


电子邮件:[email protected]
通讯地址:上海市东川路800号世博娱乐 A楼133室

  • 教育背景

    2001年于华南理工大学获材料加工工程 工学博士学位。

  • 工作经历


  • 研究方向



    3. 绿色建筑材料.


  • 代表性论文专著

    1. P Song, C Wan, Y Xie, Z Zhang, S Wang*. Stepwise exfoliation of bound rubber from carbon black nanoparticles and the structure characterization, Polymer Testing, 2018,71:115-124 

    2. P Song, C Wan, Y Xie, K Formela, S Wang*. Vegetable derived-oil facilitating carbon black migration from waste tire rubbers and its reinforcement effect, Waste Management, 2018,78:238-248

    3. X Cheng, P Song, X Zhao, Z Peng, S Wang*. Liquefaction of ground tire rubber at low temperature, Waste Management, 2018,71:301-310 

    4. R tur Rasool, P Song, S Wang*. Thermal analysis on the interactions among asphalt modified with SBS and different degraded tire rubber,- Construction and Building Materials, 2018,182:134-143 

    5. P Song, X Wu, S Wang*. Effect of styrene butadiene rubber on the light pyrolysis of the natural rubber, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2018 ,147:168-176

    6. P Song, X Zhao, X Cheng, S Li, S Wang*. Recycling the nanostructured carbon from waste tires, Composites Communications, 2018,7:12-15

    7. R tur Rasool, Y Hongru, A Hassan, S Wang*. In-field aging process of high content SBS modified asphalt in porous pavement, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2018155:220-229

    8. Wang S.*, Cheng D., Xiao F. Recent developments in application of chemical approaches to rubberized asphalt, Construction and Building Materials, 2017,131:101–113

    9. Wang S.*, Zhao X. Wang Q. Rheological and structural evolution of rubberized asphalts under weathering, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2017, 29

    10. Li S, Wan C, Wang S, et al. Separation of core-shell structured carbon black nanoparticles from waste tires by light pyrolysis[J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 135: 13-20.

    11. Li S, Wan C, Wu X, Wang S*, et al. Core-shell structured carbon nanoparticles derived from light pyrolysis of waste tires[J]. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2016, 129: 192-198

    12. Zhao X, Wang S*, Wang Q, Yao H,Rheological and structural evolution of SBS modified asphalts under natural weathering, Fuel, 2016, 184: 242-247

  • 学术兼职


  • 荣誉奖励

    国家科学技术发明二等奖1项(国家级,排名第二),省部级二等奖2项及中国专利优秀奖1项。现已在国内外刊物上发表论文70余篇(SCI 47篇),他引1400余次,获中国专利授权18项。

  • 教学工作


  • 教学成果


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