主题:Activation of dioxygen and carbon dioxide by cerium complexes
报告人:Prof. Kazushi Mashima,Osaka University
时间:2024年1月16日 (周二) 15:00~16:30
地点:徐名材报告厅 (霞光楼200号)
邀请人:张万斌 教授
Department of Chemistry,
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Osaka University,
Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan.
Email: [email protected]
KM has focused his interest in development of metal-catalyzed reactions based on his deep understanding of reaction mechanisms by an aid of comprehensive organometallic chemical approaches including isolation and determination of intermediate species as well as kinetics. His achievements are thus highlighted by the following lecture titles.
We found that in situ generated cerium(IV)carboxylate generated by mixing the precursor Ce(OtBu)4withthe corresponding carboxylic acids served as efficient photocatalystsfor the direct formation of carboxyl radicals from carboxylic acidsunder blue light-emitting diodes (blue LEDs) irradiation and air,resulting in catalytic decarboxylative oxygenation of aliphaticcarboxylic acids to give C−O bond-forming products such asaldehydes and ketones. Herein, we also report that tetranuclear complexes including cerium atom work as catalyst for oxidation and alternative copolymerization of carbon dioxide and epoxides.