电子邮件:[email protected]; [email protected]
● 1999-2002:中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所,材料物理与化学,博士
● 1996-1999:哈尔滨工程大学,应用电化学,硕士
● 1992-1996:哈尔滨工程大学,电化学,学士
● 2002-至今:世博娱乐官方网站 ,讲师、副教授、研究员 、博士生导师
● 2008-2009:Electrochemical Engine Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 访问学者
● 电化学新能源系统及其相关材料
● 氢能与燃料电池
● 锂空气电池
● 锂/钠/钾离子电池
● 电池回收技术
● 21776176:锂空气电池用过渡金属硫化物催化剂的研究(面上项目,2018.1-2021.12)
● 21476138:无膜无氧直接甲醇燃料电池的基础研究(面上项目,2015.1-2018.12)
● 21176155:锂空气电池阴极微结构的有效构筑及关键材料研究(面上项目,2012.1-2015.12)
● 20776085:喷雾裂解法制备高性能非贵金属氧还原电催化剂的研究(面上项目,2008.1-2010.12)
● 20206016:锂离子电池正极材料界面传递过程及其结构相变(青年基金,2003.1-2003.12)
专著 - 主编:
● 《锂空气电池》,主编:麦立强、原鲜霞、丁圣琪,化学工业出版社,2023年, ISBN:978-7-122-42775-5.
● Lithium-ion Batteries: Advanced Materials and Technologies, Editors: Xianxia Yuan, Hansan Liu, Jiujun Zhang. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA. 2011. ISBN: 9781439841280.
专著 - 参与编写:
● Rizwan Haider, Xianxia Yuan, Muhammad Bilal, Chapter: Oxygen reduction reaction, in Methods of Electrocatalysis: Advanced Materials and Allied Applications, (Editors: Inamuddin, Rajender Boddula, Abdullah M. Asiri), Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-27160-2.
● Dong-Yun Zhang, Xianxia Yuan, Zi-Feng Ma, Chapter 2: Polarization curve in Handbook of PEM Fuel Cell Durability, Volume 2: PEM Fuel Cell Diagnostic Tools (editors: Hai-Jiang Wang, Hui Li, Xiao-Zi Yuan), CRC press, USA, 2011. ISBN:9781439839171.
● 《化学电源测试原理与技术》,主编:杨军,解晶莹,王久林,化学工业出版社,2006年6月. ISBN:9787502585587.
● Yi Wan, Wenrui Wei, Shengqi Ding, Liang Wu, Haiying Qin, Xianxia Yuan*. A multi-site synergistic effect in high-entropy alloy for efficient hydrogen evolution. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 2414554.
● Shengqi Ding, Chenrui Zhang, Liang Wu, Xianxia Yuan*. Anion-cation coupled electrolyte additive enhancing the performance of lithium-oxygen batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 500, 156757.
● Yi Wan, Wenrui Wei, Shengqi Ding, Liang Wu, Xianxia Yuan*. Achieving efficient oxygen evolution on high-entropy sulfide utilizing low electronegativity of Al. Small, 2024, 20, 2404689.
● Shengqi Ding, Liang Wu, Xianxia Yuan*, Enhanced Li-O2 battery performance using NiS/MoS2 heterostructure by building internal electric field to promote the one-electron oxygen reduction/oxidation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 673, 909–921.
● Yu Huang, Wenrui Wei, Rizwan Haider, Shengqi Ding, Liang Wu, Yixiao Zhang, Yueliang Gu*, Wen Wen, Xianxia Yuan*, Unfolding the potassium storage mechanism of tin selenides, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 485, 150037.
● Yu Huang, Wenrui Wei, Sunjie Xu, Rizwan Haider, Renhuan Li, Yi Fan,* Zhidong Jiang*, Xianxia Yuan*. Se-C bond in SnSe2-porous biomass carbon boosting fast and durable potassium storage. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38, 12192−12201.
● Noreen Akhtar, Nimra Nadeem, Muhammad Yaseen, Asim Jillani, Asif Mahmood, Usman Zubair, Rizwan Haider, Xianxia Yuan, Muhammad Zahid*, Solar light-driven photocatalytic degradation potential of g-C3N4 based binary chalcogenides (AgBiS2/g-C3N4), Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2024, 316, 129067.
● Shengqi Ding, Liang Wu, Xianxia Yuan*, Regulating d-orbital electronic configuration of Ni-based chalcogenides to enhance the oxygen electrode reactions in Li-O2 batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 478, 147473.
● Shengqi Ding, Liang Wu, Fang Zhang, Xianxia Yuan*, Modulating Electronic Structure with Copper Doping to Promote the Electrocatalytic Performance of Cobalt Disulfide in Li-O2 Batteries, Small 2023, 19, 2300602.
● Ayaz Muzammil, Rizwan Haider, Wenrui Wei, Yi Wan, Muhammad Ishaq, Muhammad Zahid*, Waleed Yaseen, Xianxia Yuan*, Emerging transition metal and carbon nanomaterial hybrids as electrocatalysts for water splitting: a brief review, Materials Horizons, 2023, 10, 2764-2799.
