


电子邮件:[email protected]
通讯地址:上海市东川路800号世博娱乐官方网站 B楼409室

  • 教育背景




  • 工作经历


    2009-:上海交通大学,世博娱乐 化工系,教授,博导

  • 研究方向




  • 科研项目





    2009-2012, 企业合作项目“合成气制乙二醇2000吨中试过程研究”

    2010-, 企业合作项目“多晶硅生产新技术500吨中试过程研究”

    2012-   企业合作项目“合成气制乙二醇十万吨级工业性示范过程研究”





  • 代表性论文专著

    Ÿ   Zhang Y. L., Li X. G., Xiao W. D., Reaction pathway and kinetic modeling for transformation of light olefins over SAPO-34 in the absence of methanol, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2022, accepted.

    Ÿ   Li H. X., Yang L. Q. Q., Chi Z. Y., Zhang Y. L., Li X. G., Reina T. R., Xiao W. D., CO2 hydrogenation to methanol over Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst: Kinetic modeling based on either single- or dual- active site mechanism, Catal. Lett., 2022, accepted.

    Ÿ   Wang Y., Yang X., Xiao L., Qi Y., Yang J., Zhu Y. A., Holmen A., Xiao W. D., Chen D., Descriptor-Based Microkinetic Modeling and Catalyst Screening for CO Hydrogenation, ACS Catal., 2021, 11 (23), 14545-14560.

    Ÿ   Peng C., Liu P., Hu Y., Xiao W. D., Pan Y., Recent progress in fabricating efficient Ni-based catalysts by cold plasma, Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2021, 40 (7), 3553-3563.

    Ÿ   Li X. G., Xiao W. D., Progress and prospects of electronic-grade monosilane commercialization in China, Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2021, 40 (9), 5231-5235.

    Ÿ   Li H., Li X. G. G., Xiao W. D., Collaborative Effect of Zinc and Phosphorus on the Modified HZSM-5 Zeolites in the Conversion of Methanol to Aromatics, Catal. Lett., 2021, 151 (4), 955-965.

    Ÿ   Wang Y., Li H. X., Li X. G., Xiao W. D., Chen D., Hydrogenation of CO to olefins over a supported iron catalyst on MgAl2O4spinel: Effects of the spinel synthesis method, RSC Advances, 2020, 10 (67), 40815-40829.

    Ÿ   Wang Y., Li H. X., Li X. G., Chen D., Xiao W. D., Effective Iron Catalysts Supported on Mixed MgO-Al2O3for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis to Olefins, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2020, 59 (25), 11462-11474.

    Ÿ   Li X. G., Huang X., Zhang Y. L., Li H., Xiao W. D., Wei Z., Effect of n-butanol cofeeding on the deactivation of methanol to olefin conversion over high-silica HZSM-5: A mechanism and kinetic study, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2020, 226.

    Ÿ   Hayat K., Li X. G., Xiao W. D., Theoretical Insights into Intracrystalline Diffusion of Olefins in MTO Catalysts, Catal. Lett., 2020, 150 (7), 2056-2067.

    Ÿ   Li H., Li X. G., Xiao W. D., Deactivation kinetics of individual C6-C9 aromatics' generation from methanol over Zn and P co-modified HZSM-5, RSC Advances, 2019, 9 (39), 22327-22335.

    Ÿ   Shen Y., He C., Chen X., Lapkin A. A., Xiao W. D., Wang C. H., Nitrogen Removal and Energy Recovery from Sewage Sludge by Combined Hydrothermal Pretreatment and CO2 Gasification, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2018, 6 (12), 16629-16636.

    Ÿ   Li X. G., Xiao W. D., Model on transport phenomena and control of rod growth uniformity in siemens CVD reactor, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2018, 117 351-358.

    Ÿ   Kong S., Qian X., Shu M., Xiao W. D., Asymmetric Addition Reaction Catalyzed by 1- (2-Hydroxynaphtha-len-1-yl)naphthalen-2-ol Functionalized Porous Organic Polymer, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 38 (10), 2754-2760.

