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  • 教育背景

    1991-1995 吉林大学化学系学士
    1995-2000 吉林大学化学系博士
    2000-2007 美国Akron大学高分子科学系博士、博士后

  • 工作经历

    2007.4-2009.8 美国Brookhaven国家实验室功能纳米材料中心助理研究员
    2009.8-2015.1 世博娱乐官方网站 特别研究员

    2015.10-2016.2 美国加州理工学院Caltech访问教授

    2015.1-至今 世博娱乐官方网站 教授

  • 研究方向


  • 科研项目


  • 代表性论文专著

    1. D. L. You, Z. W. Lai, W. Wei*, H. M. Xiong*, "High-Voltage All-Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries Enabled by Localized High-Salt-Concentration In-Chain Clustering Copolymer Electrolytes", Adv. Funct. Mater., 2024, 2415464.

    2. Y. C. Zheng, L. D. Song, M. Q. Liu, W. Wei, H. M. Xiong*, "Copolymerization of Isothiocyanates and Nonactivated Aziridines Mediated by Zwitterionic Intermediates through Condensation and Chain Growth" Macromolecules, 2024, 57, 7713-7722.

    3. D. L. You, M. A. Farooq, Z. W. Lai, W. Wei*, H. M. Xiong*, "In-Built Curable High-Salt-Concentrated Elastomeric Polymer Electrolytes for Integrated All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries and Ion Conduction" Macromolecules, 2024, 57, 4471-4483.

    4. Z. W. Lai, D. L. You, W. Wei*, H. M. Xiong*, "Conformation-Assisted Solid-Solid Phase Transition of LiTFSI Electrolyte Salt and the Lithium Ion Coordination", Giant, 2024, 20, 100330.

    5. W. Y. Hu, D. L. You, W. Wei*, H. M. Xiong*, "Robust Compound Elastomers of Integrated Polymer Cathode and Electrolyte for High-Performance All-Solid-State Lithium Battery" J. Power Sources, 2023, 555, 232338.

    6. D. L. You, W. Y. Hu, L. D. Song, W. Wei*, H. M. Xiong*, "High-Energy Metallic Lithium Batteries Enabled by Polymer-in-Salt Electrolytes of Cyclic Carbonate Substituted Polyethers" ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2022, 4, 8584-8593. 

    7. W. Wei, H. M. Xiong*, "Liquid-Crystalline Polymers: Molecular Engineering, Hierarchical Structures, and Applications" Langmuir, 2022, 38, 11514-11520. (Perspective)

    8. X. L. Zhang, W. Wei, H. M. Xiong*, "Hierarchical Dynamics of Nonsticky Molecular Nanoparticle Tethered Polymers: End and Topology Effects" Macromolecules, 2022, 55, 3637-3649.

    9. L. D. Song, M. Q. Liu, D. L. You, W. Wei, H. M. Xiong*, "Alternating Chain Growth Copolymerization of Isothiocyanates and Epoxides" Macromolecules, 2021, 54, 10529−10536.

    10. L. D. Song, W. Wei, M. A. Farooq, H. M. Xiong*, “Quasi-Living Copolymerization of Aryl Isocyanates and Epoxides" ACS Macro Letters, 2020, 9, 1542-1546.

    11. X. L. Zhang, W. Wei, X. Jin, H. M. Xiong*, “Chain Dimension and Dynamics of Polymers in Well-defined Non-sticky Nanocomposites of Molecular Nanoparticle Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane/Poly(butylene oxide)” Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 5627−5637.

    12. X. Jin, W. Wei; X. L. Zhang, H. M. Xiong*, “Statistics and Dynamics of Polymer Melt in Neutral Diblock Copolymer Single-Crystal  Platelets” J. Phys. Chem. Lett, 2020, 11, 1081-1086.

    13. L. Xu, W. Wei, D. L. You, H. M. Xiong*, J. Yang, “Ion Conduction in the Comb-Branched Polyether Electrolytes with Controlled Network Structures” Soft Matter, 2020, 16, 1979-1988.(Back Cover)

    14. M. A. Farooq, W. Wei, H. M. Xiong*, “Chiral Photonic Liquid Crystalline Polyethers with Widely Tunable Helical Superstructures” Langmuir, 2020, 36, 3072-3079.

    15. W. Wei, Z. X. Xu, L. Xu, X. L. Zhang, H. M. Xiong*, J. Yang*, “Flexible Ionic Conducting Elastomers for All-Solid-State Room-Temperature Lithium Batteries” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, 1, 6769-6773.

    16. W. Wei, H. M. Xiong*, “Orientation and Morphology Control of the Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymer Thin Film by Liquid Crystalline Solvent” Langmuir, 2018, 34, 15455-15461.

    17. W. Wei, D. L. You, H. M. Xiong*“Thermotropic and Lyotropic Transitions of Concentrated Solutions of Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers in a Liquid Crystalline Solvent" Macromolecules, 2017, 50,7844-7851.

