


电子邮件:[email protected];课题组网站://www.x-mol.com/groups/bei_ding/

  • 教育背景

    2005-2009:北京大学化学与分子工程学院 ,化学,学士

    2009-2014:美国密西根大学,电气工程(光学方向),硕士; 物理化学,博士

  • 工作经历


    2017-至今:世博娱乐官方网站 ,特别研究员,博士生导师(物理化学和生物化学方向)

  • 研究方向

    1) 含黄素辅基的光敏蛋白动力学机理研究

    含黄素辅基的蛋白质在自然界有广泛的分布并展现了多样的功能。课题组结合分子生物学和超快光谱学手段研究此类蛋白的分子机理。目前课题组开展的课题包括:1. 解析蓝光光受体蛋白BLUF域的光化学和异构化过程,理解其生物功能。2. 结合非平衡态电子转移理论,研究黄素氧化还原蛋白的光致电子转移过程。3. 解析光解酶光致还原机理和修复损伤DNA机理。

    2) 疾病相关淀粉样蛋白聚集动力学研究

    淀粉样蛋白的聚集和多种退神经性疾病例如阿兹海默症、渐冻症、帕金森症密切相关。课题组结合非天然氨基酸修饰和红外光谱,研究淀粉样蛋白片段特定位点的聚集动力学。目前课题组研究的体系是与渐冻症相关的SOD 1蛋白片段和与糖尿病相关的胰淀素蛋白片段。

  • 科研项目








  • 代表性论文专著

    14) Kang, X.W.#, Chen, Z.#, Zhou, Z., Zhou, Y., Tang, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, T., Ding, B.* and Zhong, D.*, Direct Observation of Ultrafast Proton Rocking in the BLUF Domain. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2021. //doi.org/10.1002/anie.202114423 (pre-print) (#co-first author, *corresponding authors)

    13) Yang, J., Zhang, Y., He, T.F., Lu, Y., Wang, L., Ding, B.* and Zhong, D.*, Ultrafast nonequilibrium dynamics of short-range protein electron transfer in flavodoxin. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2022, 24, 382-391. 
    //doi.org/10.1039/D1CP04445A (*corresponding authors)

    12) Zhang, Q., Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Deng, B., Ding, B.* and Zhong, D.*, 2021. Probing Intermolecular Interactions of Amyloidogenic Fragments of SOD1 by Site-Specific Tryptophan and Its Noncanonical Derivative. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2021, 125, 48, 13088–13098. 
    //doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c07175 (*corresponding authors)



    Before Joining Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    11) Ding, B., Yang, L., Mukherjee, D., Chen, J., Gao, Y., Gai, F. Microscopic Insight into the Protein Denaturation Action of Urea and Its Methyl Derivatives. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 1–12. 

    10) Hilaire, M. R.#, Ding, B. #, Mukherjee, D. #, Chen, J., Gai, F. Possible Existence of α-Sheets in the Amyloid Fibrils Formed by a TTR 105–115 Mutant. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140 (2), 629–635. (#co-first author)

    9) Ding, B., Mukherjee, D., Chen, J., Gai, F. Do Guanidinium and Tetrapropylammonium Ions Specifically Interact with Aromatic Amino Acid Sidechains?  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.  2017, 114, 1003-1008


    8) Ding, B., Hilaire, M. R., Gai, F. Infrared and Fluorescence Assessment of Protein Folding and Functional Dynamics. J. Phys. Chem. B (Feature Article), 2016, 120, 5103-5113


    7) Ding, B., Jasensky, J., Li, Y., Chen, Z. Engineering and Characterization of Peptides and Proteins at Surfaces and Interfaces: A Case Study in Surface-Sensitive Vibrational Spectroscopy. Acc. Chem. Res. 2016, 49, 1149-1157


    6) Ding, B., Panahi, A., Ho, J. J., Laaser, J. E., Brooks, C. L., Zanni, M. T., Chen, Z. Probing Site-Specific Structural Information of Peptides at Model Membrane Interface in Situ. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 10190-10198


    5) Ding, B., Tesmer, J., Chen, Z. Unveiling the Membrane-Binding Properties of N-terminal and C-terminal Regions of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 5 by Combined Optical Spectroscopies. Langmuir 2013, 30, 823-831


    4) Ding, B., Laaser J. E., Liu Y., Wang P., Zanni M. T., Chen, Z. Site-specific Orientation Determination of an α-helical Peptide Ovispirin-1 from Isotope labeled Sum Frequency Generation. J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117, 14625-14634


    3) Ding, B., Soblosky L., Nuygen, K., Geng J., Yu X., Ramamoorthy A., Chen, Z. Physiologically-Relevant Modes of Membrane Interactions by the Human Antimicrobial Peptide, LL-37, Revealed by SFG Experiments. Sci. Rep. 2013, 3, 1854


    2) Ding, B., Chen, Z. Molecular Interactions between a Cell Penetrating Peptide Pep-1 and Model Cell Membranes. J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116, 2545-2552


    1) Ding, B., Washington, V., Dunietz, B. D. On the Conditions for Enhanced Transport Through Molecular Junctions Based on Metal Centers Ligated by Pyridazino-derived Ligands. Mol. Phys. 2010, 108, 2591-2599


  • 荣誉奖励

    2013年 美国密西根大学Barbour Scholarship

    2012年 美国密西根大学Rackham International Research Fellowship

    2008年 北京大学莙政学者

  • 人才需求

















    邓博丹、董博:致远学者计划 在研

    黄久龙、任若彤、王楷霖:大创计划 在研

    唐思危:莙政学者计划 结题

    黄久龙:PRP 结题

    张天一:大创计划 结题

    李欣然、李润晗:PRP 结题

    董博、邓博丹:PRP 结题 优秀

    唐思危、潘璐颖:PRP 结题

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