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1998年10月-1999年3月,上海交通大学燃料电池研究所 副所长
1999年3月-2011年6月,世博娱乐官方网站 化工系 系主任
2000年9月至2001年8月,美国能源部布鲁克黑文国家实验室(US DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory)访问科学家
2004年1-3月,德国波恩大学 DAAD高级访问学者
1999年12月-2010年3月,世博娱乐官方网站 化工系 教授
2005年6月-至今,上海交通大学能源研究院 副院长
2010年3月-2019年6月 世博娱乐官方网站 特聘教授
2010年11月-2011年4月,香港科技大学化工系 客座教授
2019年7月-至今, 世博娱乐官方网站 讲席教授
2022年3月-至今, 上海交通大学绍兴新能源与分子工程研究院 院长
[1] 国家自然科学重点基金项目:高比能长寿命钠离子电池正极材料制备及电极/电解质界面结构特性研究,21938005
[2] 浙江省尖兵领雁计划项目:钠离子电池制造及其在电动工程车辆应用中的关键技术研究,2023C01232
[3] 浙江钠创新能源有限公司:新一代钠离子电池核心材料及其规模制造过程放大技术研发与产业化
[1] Hong Wang, Bingjian Yang, Xiao-Zhen Liao, Jing Xu, Dezhi Yang, Yu-Shi He, Zi-Feng Ma. Electrochemical properties of P2-Na2/3[Ni1/3Mn2/3]O2 cathode material for sodium ion batteries when cycled in different voltage ranges, Electrochimica Acta., 2013, 113:200-204
[2] Dezhi Yang, Xiao-Zhen Liao, Bowen Huang, Jiani Shen, Yu-Shi He, Zi-Feng Ma. Na4Fe(CN)6/NaCl solid solution cathode material with enhanced electrochemical performances for sodium ion batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1(43):13417-13421
[3] Dezhi Yang, Jing Xu, Xiao-Zhen Liao, Yu-Shi He, Haimei Liu,Zi-Feng Ma, Structure optimization of prussian blue analogue cathode materials for advanced sodium ion batteries, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50(87):13377-13380
[4] Dezhi Yang, Xiao-Zhen Liao, JifuShen, Yu-Shi He, Zi-Feng Ma, A flexible and binder-free reduced graphene oxide/Na2/3[Ni1/3Mn2/3]O2 composite electrode for high-performance sodium ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014,2:6723-6726.
[5] Hong Wang, Xiao-Zhen Liao, Yang Yang, Xiaomin Yan, Yu-Shi He, and Zi-Feng Ma, Large-scale synthesis of NaNi1/3Fe1/3Mn1/3O2 as high performance cathode materials for sodium ion batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2016, 163 (3) A565-A570.
[6] Yingying Xie, Hong Wang, Guiliang Xu, et al., In operando XRD and TXM study on the metastable structure change of NaNi1/3Fe1/3Mn1/3O2 under electrochemical sodium ion intercalation, Advanced Energy Materials, 2016,6(24):1601306.
[7] Haiying Che, Suli Chen, Yingying Xie, et al,Electrolyte design strategies and research progress for room-temperature sodium-ion batteries, Energy & Environment Science, 2017, 10, 1075 – 1101.
[8] Haiying Che, Jing Liu, Hong Wang, et al, Rubidium and cesium ions as the electrolyte additive for improving performance of hard carbon anode in sodium-ion battery, Electrochemistry Communications, 83(2017)20-23.
[9] Yingying Xie, Gui-Liang Xu, Haiying Che, and Zi-Feng Ma*et al., Probing Thermal and Chemical Stability of NaxNi1/3Fe1/3Mn1/3O2 Cathode Material towards Long-Life and Safe Sodium-Ion Batteries, Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30 (15):4909–4918
[10] Liqi Sun#, Yingying Xie#, Xiao-Zhen Liao*, et al,Insight into Ca-substitution effects on O3-type NaNi1/3Fe1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode materials for sodium ion batteries application, Small,2018,14(21) 1701523.
[11] Suli Chen, Fan Feng, Yimei Yin, Haiying Che, Xiao-Zhen Liao*, Zi-Feng Ma* , A solid polymer electrolyte based on star-like hyperbranched b-cyclodextrin for all-solid-state sodium batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 399(2018)363-371.
[12] Haiying Che, Xinrong Yang, Hong Wang, Xiao-Zhen Liao,* S.S Zhang, Chun Sheng Wang, Zi-Feng Ma,* Long cycle life of sodium-ion pouch cell achieved by using multiple electrolyte additives,Journal of Power Sources, 407(2018)173-179.
[13] Wan Tang, Yingying Xie, Fangwei Peng, et al, Electrochemical Performance of NaFeFe(CN)6 Prepared by Solid Reaction for Sodium Ion Batteries, Journal of Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165 (16) A3910-A3917.
[14] Suli Chen, Fan Feng, Yimei Yin, et al, Plastic crystal polymer electrolytes containing boron based anion acceptors for room temperature all-solid-state sodium-ion batteries,Energy Storage Materials,22 (2019) 57-65.