    Ÿ   Kong S., Malik A. U., Qian X., Shu M., Xiao W. D., C-C Coupling Reactions in Water Catalyzed by Palladium, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 38 (2), 432-442.

    Ÿ   Kong S., Malik A. U., Qian X., Shu M., Xiao W. D., Asymmetric Hydrogenation of β-Keto Esters Catalyzed by Ruthenium Species Supported on Porous Organic Polymer, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 38 (3), 656-664.

    Ÿ   Kang R. Y., Yan J. M., Xiao W. D., Thermodynamic analysis of a mechanical vapor recompression evaporation system coupled with crystalization for salt separation, Asia-Pac. J. Chem. Eng., 2018, 13 (5).

    Ÿ   Chen X. D., Li X. G., Li H., Han J. J., Xiao W. D., Interaction between binder and high silica HZSM-5 zeolite for methanol to olefins reactions, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2018, 192 1081-1090.

    Ÿ   Shen Y., Tan M. T. T., Chong C., Xiao W. D., Wang C. H., An environmental friendly animal waste disposal process with ammonia recovery and energy production: Experimental study and economic analysis, Waste Manag., 2017, 68 636-645.

    Ÿ   Li X. G., Huang X., Xiao W. D., Reactive Distillation-Aided Ultrapure Silane Production from Trichlorosilane: Process Simulation and Optimization, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56 (7), 1731-1738.

    Ÿ   Li H., Huang X., Xiao W. D., Simulation of propane dehydrogenation process in a monolithic reactor, Shiyou Huagong/Petrochemical Technology, 2017, 46 (2), 209-216.

    Ÿ   Li H., Huang X., Li X. G., Xiao W. D., Simulation of ethyl-benzene dehydrogenation process in a monolithic reactor, Huaxue Gongcheng/Chemical Engineering (China), 2017, 45 (6), 55-61.

    Ÿ   Huang X., Li X. G., Li H., Xiao W. D., High-performance HZSM-5/cordierite monolithic catalyst for methanol to propylene reaction: A combined experimental and modelling study, Fuel Process. Technol., 2017, 159 168-177.

    Ÿ   Huang X., Li H., Li H., Xiao W. D., Modeling and analysis of the Lurgi-type methanol to propylene process: Optimization of olefin recycle, AIChE J., 2017, 63 (1), 306-313.

    Ÿ   Li X. G., Xiao W. D., Silane pyrolysis to silicon rod in a bell-jar reactor at high temperature and pressure: Modeling and simulation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2016, 55 (17), 4887-4896.

    Ÿ   Huang X., Li H., Xiao W. D., Chen D., Insight into the side reactions in methanol-to-olefin process over HZSM-5: A kinetic study, Chem. Eng. J., 2016, 299 263-275.

    Ÿ   Huang X., Li H., Xiao W. D., Preparation of monolithic HZSM-5/cordierite catalyst and its application in methanol to propylene, Shiyou Huagong/Petrochemical Technology, 2016, 45 (2), 156-162.

    Ÿ   Huang X., Li H., Li H., Xiao W. D., A computationally efficient multi-scale simulation of a multi-stage fixed-bed reactor for methanol to propylene reactions, Fuel Process. Technol., 2016, 150 104-116.

    Ÿ   Huang X., Aihemaitijiang D., Xiao W. D., Co-reaction of methanol and olefins on the high silicon HZSM-5 catalyst: A kinetic study, Chem. Eng. J., 2016, 286 150-164.

    Ÿ   Fan C., Luo M., Xiao W. D., Reaction mechanism of methyl nitrite dissociation during co catalytic coupling to dimethyl oxalate: A density functional theory study, Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 2016, 24 (1), 132-139.

    Ÿ   Liu S. S., Xiao W. D., CFD-PBM coupled simulation of silicon CVD growth in a fluidized bed reactor: Effect of silane pyrolysis kinetic models, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2015, 127 84-94.

    Ÿ   Liu S. S., Li H., Xiao W. D., Sintering effect on crystallite size, hydrogen bond structure and morphology of the silane-derived silicon powders, Powder Technol., 2015, 273 40-46.

