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  • 教育背景

    2006-2010 中国科学技术大学,物理系,学士

    2010-2015 美国雪城大学,物理系,博士,导师:Prof. Jennifer Schwarz, Prof. Mark Bowick

  • 工作经历

    2015-2020 美国匹兹堡大学,化学工程系,博士后,导师:Prof. Anna Balazs

    2021-现在 世博娱乐官方网站 ,长聘教轨副教授


  • 研究方向



  • 科研项目

    2024 - 2026 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (主持)

    2015–2020 美国匹兹堡大学 (参与,结题)


    (1) 设计可变结构工程大分子(STEM)凝胶作为软弹性体和硬/软材料:有后期引发剂的聚合物网络在合成后有改性。与卡耐基梅隆大学Krzysztof Matyjaszewski 教授合作项目。使用耗散粒子动力学(DPD)计算机模拟: ma-2018-01880g_0008.gif

        (a) 研究原始聚合物的合成

         (b) 研究凝胶在受外力形变时的力学性质

         (c) 研究加入侧链后材料软化的物理起因

    (2) 研究四维打印可变材料: 热响应水凝胶和硬纤维复合物的计算机模拟,使用凝胶有限元弹簧模型(gLSM1644639264607996.png

         (a) 在薄水凝胶表面布置硬纤维:引导稳定的三维形状改变(硬纤维置于水凝胶内部时不可实现)

         (b) 薄带状水凝胶及硬纤维复合物受热下自发形成螺旋状结构并有可控的手性

    (3) 设计创新纳米材料:聚合物接枝纳米粒子网络的计算机模拟

         (a) 力学响应可变系统: 外力矩引发聚合物接枝纳米粒子网络的可控重组变化

         (b) 仿生纳米复合物: 具有仿生“catch”键的聚合物接枝纳米1644639537911197.jpg粒子网络

         (c) 二元混合的聚合物接枝纳米粒子网络: 相对于无序混合,层状结构展现更优越的力学性质

    2010–2015 美国雪城大学 (参与,结题)


    (1) 液泡: 数值研究通过磷脂双分子层连接的液泡网络所形成的类生物组织材料featured.jpg

        (a) 形状可变:通过可编程渗透压驱动

         (b) 渗透压机器人:通过添加与周围动态环境的渗透压相互作用,来实现折叠-展开-再折叠过程

    (2) 细胞膜: 酵母菌内吞作用的理论模型,使用变分理论计算和蒙特卡洛数值模拟featured (1).jpg

         (a) 初始阶段:网格蛋白通过转接蛋白与细胞膜相互作用诱导细胞膜凹陷

         (b) 伸长阶段:细胞膜被肌动蛋白纤维伸长

         (c) 闭合阶段:闭合阶段机理可能和珍珠不稳定性有关

    (3) 生物高分子:细胞运动前沿的细胞骨架肌动蛋白各向异性featured_hu0960c9b0c8d4c6f446a23a8893e4cfb7_98059_720x0_resize_q75_lanczos.jpg

         (a) 研究力学性质: 各向异性无序弹簧网络的有效介质近似理论和共轭梯度法数值计算 

         (b) 细胞骨架对基因转录的机械调节: 通过分析多元无序弹簧网络来研究细胞骨架-核纤层-基因的力传导

  • 代表性论文专著

    Since SJTU

    Synthetic Polymers

    S. Ullah, Y. Zheng, J. Hu, M. Saeed, L. Li, T. Zhang*, and S. Zheng*.  Journal of Materials Science (2024)

    J. Hu, G. Hang, T. Zhang*, L. Li , and S. Zheng*.  ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2024)

    Muhammad Usman Saeed, Guohua Hang, Yuan Gao, Jiawei Hu, Lei Li, Tao Zhang*, and Sixun Zheng*, "Reprocessing, shape recovery and dielectric properties of nanocomposites of Polyhydroxyurethane with barium Titanate", Reactive and Functional Polymers (2024)

    Muhammad Usman Saeed, Guohua Hang, Jiawei Hu, Yuan Gao, Lei Li, Tao Zhang*, and Sixun Zheng*, "Nanocomposites of Polyhydroxyurethane with Fe3O4 Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Shape Memory and Photothermal Properties", Polymer Engineering & Science (2024)

    Jiawei Hu, Yuan Gao, Guohua Hang, Huaming Wang, Tao Zhang*, Sixun Zheng*, "Crosslinking of polyethylene with polysilsesquioxane via carbamate linkages: Synthesis, shape recovery, and reprocessing properties", Journal of Polymer Science (2024)    DOI

    Shakir Ullah, Huaming Wang, Guohua Hang, Tao Zhang, Lei Li, Sixun Zheng, "Poly(thiourethane-co-ethylene oxide) networks crosslinked with disulfide bonds: Reinforcement with POSS and use for recyclable solid polymer electrolytes", Polymer 126318 (2023)     DOI

    Huaming Wang, Jie Xu, Jiawei Hu, Guohua Hang, Tao Zhang*, and Sixun Zheng*, "Reprocessing and shape recovery and of polyurethane enabled by crosslinking with poly(β-cyclodextrin) via host-guest interactions", Polymer 126122 (2023)     DOI