● Rizwan Haider, Shenqi Ding, Wenrui Wei, Yi Wan, Yu Huang, Renhuan Li*, Liang Wu, Ayaz Muzammil, Yi Fan, Xianxia Yuan*, Boosting Oxygen Reduction Reaction using High Surface Area Graphitic-N Dominant Nitrogen Doped Carbon. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2023, 11, 18387-18397.
● Rizwan Haider, Yi Wan, Yu Huang, Ayaz Muzammil, Renhuan Li, Muhammad Zahid, Asif Mahmood, Yi Fan*, Xianxia Yuan*, Hollow Nitrogen-doped Carbon Spheres with Presiding Graphitic Nitrogen for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2023, 170, 114502.
● Sunjie Xu, Yu Huang, Wenrui Wei, Yi Fan, Zhidong Jiang*, Renhuan Li*, Xianxia Yuan*, Long-cycling and High-rate Potassium Storage Enabled by Sulfur Doped Carbon Derived from Disposable Chopsticks, Energy & Fuels, 2023, 37, 14375-14382.
● Kun Wang, Jianhao Huang, Haixin Chen, Yi Wang, Wei Yan, Xianxia Yuan*, Shuqin Song*, Jiujun Zhang*, Xueliang Sun, Recent Progress in High Entropy Alloys for Electrocatalysts, Electrochemical Energy Reviews 2022, 5, 17.
● Mengting Xu, Shengqi Ding, Xuebin Yu, Zi-Feng Ma, Xianxia Yuan*. Optimization of Yolk-Shell NiCo2S4 Spheres as Catalyst for High Performance Rechargeable Li-O2 Battery. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2022, 5, 10415-10426.
● Yu Huang, Rizwan Haider, Sunjie Xu, Kanghong Liu, Zi-Feng Ma, Xianxia Yuan*, Recent Progress of Novel Non-Carbon Anode Materials for Potassium-Ion Battery. Energy Storage Materials 51 (2022) 327–360.
● Yu Huang, Shengqi Ding, Sunjie Xu, Zi-Feng Ma, Jiulin Wang, Xianxia Yuan*, Highly effective solid electrolyte interface on SnO2@C enabling stable potassium storage performance. Chemical Engineering Journal 446 (2022) 137265.
● Yu Huang, Shengqi Ding, Sunjie Xu, Zi-Feng Ma, Xianxia Yuan*, Binder-free SnS2 sheet array with high sulfur vacancy concentration for enhanced lithium storage performance. Electrochimica Acta 409 (2022) 139979.
● Rizwan Haider, Yichan Wen, Zi-Feng Ma, David P. Wilkinson, Lei Zhang, Xianxia Yuan*, Shuqin Song*, Jiujun Zhang*. High temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells: progress in advanced materials and key technologies. Chemical Society Reviews 50 (2021) 1138-1187.
● Jingjuan Li, Shengqi Ding, Shiming Zhang, Wei Yan, Zi-Feng Ma, Xianxia Yuan*, Liqiang Mai*, Jiujun Zhang*. Catalytic redox mediators for non-aqueous Li-O2 battery. Energy Storage Materials 43 (2021) 97-119.
● Shengqi Ding, Shuang Liu, Jingjuan Li, Liang Wu, Zi-Feng Ma, Xianxia Yuan*. Multifunctional Catalyst CuS for Non-Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium-Oxygen Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (2021) 50065-50075.
● Yanqing Wang, Shengqi Ding, Jingjuan Li, Liang Wu, Zhidong Jiang*, Zi-Feng Ma, Xianxia Yuan*. Study on Spinel Iron-based Chalcogenides as Bi-functional Cathode Catalysts for Li-O2 Battery. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 168 (2021) 040528.
● Shengqi Ding, Xuebin Yu, Zi-Feng Ma, Xianxia Yuan*. A review of rechargeable aprotic lithium-oxygen batteries based on theoretical and computational investigations. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (2021) 8160-8194.
● Weili Liu, Xianxia Yuan, Xuebin Yu. One-Step Solvothermal Route to Sn4P3-Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanohybrids as Cycle-Stable Anode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (2021) 12016-12024.
● Jingjuan Li, Xiaoyan Hou, Ya Mao, Chunyan Lai, Xianxia Yuan*. Enhanced Performance of Aprotic Electrolyte Li-O2 Batteries with SnS2-SnO2/C Heterostructure as Efficient Cathode Catalyst. Energy & Fuels 34(2020)14995-15003.
● Shuling Li, Zhidong Jiang*, Xiaoyan Hou, Jin Xu, Mengting Xu, Xuebin Yu, Zi-Feng Ma, Jun Yang, Xianxia Yuan*. Improved performance of lithium-air batteries with α-MnS as cathode catalyst. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 167(2020)020520.
● Shuo Yao, Taizhong Huang*, Hengyi Fang, Jiemei Yu, Mayilvel Dinesh Meganathan, Zhaoxin Cui, Xianxia Yuan*. Investigation on cobalt sulfides as efficient catalyst towards oxygen reduction reactions. Chinese Chemical Letters 31(2020)530-534.