    Ÿ   Huang X., Aihemaitijiang D., Xiao W. D., Reaction pathway and kinetics of C3-C7 olefin transformation over high-silicon HZSM-5 zeolite at 400-490°C, Chem. Eng. J., 2015, 280 222-232.

    Ÿ   Liu S. S., Xiao W. D., Numerical simulations of particle growth in a silicon-CVD fluidized bed reactor via a CFD-PBM coupled model, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2014, 111 112-125.

    Ÿ   Liu S. S., Xiao W. D., Evaluation of the flow behavior in a large-scale polydisperse particle fluidized system by an energy minimization multiscale-eulerian combined model, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53 (36), 14113-14126.

    Ÿ   Huang X., Xiao W. D., Progresses in catalytic reactors for methanol dehydration to propylene, Shiyou Huagong/Petrochemical Technology, 2014, 43 (12), 1359-1363.

    Ÿ   Ding W. J., Yan J. M., Xiao W. D., Hydrogenation of silicon tetrachloride in the presence of silicon: Thermodynamic and experimental investigation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53 (27), 10943-10953.

    Ÿ   Ding W. J., Wang Z. B., Yan J. M., Xiao W. D., CuCl-catalyzed hydrogenation of silicon tetrachloride in the presence of silicon: Mechanism and kinetic modeling, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53 (43), 16725-16735.

    Ÿ   Wu W., Guo W., Xiao W. D., Luo M., Methanol conversion to olefins (MTO) over H-ZSM-5: Evidence of product distribution governed by methanol conversion, Fuel Process. Technol., 2013, 108 19-24.

    Ÿ   Lei C., Gu S., Yan J., Xiao W. D., Characterization of Cu/SiO2 catalyst and its performance in hydrogenation of ethyl acetate to ethanol, Shiyou Huagong/Petrochemical Technology, 2013, 42 (6), 615-619.

    Ÿ   Huang X., Ding W. J., Yan J. M., Xiao W. D., Reactive distillation column for disproportionation of trichlorosilane to silane: Reducing refrigeration load with intermediate condensers, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52 (18), 6211-6220.

    Ÿ   Guo W., Wu W., Luo M., Xiao W. D., Modeling of diffusion and reaction in monolithic catalysts for the methanol-to-propylene process, Fuel Process. Technol., 2013, 108 133-138.

    Ÿ   Fan C., Xiao W. D., Origin of site preference of CO and NO adsorption on Pd(111) at different coverages: A density functional theory study, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2013, 1004 22-30.

    Ÿ   Chen J., Xiao W. D., Numerical simulation of turbulent flow field in industrial-scale side-entering stirred tank, Huaxue Gongcheng/Chemical Engineering (China), 2013, 41 (8), 38-42+70.

    Ÿ   Chen J., Xiao W. D., Solids suspension study in a side-entering stirred tank through CFD modeling, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2013, 11 (1), 331-346.

    Ÿ   Chen J., Xiao W. D., Gas-liquid flow dynamics simulation in side-entering stirred tank, Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal, 2013, 64 (7), 2344-2352.

    Ÿ   Zhu L. T., Yan J. M., Xiao W. D., Determination and correlation of VLE data for ethylene glycol and 1, 2-butanediol system, Huaxue Gongcheng/Chemical Engineering (China), 2012, 40 (7), 34-37.

    Ÿ   Zhang H. P., Li W., Xiao W. D., Attrition resistant catalyst of direct dimethyl ether synthesis,  Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, pp. 97-101.

    Ÿ   Zhang H., Li W., Xiao W. D., Studies on deactivation of the catalyst in direct dimethyl ether synthesis, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2012, 10 (1).

    Ÿ   Wu W., Guo W., Xiao W. D., Yan J., Luo M., Reaction path for formation of by-products in co-reaction of methanol and C 4-C 6 alkenes to propylene, Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal, 2012, 63 (2), 493-499.

    Ÿ   Guo W., Xiao W. D., Luo M., Comparison among monolithic and randomly packed reactors for the methanol-to-propylene process, Chem. Eng. J., 2012, 207-208 734-745.

