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  • 教育背景

    2006-2009:世博娱乐官方网站 ,硕士,导师:郑思珣教授
    2009-2012:德国亚琛工业大学,博士,导师:Martin Moeller教授

  • 工作经历

    2013.7-至今:世博娱乐官方网站 ,讲师,副教授

  • 研究方向


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  • 代表性论文专著


    [30] Jie Xu, Huaming Wang, Lei Li*, Sixun Zheng*. React. Func. Polym. 2024, 202,105998. 

    [29] Huaming Wang, Sixun Zheng*. Polymers 2023, 15, 4634.

    [28] Lei Li, Huaming Wang, Sixun Zheng*. J. Polym. Sci. 2023, //doi.org/10.1002/pol.20230428.

    [27] Yulun Zheng, Honggang Mei, Shakir Ullah, Muhammad Usman Saees, Lei Li*, Sixun Zheng*. React. Func. Polym. 2023, 193,105768. 

    [26] Weiming Liu, Huaming Wang, Guohua Hang, Lei Li*, Sixun Zheng*. Polymer 2023, 283, 126231. 

    [25] Lei Li, Jie Xu, Yuan Gao, Jiawei Hu, Sixun Zheng*, React. Func. Polym. 2023, 191,105689. 

    [24] Bingjie Zhao, Lei Li#, Jiawei Hu, Huaming Wang, Sixun Zheng*. Polymer 2022, 242, 124591. 

    [23] Weiming Liu, Guohua Hang, Honggang Mei, Lei Li*, Sixun Zheng*. Polymers, 2022, 14, 1331. 

    [22] Lei Li, Bingjie Zhao, Yuan Gao, Jiawei Hu, Sixun Zheng*. Compos. Sci. Technol. 2021, 215, 109009. 

    [21] Lei Li, wenming Ge, Sixun Zheng*. Polymer 2021, 213, 123314. 

    [20] Lei Li#, Xiulian Qin#, Sixun Zheng*Euro. Polym. J. 2021, 160, 110811. 

    [19] Lei Li#, Wenjun Peng#, Liyue Liu, Sixun Zheng*Polym. Sci. Eng. 2021, 62, 392.  

    [18] Bingjie Zhao, Honggang Mei, Lei Li*, Sixun Zheng*. Polymer 2021, 230, 124042. 

    [17] Xiulian Qin, Wenming Ge, Lei Li*, Sixun Zheng*. Polym. Int. 2021, 70, 1640-1648. 

    [16] Lei Li, Yuqin Cao, Sixun Zheng*. 功能高分子学报 2021, 34, 444-451.

    [15] Yanhao Zhang, Lei Li*, Kangming Nie, Sixun Zheng*. Mater. Chem. Phys. 2020, 240, 122183.

    [14] Lei Li, Jingang Li, Sixun Zheng*. Polymer 2018, 142, 61-71. 4. 

    [13]Lei Li, Chongyin Zhang, Sixun Zheng*. J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem2017, 55, 223-233. 

    [12]Lei Li, Chongyin Zhang, Lei Wang, Sixun Zheng*. Curr. Appl. Polym. Sci2017, 1, 19-34. 11. 

    [11]Lei Li, Sixun Zheng*. Mechanical Properties of Epoxy/Block Copolymer Blends. In Handbook of Epoxy Blends, 2017, 1067-1095, Springer. 

    [10] Lei Li, Miaolin Huang, Sixun Zheng*. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 11502-11511. 

    [9]Lei Li, Sixun Zheng*. J. Appl. Polym. Sci2016, 133, 43322. 

    [8] Lei Li, Sixun Zheng*. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.  2015, 54, 171-180. 

    [7] Lei Wang, Jingang Li, Lei Li*, Sixun Zheng*, Organic-inorganic Hybrid Diblock Copolymer Composed of Poly(e-caprolactone) and Poly(MA POSS): Synthesis and Its Nanocomposites with Epoxy Resin, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 2013, 51, 2079.

    [6]. Chongyin Zhang, Lei Li, Sixun Zheng*, Formation and Confined Crystallization of Polyethylene Nanophases in Epoxy Thermosets, Macromolecules 2013, 46, 2740.
    [5] Heng Zhang, Lei Li, Martin Möller, Xiaomin Zhu*, Jaime J. Hernandez Rueda, Martin Rosenthal, Dimitri A. Ivanov*. From Channel-Forming Ionic Liquid Crystals Exhibiting Humidity-Induced Phase Transitions to Nanostructured Ion-Conducting Polymer Membranes. Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 3543.

    [4] Martin Rosenthal#, Lei Li#, Xiaomin Zhu*, Dimitri A. Ivanov*, Martin Möller. A Diacetylene-Containing Wedge-Shaped Compound: Synthesis, Morphology, and Photopolymerization. Chem. Euro. J. 2013, 19, 4300.
    [3] Lei Li, Martin Rosenthal, Heng Zhang, Jaime J. Hernandez, Markus Drechsler, Kim Hô Phan, Stephan Rütten, Xiaomin Zhu*, Dimitri A. Ivanov*, Martin Möller. Light-Switchable Vesicles from Liquid-crystalline Homopolymer-Surfactant complexes. Angew. Chem. 2012, 51, 11616.
    [2] Lei Li#, Cheng Cheng#, Marco P. Schürings, Xiaomin Zhu, Andrij Pich*. Aqueous Microgels Modified by Wedge-Shaped Amphiphilic Molecules via Acid-base Interaction: Effect of Alkyl Chain Length. Polymer, 2012, 53, 3117.
    [1] Lei Li, Martin Rosenthal, Xiaomin Zhu*, Dimitri A. Ivanov, Martin Möller. Diacetylene-Containing Wedge-Shaped Molecules: Synthesis, Morphology and Properties. ACS, PMSE: Preprint, 2012, 524.

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