● Mengting Xu, Xiaoyan Hou, Xuebin Yu, Zi-Feng Ma, Jun Yang, and Xianxia Yuan*, Spinel NiCo2S4 as excellent bi-functional cathode catalysts for rechargeable Li-O2 batteries, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 166(2019)6:F406-F413.
● Xiaoyan Hou, Ya Mao, Jun Yang, Zi-Feng Ma and Xianxia Yuan*, Improved performance of rechargeable Li-O2 batteries with plate-like SnS2 as efficient cathode catalyst, ChemElectroChem 5(2018)3373-3378.
● Xiaoyan Hou, Yufeng Jiang, Yu-Shi He*, Zi-Feng Ma, Jun Yang, Xianxia Yuan*. Low-cost Nickel Phosphide as an Efficient Bifunctional Cathode Catalyst for Li-O2 Batteries, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165(2018)11:A2904-A2908.
● Weili Liu, Xianxia Yuan and Xuebin Yu, A core–shell structure of polydopamine-coated phosphorus–carbon nanotube composite for high-performance sodium-ion batteries, Nanoscale 10(2018)16675-16682.
● Lin Wei, Xianxia Yuan, Fangming Jiang. A three-dimensional non-isothermal model for a membraneless direct methanol redox fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources 385(2018)130-140.
● Jin Xu, Zhidong Jiang*, Zi-Feng Ma, Xianxia Yuan*. Microwave-assisted synthesis of monophase low-platinum PtRu alloy nanoparticles and the catalytic performance towards methanol oxidation. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 164(2017)14:F1641-F1647.
● Shuling Li, Jin Xu, Zhong Ma, Shiming Zhang, Xiufang Wen, Xuebin Yu, Jun Yang, Zi-Feng Ma , Xianxia Yuan*. NiMn2O4 as an Efficient Cathode Catalyst for Rechargeable Lithium-air Batteries, Chemical Communications 53(2017)8164-8167.
● Delong Mei, Xianxia Yuan*, Zhong Ma, Ping Wei, Xuebin Yu, Jun Yang, Zi-Feng Ma. SnO2-based cathode catalyst for lithium air batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8(2016)20:12804-12811.
● Xianxia Yuan*, Lin Li, Zhong Ma, Xuebin Yu, Xiufang Wen, Zi-Feng Ma, Lei Zhang, David P. Wilkinsone, Jiujun Zhang. Novel nanowire-structured polypyrrole-cobalt composite as efficient catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. Scientific Reports 6(2016)20005.
● Zhong Ma, Xianxia Yuan*, Lin Li, Zi-Feng Ma, David P. Wilkinson, Lei Zhang, Jiujun Zhang. A Review of Cathode Materials and Structures for Rechargeable Lithium-Air Batteries. Energy & Environmental Science 8(2015)2144-2198.
● Zhong Ma, Xianxia Yuan*, Lin Li, Zi-Feng Ma, Lei Zhang, Liqiang Mai, and Jiujun Zhang. Porous Ni0.14Mn0.86O1.43 Hollow Microspheres as Superior Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries. Journal of Power Sources 291(2015)156-162.
● Zhong Ma, Xianxia Yuan*, Lin Li, Zi-Feng Ma. Double Perovskite Oxide Sr2CrMoO6-δ as an Efficient Electrocatalyst for Rechargeable Lithium Air Batteries. Chemical Communications 50(2014)14855-14858.
● Hao-Dong Sha, Xianxia Yuan*, Lin Li, Zhong Ma, Zi-Feng Ma, Lei Zhang, Jiujun Zhang, Experimental identification of the active sites in pyrolyzed carbon-supported cobalt-polypyrrole-4-toluenesulfinic acid as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction, Journal of Power Sources 255(2014)76-84.
● Xianxia Yuan, Xin-Long Ding, Chao-Yang Wang*, Zi-Feng Ma. Use of polypyrrole in catalysts for low temperature fuel cells. Energy & Environmental Science 6 (2013)4:1105-1124.
● Hui-Juan Zhang, Xianxia Yuan*, Liangliang Sun, Junhe Yang, Zi-Feng Ma*, Zongping Shao. Synthesis and characterization of binary non-precious metal electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta 77(2012)324-29.
● Xianxia Yuan, Xin Zeng, Hui-Juan Zhang, Zi-Feng Ma, Chao-Yang Wang. Improved Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells with p-Toluenesulfonic Acid-Doped Co-PPy/C as Cathode Electrocatalyst. Journal of the American Chemical Society 132(2010)6:1754-1755.
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● 中国可再生能源学会氢能专业委员会委员(2018-)
● 2023 上海交通大学优秀班主任
● 2023 上海交通大学学生社会实践优秀指导教师
● 2022 上海产学研合作优秀项目奖三等奖 (排名2/4)
● 2020 中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明一等奖 (排名3/10)
● 2019 上海交通大学优秀党务工作者
● 2017 上海交通大学三八红旗手
● 2005 上海市科技进步三等奖 (排名4/5)
● 本科生:电化学能量储存与转换
● 研究生:电化学过程研究方法、电化学工程