[15] Suli Chen, Haiying Che, Fan Feng, et al, Poly (vinylene carbonate)-Based Composite Polymer Electrolyte with Enhanced Interfacial Stability to Realize High Performance Room-Temperature Solid-State Sodium Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 43056−43065.
[16] Fan Feng, Suli Chen, Xiao-Zhen Liao, and Zi-Feng Ma*, Hierarchical Hollow Prussian Blue Rods Synthesized via Self-sacrifice Template as Cathode for High Performance Sodium Ion Battery, Small Methods, 2019, 3, 1800259.
[17] Yan Yu, Haiying Che*, Xinrong Yang, et al,Non-flammable Organic Electrolyte for Sodium-ion Batteries,Electrochem Commun,110 (2020) 106635.
[18] Yingying Xie, Han Gao, Ross Harder, et al, Revealing the Structural Evolution and Phase Transformation of O3-type NaNi1/3Fe1/3Mn1/3O2 Cathode Material on Sintering and Cycling Processes, ACS Advanced Energy Materials, 3(2020)6107-6114.
[19] Feng, Fan; Chen, Suli; Zhao Shiqiang, et al,Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of MnFe@NiFe Prussian Blue Analogue Benefited from the Inhibition of Mn Ions Dissolution for Sodium-Ion Batteries,Chemical Engineering Journal, 411 (2021) 128518.
[20] Suli Chen, Fan Feng, Haiying Che, Yimei Yin, Zi-Feng Ma*, High performance solid-state sodium batteries enabled by boron contained 3D composite polymer electrolyte,Chemical Engineering Journal, 406(2021)126736.
[21] Siqi Yuan, Jizhen Qi, Meidan Jiang, et al, Improved Cycling Performance of P2-Na0.67Ni0.33Mn0.67O2 Based on Sn Substitution Combined with Polypyrrole Coating, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 3793−3804.
[22] Haiying Che, Xinrong Yang, Yan Yu, Chaoliang Pan, Hong Wang, Yonghong Deng, Linsen Li, Zi-Feng, Ma*, Engineering optimization approach of nonaqueous electrolyte for sodium ion battery with long cycle life and safety,Green Energy & Environment,2021, 6(2):212-219.
[23] Yang Sun, Hong Wang,* Dechao Meng, et al,Degradation Mechanism of O3-Type NaNi1/3Fe1/3Mn1/3O2 Cathode Materials During Ambient Storage and Their In Situ Regeneration,ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021,4(3):2061-2067.
[24] Guijia Cui, Qingyu Dong, Zhuangzhou Wang, et al. Achieving highly reversible and fast sodium storage of Na4VMn(PO4)3/C-rGO composite with low-fraction rGO via spray-drying technique, Nano Energy 89 (2021) 106462.
[25] CHE Haiying, ZHANG Ziyu, YU Xinhai, et al. A novel integrated energy systems combining methanol reformed fuel cell with sodium ion battery, Green Chemical Engineering, 2(2021)251-252.
[26] Yi-Feng Feng, Jia-Ni Shen, Zi-Feng Ma, Yi-Jun He, Equivalent circuit modeling of sodium-ion batteries, Journal of Energy Storage, 43 (2021) 103233.
[27] Wanyu Zhao, Min Guo, Zhijun Zuo, Xiaoli Zhao, Huanglin Dou, Yijie Zhang, Shiying Li, Zichen Wu, Yayun Shi, Zifeng Ma, Xiaowei Yang, Engineering Sodium Metal Anode with Sodiophilic Bismuthide Penetration for Dendrite-Free and High-Rate Sodium-Ion Battery, Engineering, 11(2022)87-94.
[28] 车海英,喻妍,杨馨蓉,廖小珍,李林森,邓永红,马紫峰.基于多氟代醚和碳酸酯共溶剂的钠离子电池电解液特性.储能科学与技术,2020,9(2):392-399.
[29] 冯一峰,沈佳妮,车海英,马紫峰,贺益君,谈文,杨庆亨.钠离子电池健康状态预测.储能科学与技术,2021,10(4):1407-1415.
[30] 马紫峰,贺益君,陈建峰,新能源化工技术,化工进展,2021,40(9):4687-4695
[1] 美国发明专利,Vanadium sodium phosphate positive electrode material , sodium ion battery , preparation method therefor , and use thereof,US 2021/0167387 A1; PCT/CN2019/099660;
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中国化工学会储能工程专业委员会 名誉主任委员(2024-)
中国化工学会 理事 (2017-2022)
中国化工学会储能工程专业委员会 主任委员(2014-2024)
中国电工技术学会超级电容器与储能技术专业委员会 副主任委员(2016-)
中国化学会电化学专业委员会 委员
中国能源研究会燃料电池专业委员会 委员
《Carbon Neutrality》、《储能科学与技术》和《过程工程学报》副主编
《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》、《Green Chemical Engineering》和《电化学》等期刊编委
2007年,国家973计划 首席科学家 (电动汽车方向)
2013年,国家973计划 首席科学家 (储能方向)