 16808-16818.

    4. Wenmao Huang, et al. Maleimide–thiol adducts stabilized through stretching. Nat. Chem., 2019, 11, 310–319. 

    (Highlighted by Nat. Chem. "Pulling together to improve stability").

    5. Weishuai Di#, Xiang Gao#, Wenmao Huang#, et al. Direct measurement of length scale dependence of the hydrophobic free energy of 

    a single collapsed polymer nanosphere. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2019, 122, 047801.

    6. Wenmao Huang#, Zhenshu Zhu#, Jing Wen#, et al. Single Molecule Study of Force-Induced Rotation of Carbon–Carbon Double Bonds in Polymers. 

    ACS Nano, 2017, 1, 194-203 (Highlighted by “Twist and Shout: Single-Molecule Mechanochemistry”).

    7. Xingdong Guo#, Chengsong Yan#, Hua Li#, Wenmao Huang#, et al. Lipid-dependent conformational dynamics underlie the functional versatility of 

    T-cell receptor. Cell Res., 2017, 27, 505-525.

    8. Wenmao Huang, et al. Profiling selective binding to promoter CpG islands by a single-DNA mechanical footprinting assay. 

    Biophys. J., 2021, 16, 3235-3236.

    9. X. Wu#, Wenmao Huang#, W.-H. Wu# et al. Reversible hydrogels with tunable mechanical properties for optically controlling cell migration. 

    Nano Res., 2018, 11, 5556–5565.

    10. Wenmao Huang, et al. Dimerization of cell-adhesion molecules can increase their binding strength. Langmuir, 2017, 6, 1398-1404.


    11. Wenmao Huang, Yi Cao*, et al. Single-molecule Atomic Force Microscopy, 软物质前沿科学丛书, 2021 (基于原子力显微镜的单分子技术). 

    12. Wenmao Huang, Jie Yan*, et al. Micropipette-based single-cell mechanical quantification. Methods Mol. Biol. Springer, 2022 


    已发表文章列表(Google Scholar)//scholar.google.com.sg/citations?user=HO5APLkAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

  • 学术兼职

    Supramolecular Materials 青年编委(2024)

  • 人才需求




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