主题:Functional Nanomaterials – Tuning the Size and Surface Chemistry for Applications in Biomedical Science, Renewable Energy Technologies and Environmental Remediation
报告人:Irshad Hussain
邀请人:原鲜霞 研究员
Irshad Hussain is a tenured Professor and the Chair of the Department of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, SBA School of Science & Engineering (SSE), LUMS, Pakistan. He is among the founding faculty members of SBASSE, and the founding Chair of Chemistry Department at LUMS. He is also the founding Project Director of Nanobiotech group at NIBGE, Faisalabad, and has led several National forums on Nanotechnology in Pakistan. Currently, he leads Functional Nanomaterials group at LUMS that focuses on tuning the size and surface chemistry of nanomaterials for applications in renewable energy technologies, catalysis, biomedical and environmental sciences.
Dr. Hussain is a Fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK, and a Fellow of International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI).
The unique chemical and physical properties of nanoscale materials have triggered great scientific interest to explore their potential applications in biomedical sciences, reenable energy technologies, catalysis, environment, and industry etc. The chemical and physical properties of metal/ metal oxide nanoparticles can generally be tuned by controlling their size, shape, and surface chemistry. In this regard, we have developed several reproducible protocols based on chemical reduction and precipitation approach to prepare functionalized metal/metal oxide nanoparticles from subnanometer to over 100 nm in aqueous/organic media with a decent control over their size, shape, and surface chemistry. Many of these metal nanoparticles have been used as building blocks to design/synthesize new nanostructured materials with tunable nanoscale features using template-based and template-less strategies. The functionalized metal/metal oxide nanoparticles/nanoclusters possess interesting optical, recognition and catalytic/bio-catalytic properties and currently we are focusing on the applications of these nanoparticles and nanocomposites in renewable energy technologies (mainly as electrode materials for H2 production), environmental remediation (detection and removal of organic/inorganic pollutants from water, CO oxidation, and CO2 capture and conversion) and biomedical sciences (i.e., bio-sensing especially bacterial detection, bio-imaging, drug delivery, multidrug resistance) based on catalytic and photocatalytic approaches. This talk would, therefore, be an overview of interdisciplinary research activities of Functional Nanomaterials Group at LUMS to synthesize customized inorganic/organic nanoparticles with tunable size and surface chemistry, and their composites having unique chemical and physical properties, and subsequent applications in catalysis and renewable energy, environmental and biomedical sciences.