    Ÿ   Zhang H., Li W., Xiao W. D., Progress in catalyst deactivation study for direct synthesis of dimethyl ether, Shiyou Huagong/Petrochemical Technology, 2011, 40 (7), 795-799.

    Ÿ   Wu W., Guo W., Xiao W. D., Yan J., Luo M., Thermodynamic study on methanol conversion to propylene, Shiyou Huagong/Petrochemical Technology, 2011, 40 (5), 499-505.

    Ÿ   Wu W., Guo W., Xiao W. D., Luo M., Dominant reaction pathway for methanol conversion to propene over high silicon H-ZSM-5, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2011, 66 (20), 4722-4732.

    Ÿ   Wang F., Luo M., Xiao W. D., Cheng X., Long Y., Coking behavior of submicron ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst in dehydration of ethanol to ethylene, Shiyou Huagong/Petrochemical Technology, 2011, 40 (1), 12-17.

    Ÿ   Wang F., Luo M., Xiao W. D., Cheng X., Long Y., Coking behavior of a submicron MFI catalyst during ethanol dehydration to ethylene in a pilot-scale fixed-bed reactor, Appl. Catal., A, 2011, 393 (1-2), 161-170.

    Ÿ   Wang F., Luo M., Xiao W. D., Cheng X., Long Y., Erratum: Coking behavior of a submicron MFI catalyst during ethanol dehydration to ethylene in a pilot-scale fixed-bed reactor (Applied Catalysis A: General (2011) 393 (161-170)), Appl. Catal., A, 2011, 398 (1-2), 195.

    Ÿ   Wang F., Luo M., Xiao W. D., Catalytic performance and coking behavior of a submicron HZSM-5 zeolite in ethanol dehydration, Chin. J. Chem., 2011, 29 (7), 1326-1334.

    Ÿ   Wang F., Luo M., Xiao W. D., Ethanol dehydration and coke evolution on a submicron ZSM-5 zeolite, Shiyou Xuebao, Shiyou Jiagong/Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section), 2011, 27 (5), 712-718.

    Ÿ   Luan W., Gu S., Zhou J., Xiao W. D., The preparation technology of methylphenylcyclosiloxane, Huaxue Fanying Gongcheng Yu Gongyi/Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology, 2011, 27 (1), 16-20.

    Ÿ   Liang F., Gu S., Xiao W. D., Influence of precursor concentration on performance of catalysts prepared for the hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalates, Huaxue Fanying Gongcheng Yu Gongyi/Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology, 2011, 27 (1), 54-58+72.

    Ÿ   Wang F., Luo M., Xiao W. D., The pretreatment and coking behavior of submicron ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst during ethanol dehydration, Huaxue Fanying Gongcheng Yu Gongyi/Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology, 2010, 26 (6), 500-508.

    Ÿ   Fan W. W., Wang X. J., Li W., Xiao W. D., Adsorption separation of dimethyl carbonate and methanol azeotrope, Huaxue Gongcheng/Chemical Engineering (China), 2010, 38 (1), 10-13.

    Ÿ   Xin Z. L., Zhang J. L., Zhang D. Q., Xiao W. D., Experimental study on the simultaneous removal of SO2 and NO by high efficiency liquid absorbent, Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 2009, 29 (17), 76-82.

    Ÿ   Mao Y. p, Chen H., Long X. l, Xiao W. D, Li W., Yuan W. k, Experimental determination of equilibrium constant for the complexing reaction of nitric oxide with hexamminecobalt(II) in aqueous solution, J. Hazard. Mater., 2009, 162 (1), 99-102.

    Ÿ   Liu X., Ji Y., Li W., Xiao W. D., Preparation and catalytic activity of egg-shelled catalyst Pd/α-Al2O3, Cuihua Xuebao / Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2009, 30 (3), 213-217.

    Ÿ   Liu S. Y., Gao J., Xiao W. D., Ye Z. X., Xu C. H., Oxidation of calcium sulfite in the citric acid-enhanced limestone flue gas desulphurization system, Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society, 2009, 34 (11), 1531-1534.

