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  • 教育背景

    1999. 09– 2003. 07    武汉理工大学,学士,导师:张联盟                     
    2003. 09– 2006. 07    清华大学, 硕士 ,导师:潘伟                             
    2006. 08– 2009. 07    日本筑波大学, 博士 ,导师:Takashi Sekiguchi 

  • 工作经历

    2006. 08– 2009. 07  日本物质材料研究所,初级研究员,合作导师:Takashi Sekiguchi                   
    2009. 08– 2011. 03  日本产业技术综合研究所,博士后,合作导师:Hirofumi Matsuhata
    2011. 03– 2013. 02  澳大利亚悉尼大学,博士后,合作导师:廖晓舟                                                     
    2013. 04– 2014. 05  日本物质材料研究所,博士后,合作导师:Takashi Sekiguchi   
    2014. 05– 2017. 08  美国加州理工学院,博士后,合作导师:Ahmed Zewail
    2017. 09– 至今        世博娱乐官方网站 ,特别研究员

  • 研究方向




  • 代表性论文专著

    25. C. Zheng, J. He, W. Liu, Z. Liu, L. Xu, Z. Cao, C. Jiao, B. Chen*. Ultra-long carrier lifetime of spiral perovskite nanowires realized through cooperative strategy of selective etching and passivation. Small 2404861 (2024).

    24. Y. Meng, Y. Zhou, X. Wang, W. Wei, Y. Hu, B. Chen*, D. Zhong*. Direct nanosecond multiframe imaging of irreversible dynamics in 4D electron microscopy. Nano Lett. 24, 7219-7226 (2024).

    23. C. Zheng, W. Wang, L. Xu, X. Xiang, W. Liu, B. Chen*. Boosting the carrier lifetime and optical activity of CsPbX3 nanocrystals through aromatic ligand passivation. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15, 4633-4639 (2024).

    22. B. Chen, J. Cao, D. Zhong. Chapter 10. 4D Ultrafast TEM, in book < In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy > L. Sun, T. Xu, Z. Zhang (eds.), Springer 2023.

    21. C. Jiao, Z. Cao, J. He, Z. Liu, C. Zheng, S. Peng, B. Chen*. Co@Co cages engineered from hollowing MOFs for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction performance. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 5447-5455 (2023).

    20. Z. Cao, J. He, C. Jiao, Z. Liu, L. Xu, C. Zheng, S. Peng, B. Chen*. Chiroptical activity in all-inorganic intrinsically chiral perovskite-like nanocrystals synthesized via enantioselective strategy. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14 2533-2541 (2023).

    19. Z. Cao, J. He, Z. Liu, H. Zhang, B. Chen*. Chirality affecting reaction dynamics of HgS Nanostructures simultaneously visualized in real and reciprocal space. ACS Nano 15, 16255-16265 (2021).

    18. Z. Liu, Z. Cao, J. He, H. Zhang, Y. Ge, B. Chen*. Versatile printing of substantial liquid cells for efficiently imaging in situ liquid-phase dynamics. Nano Letters 21, 6882-6890 (2021).

    17. X. Fu*, S. Liu, B. Chen, J. Tang*, Y. Zhu*. Observation and control of unidirectional ballistic dynamics of nanoparticles at a liquid-gas interface by 4D electron microscopy. ACS Nano 15, 6801-6810 (2021).

    16. J. He, Z. Liu, Z. Cao, H. Zhang, Y. Meng, B. Chen*, D. Zhong*. Visualizing the redox reaction dynamics of perovskite nanocrystals in real and reciprocal space.  J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 2550-2558 (2020).

    15. B. Chen*, X. W. Fu, M. Lysevych, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish. Four-dimensional probing of phase-reaction dynamics in Au/GaAs nanowires. Nano Letters 19, 781-786 (2019).

    14. X. W. Fu*, S. D. Pollard, B. Chen, B. K. Yoo, H. Yang, Y. Zhu*. Optical manipulation of magnetic vortices visualized in situ by Lorentz electron microscopy. Science Advances 4, eaat3077 (2018).