    Guohua Hang, Weiming Liu, Ullah Shakir, Tao Zhang*, and Sixun Zheng*, "Self-healable and reprocessable networks of Poly(propylene oxide) with POSS crosslinked with disulfide bonds", Polymer 125648 (2023)     DOI


    Minh Tri Ho Thanh, Arun Poudel, Shabeeb Ameen, Robert Carroll, Mingming Wu, Pranav Soman, Tao Zhang, Jen Schwarz,  Alison Elise Patteson, "Vimentin promotes collective cell migration through collagen networks via increased matrix remodeling and spheroid fluidity", bioRxiv 2024.06.17.599259 (2024) DOI 

    Tao Zhang, Shabeeb Ameen, Sounok Ghosh, Kyungeun Kim, Minh Thanh, Alison E Patteson, Mingming Wu, JM Schwarz, "Enhanced extracellular matrix remodeling due to embedded spheroid fluidization", bioRxiv 2024.03. 25.586590 (2024) DOI

    Minh Tri Ho Thanh, Tao Zhang, J. M. Schwarz, Alison Patteson*, "Vimentin intermediate filaments enable collective cell migration through 3D collagen matrix", Biophysical Journal 123(3), 407a (2024) DOI

    Kyungeun Kim, Tao Zhang*, J. M. Schwarz*, "Mean field elastic moduli of a three-dimensional cell-based vertex model", New Journal of Physics 26, 043009 (2024) DOI

    Clémentine Villeneuve, Ali Hashmi, Irene Ylivinkka, Elizabeth Lawson-Keister, Yekaterina A. Miroshnikova, Carlos Pérez-González, Satu-Marja Myllymäki, Fabien Bertillot, Bhagwan Yadav, Tao Zhang, Danijela Matic Vignjevic, Marja L. Mikkola, M. Lisa Manning* & Sara A. Wickström*, "Mechanical forces across compartments coordinate cell shape and fate transitions to generate tissue architecture", Nature Cell Biology 26, 207–218 (2024)    DOI

    Lawson-Keister E, Tao Zhang, Nazari F, Fagotto F, Manning ML*, "Differences in boundary behavior in the 3D vertex and Voronoi models", PLOS Computational Biology 20(1): e1011724 (2024)     DOI

    Tao Zhang*, Sarthak Gupta, Madeline A. Lancaster*, J. M. Schwarz*, "How human-derived brain organoids are built differently from brain organoids derived of genetically-close relatives: A multi-scale hypothesis", arXiv 2304.08622 (2023) DOI         bioRxiv 2023.05.25.542171 DOI

    Tao Zhang* and J. M. Schwarz*, "Topologically-protected interior for three-dimensional confluent cellular collectives", Physical Review Research 4, 043148 (2022)     DOI

    Prior to SJTU

    Tao Zhang, D. Wan, J. M. Schwarz, and M. J. Bowick, “Shape-shifting droplet networks”, Physical Review Letters 116 (10), 108301 (2016)

    Tao Zhang, B.L. Mbanga, Victor V. Yashin, and Anna C. Balazs, “Using torsion for controllable reconfiguration of binary nanoparticle networks”, ACS Nano 11 (3), 3059-3066, (2017)

    Tao Zhang, VV Yashin, JT Waters, AC Balazs, "Formation of helices with controllable chirality in gel-fiber composites", Polymer 212, 123191 (2021)

    Tao Zhang, Santidan Biswas, Julia Cuthbert, Tomasz Kowalewski, Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Anna C. Balazs, "Understanding the origin of softness in structurally tailored and engineered macromolecular (STEM) gels: A DPD study", Polymer 208, 122909 (2020)

    Julia Cuthbert, Tao Zhang, Santidan Biswas, Mateusz Olszewski, Sivaprakash Shanmugam, Travis Fu, Eric Gottlieb, Tomasz Kowalewski, Anna C. Balazs, and Krzysztof Matyjaszewski. “Structurally Tailored and Engineered Macromolecular (STEM) Gels as Soft Elastomers and Hard/Soft Interfaces”, Macromolecules 51 (22), 9184-9191 (2018)

    Tao Zhang, Victor V. Yashin, and Anna C. Balazs, “Fibers on the Surface of Thermo-responsive Gels Induce 3D Shape Changes”, Soft Matter 14 (10), 1822-1832 (2018)

    Tao Zhang, Mbanga, B. L., Victor V. Yashin, and Anna C. Balazs, "Tailoring the mechanical properties of nanoparticle networks that encompass biomimetic catch bonds", Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 56(1), 105-118 (2018)

    Tao Zhang, BL Mbanga, VV Yashin, AC Balazs, "Effects of Morphology on the Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Polymer-grafted Nanoparticle Networks", Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 2 (4), 490-499 (2017)

    Tao Zhang, R. Sknepnek, M. J. Bowick, and J. M. Schwarz, “On the modeling of endocytosis in yeast”, Biophysical Journal 108 (3), 508-519 (2015)

    Tao Zhang, J. M. Schwarz, and Moumita Das, "Mechanics of anisotropic spring networks", Physical Review E 90(6), 062139 (2014)

  • 人才培养


    郭雯静 (2022年秋季入学)

    王力扬 (2023年秋季入学)

  • 教学工作


  • 人才需求

    招收硕士研究生,欢迎联系,邮箱 [email protected]

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