    Ÿ   Ji Y., Liu G., Li W., Xiao W. D., The mechanism of CO coupling reaction to form dimethyl oxalate over Pd/α-Al2O3, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 2009, 314 (1-2), 63-70.

    Ÿ   Cui N., Zhou G., Li W., Xiao W. D., Numerical simulation of flow field in the slurry pond of a flue-gas desulfurization tower, Huaxue Fanying Gongcheng Yu Gongyi/Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology, 2009, 25 (2), 126-131.

    Ÿ   Zhou L., Wang F., Luo M., Xiao W. D., Cheng X., Long Y., Deactivation and regeneration of ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts for ethanol dehydration, Petrochemical Technology, 2008, 37 (4), 333-337.

    Ÿ   Mao Y. P., Bi W., Long X. L., Xiao W. D., Li W., Yuan W. k, Kinetics for the simultaneous absorption of nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide with the hexamminecobalt solution, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2008, 62 (1), 183-191.

    Ÿ   Long X. l, Xin Z. l, Chen M. b, Li W., Xiao W. D, Yuan W. k, Kinetics for the simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 with cobalt ethylenediamine solution, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2008, 58 (3), 328-334.

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Cheng H., Xin Z. L., Xiao W. D., Li W., Yuan W. K., Adsorption of ammonia on activated carbon from aqueous solutions, Environ. Prog., 2008, 27 (2), 225-233.

    Ÿ   Liu S. Y., Xiao W. D., Liu P., Gao J., Liu J. Y., Ye Z. X., Xu C. H., Acetic acid-enhanced coarse limestone flue gas desulfurization technology in spray tower, Xiandai Huagong/Modern Chemical Industry, 2008, 28 (6), 72-75+77.

    Ÿ   Cheng X., Jin Y., Wang J., Guo J., Long Y., Xiao W. D., Dehydration of diluted ethanol to ethylene on binder-free HZSM-5 zeolite catalyst, Petrochemical Technology, 2008, 37 (6), 548-553.

    Ÿ   Zhang Q., Huang W., Wen F., Xiao W. D., Hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate to ethylene glycol, Petrochemical Technology, 2007, 36 (4), 340-344.

    Ÿ   Xin Z. L., Chen M. B., Xiao W. D., Long X. L., Kinetics of NO absorption in aqueous [Co(en)3]2+ solution, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2007, 33 (1), 5-9.

    Ÿ   Long X. l, Xin Z. l, Chen M. b, Xiao W. D, Yuan W. k, Nitric oxide absorption into cobalt ethylenediamine solution, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2007, 55 (2), 226-231.

    Ÿ   Lin Q., Ji Y., Jiang Z. D., Xiao W. D., Effects of precursors on preparation of Pd/α-alumina catalyst for synthesis of dimethyl oxalate, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2007, 46 (24), 7950-7954.

    Ÿ   Zhao X., Xiao W. D., Study on homogeneous transesterification of ethylene carbonate with ethanol, Huaxue Fanying Gongcheng Yu Gongyi/Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology, 2006, 22 (5), 418-423.

    Ÿ   Xin Z. L., Long X. L., Xiao W. D., Oxidative catalytic absorption of NO in aqueous ammonia solution with hexamminecobalt complex,  Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 2006, pp. 229-232.

    Ÿ   Xin Z. L., Chen M. B., Xiao W. D., Long X. L., Removal of NO with [Co(en)3]2+ solution, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2006, 32 (11), 1258-1261.

    Ÿ   Xiao W. D., A novel ammonia-based FGD process: Experiences of a 60MW demonstration, 23rd Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, PCC - Coal-Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, 2006,

    Ÿ   Sun L., Fu J. Y., Li W., Zhan X. L., Xiao W. D., Binary vapor-liquid equilibrium of methyl glycolate and ethylene glycol, Fluid Phase Equilib., 2006, 250 (1-2), 33-36.

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Li W., Xiao W. D., Yuan W. K., Novel homogeneous catalyst system for the oxidation of concentrated ammonium sulfite, J. Hazard. Mater., 2006, 129 (1-3), 260-265.