    13. X. W. Fu, B. Chen, J. Tang, M. Th. Hassan, A. H. Zewail. Imaging rotational dynamics of nanoparticles in liquid by 4D electron microscopy. Science 355, 494-498 (2017).

    12. B. Chen, X. W. Fu, J. Tang, M. Lysevych, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish, A. H. Zewail. Dynamics and control of gold-encapped gallium arsenide nanowires imaged by 4D electron microscopy. PNAS 114, 12876-12881 (2017).

    11. X. W. Fu, B. Chen, J. Tang, A. H. Zewail. Photoinduced nanobuble-driven superfast diffusion of nanoparticles imaged by 4D electron microscopy. Science Advances 3, e1701160 (2017).

    10. B. Chen, J. Wang, Q. Gao, Y. J. Chen, X. Z. Liao, C. S. Lu, H. H. Tan, Y. W. Mai, J. Zou, S. P. Ringer, H. J. Gao, C. Jagadish. Strengthening brittle semiconductor nanowires through stacking faults: Insights from in situ mechanical testing. Nano Letters 13, 4369-4373 (2013).

    9. B. Chen, Q. Gao, Y. B. Wang, X. Z. Liao, Y. W. Mai, H. H. Tan, J. Zou, S. P. Ringer, C. Jagadish. Anelastic behavior in GaAs semiconductor nanowires. Nano Letters 13, 3169-3172 (2013).

    8. B. Chen, Q. Gao, L. Chang, Y. B. Wang, Z. B. Chen, X. Z. Liao, H. H. Tan, J. Zou, S. P. Ringer, C. Jagadish. Attraction of semiconductor nanowires: An in situ observation. Acta Materialia 61, 7166-7172  (2013).

    7. B. Chen, J. Wang, Y. W. Zhu, X. Z. Liao, C. S. Lu, Y. W. Mai, S. P. Ringer, F. J. Ke, Y. G. Shen. Deformation-induced phase transformation in 4H-SiC nanopillars. Acta Materialia 80, 392-399 (2014).

    6. B. Chen, H. Matsuhata, T. Sekiguchi, K. Ichinoseki, H. Okumura. Surface defects and accompanying imperfections in 4H-SiC: Optical, structural and electrical characterization. Acta Materialia 60, 51-58 (2012).

    5. B. Chen, T. Sekiguchi, T. Ohyanagi, H. Matsuhata, A. Kinoshita, H. Okumura. Evidence for a general mechanism modulating carrier lifetime in SiC. Physical Review B 81, 233203 (2010).

    4. B. Chen, J. Chen, Y. Z. Yao, T. Sekiguchi, H. Matsuhata, H. Okumura. In situ monitoring of stacking fault formation and its carrier lifetime mediation in p-type 4H-SiC. Applied Physics Letters 105, 042104 (2014).

    3. B. Chen, H. Matsuhata, T. Sekiguchi, A. Kinoshita, K. Ichinoseki, H. Okumura. Tuning minority-carrier lifetime through stacking fault defects: The case of polytypic SiC. Applied Physics Letters 100, 132108 (2012).

    2. B. Chen, H. Matsuhata, T. Sekiguchi, T. Ohyanagi, A. Kinoshita, H. Okumura. Pinning of recombination-enhanced dislocation motion in 4H-SiC: Role of Cu and EH1 complex. Applied Physics Letters 96, 212110 (2010).

    1. B. Chen, J. Chen, T. Sekiguchi, T. Ohyanagi, H. Matsuhata, A. Kinoshita, H. Okumura, F. Fabbri. Electron-beam-induced current study of stacking faults and partial dislocations in 4H-SiC Schottky diode.  Applied Physics Letters 93, 033514 (2008).

  • 荣誉奖励

     2019    上海高等学校特聘教授计划 

     2018    上海浦江人才计划

  • 人才需求


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