    18. W. Wei, Z. C. Wu, M. J. Huang, C. H. Hsu, Y. Liu, X. L. Zhang, H. M. Xiong* “Discovery of Hierarchical Superstructures in Block Copolymers by Integrating Different Liquid Crystalline Interactions" Soft Matter, 2017, 13(14): 2583-2589.(Back cover)

    19. Z. C. Wu, P. Liu, Y. Liu, W. Wei, X. L. Zhang, P. Wang, Z. L. Xu, H. M. Xiong* “Regulating Sequence Distribution of Polyethers via ab initio Kinetics Control in Anionic Copolymerization”Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 8, 5673-5678.(Back cover)

    20. H. X. Li, W. Wei, H. M. Xiong*“An Asymmetric A–B–A’ Metallo-supramolecular Triblock Copolymer Linked by Ni2+–bis-terpyridine Complexes at One Junction” Soft Matter 2016, 12, 1411-1418.

    21. Z. C. Wu, Y. Liu, W. Wei, F. S. Chen, G. X. Qiu, H. M. Xiong* “Reaction Kinetics in Anionic Copolymerization: A Revisit on Mayo-Lewis Equation” Chinese J. Polymer Science 2016, 34, 431-438.

    22. Y. Liu, W. Wei, H. M. Xiong* "Gradient and Block Side-chain Liquid Crystalline Polyethers" Polymer Chemistry 2015, 6,583-590.

    23. W. Wei, Y. Liu, H. M. Xiong* "Hierarchical Nanostructures and Self-assemblies in Smectic-Nematic Liquid Crystalline Diblock Copolymers" ACS Macro Letters 2014, 3, 892-895.

    24. H. X. Li, W. Wei, H. M. Xiong* "Metallo-Supramolecular Complexes Mediated Thermoplastic Elastomeric Block Copolymers" Polymer 2014, 55, 5739-5745.

    25. N. Lou, Y. Y. Wang, X. P. Li, H. X. Li, P. Wang, C. Wesdemiotis, A. P. Sokolov, H. M. Xiong* “Dielectric Relaxation and Rheological Behavior of Supramolecualr Polymeric Liquid” Macromolecules 2013, 46, 3160-3166.

    26. Y. Liu, Y. G. Li, H. M. Xiong* “Dielectric Chain Dynamics of Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer” ACS Macro Letters 2013, 2, 45-48.

    27. Y. Liu, W. Wei, H. M. Xiong* “Polyether Based Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer: Anionic Polymerization and Phase Structures” Polymer 2013, 54, 6572-6579.

    28. N. Lou, Y. Y. Wang, H. X. Li, A. P. Sokolov*, H. M. Xiong*, “Glassy Dynamics of Hydrogen-bonded Heteroditopic Molecules", Polymer 2012, 53, 4455-4460.

    29. Y. W. Li, W. B. Zhang*, I-Fan Hsieh, G. L. Zhang, Y. Cao, X. P. Li, C. Wesdemiotis, B. Lotz, H. M. Xiong*, S. Z. D. Cheng* “Breaking Symmetry towards Non-Spherical Janus Particles Based on Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes: Molecular Design, “Click” Synthesis, and Hierarchical Structure” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133, 10712-10715.

    30. H. M. Xiong, C. K. Chen, K. Lee, R. M. Van Horn, Z. Liu, B. Ren, R. P. Quirk, E. L. Tomas, B. Lotz, R. M. Ho, W. B. Zhang, S. Z. D. Cheng, “Scrolled Polymer Singe Crystals Driven by Unbalanced Surface Stress: Rational Design and Experimental Evidence”, Macromolecules 2011, 44, 7758-7766.

    31. H. M. Xiong, M. Y. Sfeir, O. Gang “Assembly, Structure and Optical Response of Three-Dimensional Dynamically Tunable Multicomponent Superlattices”, Nano Letters 2010, 10, 4566-4462.

    32. H. M. Xiong, D. van der Lelie, O. Gang “Phase Behavior of Nanoparticles Assembled by DNA Linkers”, Physical Review Letters 2009, 102, 015504.

    33. H. M. Xiong, D. van der Lelie, O. Gang “DNA Linker-mediated Crystallization of Nanocolloids”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130, 2442-2443.

    34. H. M. Xiong, R. D. Hartschuh, S. P. Wargacki, J. Neiswinger, A. Kisliuk, S. Sihn, V. Ward, R. A. Vaia, and A. P. Sokolov “Phononics and Micromechanics of Bio-colloidal WIV Viruses”, IEEE: Nano 2008, 638-639.

  • 荣誉奖励

    1、2010年 上海市浦江人才
    2、2011年 教育部新世纪优秀人才

    3、2020年 四川省千人计划

  • 教学工作


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