    Ÿ   Liu S. Y., Xiao W. D., Modeling and simulation of a bubbling SO2 absorber with granular limestone slurry and an organic acid additive, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2006, 29 (10), 1167-1173.

    Ÿ   Liu S., Xiao W. D., New wet flue gas desulfurization process using granular limestone and organic acid additives, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2006, 4 1-16.

    Ÿ   Liu S., Liu X., Xiao W. D., Wet flue gas desulfurization by organic acid-enhanced coarse limestone, Huagong Xuebao/Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2006, 57 (4), 927-931.

    Ÿ   Zhao X. G., Lin Q., Xiao W. D., Characterization of Pd-CeO2/α-alumina catalyst for synthesis of dimethyl oxalate, Appl. Catal., A, 2005, 284 (1-2), 253-257.

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Xiao W. D., Yuan W. K., Simultaneous absorption of NO and SO2 into hexamminecobalt(II)/ iodide solution, Chemosphere, 2005, 59 (6), 811-817.

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Xiao W. D., Yuan W. K., Removal of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide using cobalt ethylenediamine solution, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2005, 44 (4), 686-691.

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Xiao W. D., Yuan W. K., Kinetics of gas-liquid reaction between NO and Co(en)33+, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2005, 44 (12), 4200-4205.

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Xiao W. D., Yuan W. K., Kinetics of gas-liquid reaction between NO and Co(NH3) 62+, J. Hazard. Mater., 2005, 123 (1-3), 210-216.

    Ÿ   Liu S. Y., Zhang Q. Y., Xiao W. D., Limestone dissolution with organic acid additives in wet flue gas desulfurization, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2005, 31 (5), 557-562.

    Ÿ   Li Z. X., Qian Z. G., Zhao X. G., Xiao W. D., Effect of supports on copper-based catalysts for dimethyl oxalates hydrogenation, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2005, 31 (1), 27-30+51.

    Ÿ   Huangfu G., Li W., Xiao W. D., Zhu L., Wang J., Measurements of residence time distribution of liquid phase in m-xylene oxidation reactor with bubbling, Petrochemical Technology, 2005, 34 (6), 565-568.

    Ÿ   Zhao X., Lü X., Zhao H., Zhu Y., Xiao W. D., Study on Pd/α-Al2O3 catalyst for vapor-phase coupling reaction of CO with CH3ONO to (CH3OOC)2, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2004, 25 (2), 125-128.

    Ÿ   Xiao W. D., Teng L., Lu W., Progress in the study of the mechanism and kinetics of synthesis of methanol and DME from syngas, Petrochemical Technology, 2004, 33 (6), 497-507.

    Ÿ   Teng L. H., Lu W. Z., Li X., Zhao X. G., Xiao W. D., Multifunctional catalytic synergy in the dimethyl ether synthesis process, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2004, 30 (4), 365.

    Ÿ   Teng L. H., Lu W. Z., Li X., Zhao X. G., Xiao W. D., Study on catalyst C207-HZSM-5 for dimethyl ether synthesis, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2004, 30 (5), 493.

    Ÿ   Lu W. Z., Teng L. H., Xiao W. D., Simulation and experiment study of dimethyl ether synthesis from syngas in a fluidized-bed reactor, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2004, 59 (22-23), 5455-5464.

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Xin Z. L., Wang H. X., Xiao W. D., Yuan W. K., Simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 with hexamminecobalt(II) solution coupled with the hexamminecobalt(II) regeneration catalyzed by activated carbon, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2004, 54 (1), 25-32.

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Xiao W. D., Yuan W. K., Removal of nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide from flue gas using a hexamminecobalt(II)/iodide solution, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2004, 43 (15), 4048-4053.

    Ÿ   Li Z. X., Qian Z. G., Zhao X. G., Xiao W. D., Research on the precursor of catalyst Cu/SiO2 for hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2004, 30 (6), 613-617.

    Ÿ   Li Z., Qian Z., Zhao X., Xiao W. D., Studies on hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate on Cu/SiO2 catalyst, Huaxue Fanying Gongcheng Yu Gongyi/Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology, 2004, 20 (2), 121.

    Ÿ   Fang Y. J., Xiao W. D., Experimental and modeling studies on a homogeneous reactive distillation system for dimethyl carbonate synthesis by transesterification, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2004, 34 (1-3), 255-263.

    Ÿ   Long X., Xiao W. D., Yuan W., Kinetics of gas-liquid reaction of no with Co(NH3)62+, Huagong Xuebao/Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2003, 54 (9), 1264-1268.

    Ÿ   Li P., Lu G., Zhao X., Xiao W. D., Effect of SO2 on NO catalytic oxidation studied by TPD method, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2003, 24 (9), 681-686.

    Ÿ   Zhang B. Q., Zhang Z., Xiao W. D., Zhu K. H., Study on liquid phase oxidation of p-toluic acid, Petrochemical Technology, 2002, 31 (6), 436-439.

    Ÿ   Shen R. C., Fang Y. J., Xiao W. D., Zhu K. H., Synthesis of diphenyl carbonate from dimethyl carbonate and phenylacetate, Shiyou Huagong/Petrochemical Technology, 2002, 31 (11), 897.

    Ÿ   Lu W. Z., Teng L. H., Xiao W. D., Theoretical analysis of fluidized-bed reactor for dimethyl ether synthesis from syngas, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2002, 1 (1).

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Xiao W. D., Yuan W. K., Studies on removal of NO with ammoniac cobalt solution, Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue/China Environmental Science, 2002, 22 (6), 511.

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Xiao W. D., Yuan W. K., Reaction process of ammonium salt from hydroxyimidodisulfate I. Kinetics of the sulphonation of potassium hydroxyimidodisulfate, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2002, 28 (5), 468.

    Ÿ   Long X. L., Xiao W. D., Yuan W. K., Reaction process of ammonium salt from hydroxyimidodisulfate II. Kinetics of hydrolyses of amino sulfonate, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2002, 28 (5), 472.

    Ÿ   Du D., Wang J., Fang Y., Xiao W. D., Lu X., Hydrodynamics of Plural Tray - (I) Effect of hole diameter and free area of plural tray on hydrodynamic properties, Huagong Xuebao/Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2002, 53 (7), 685-689.

    Ÿ   Du D., Wang J., Fang Y., Xiao W. D., Lu X., Hydrodynamics of Plural Tray - (II) Effect of operating variable and liquid physical property on sieve tray, Huagong Xuebao/Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2002, 53 (7), 690-694.

    Ÿ   Wang H., Zhao X. G., Xiao W. D., Wang J., Yuan W. K., Reaction mechanism of NO catalytic oxidation over supported metal oxides, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2001, 27 (1), 6.

    Ÿ   Wang H., Zhao X. G., Xiao W. D., Lu W. Z., Yuan W. K., Quantitative analysis of multi-component with FTIR and its application, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2001, 27 (1), 1.

    Ÿ   Luo H. P., Zhou J. H., Xiao W. D., Zhu K. H., Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria of binary mixtures containing dimethyl carbonate under atmospheric pressure, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2001, 46 (4), 842-845.

    Ÿ   Li W., Zhou J. H., Xiao W. D., Oxidation of concentrated ammonium sulfite, Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2001, 27 (3), 226.

    Ÿ   Li P., Zhao Y., Lu G. Z., Zhao X. G., Lu W. Z., Xiao W. D., Effect of SO2 on NO Catalytic Oxidation( II ) - Interaction between γ-Al2O3 Support and SO2, Kao Teng Hsueh Hsiao Hua Heush Hsueh Pao/ Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2001, 22 (12), 2075-2076.

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    Ÿ   Zhao X., Wang H., Xiao W. D., Wang J., Effect of SO2 on catalytic oxidation of NO over Co3O4/Al2O3, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2000, 21 (3), 239-242.

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    Ÿ   Lu W., Zhao X., Wang H., Xiao W. D., Catalytic oxidation of NO, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2000, 21 (5), 423-427.

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