
【学术报告】Atomic-precision in Nanosciences and Nanocatalysis
日期:2023-12-06 阅读:3067

主题:Atomic-precision in Nanosciences and Nanocatalysis

主讲人:吕炯 教授,新加坡国立大学(NUS)

时间:2023年12月6日 (周三)15:30开始


邀请人:麦亦勇 教授 



吕炯教授,新加坡国立大学化学系,功能智能材料学院,新加坡国立大学院长讲习副教授,2007年本科毕业于复旦大学化学系,2011年获新加坡国立大学获博士学位;2011-2015年分别在新加坡国立大学化学系和美国加州大学伯克利分校物理系从事博士后研究。2015年加入新加坡国立大学开展工作,2021年晋升副教授(终身教职)。主要从事新型量子材料的原子级设计,表征,智能制造,物性调控及其探索这些新型材料在固态器件、原子精准催化领域的研究。在专业领域主流学术期刊 (Nature (1), Nature Nanotechnology (4),Nature Materials (2),Nature Chemistry (1), Nature Synthesis (1), Nature Electronics (1), Nature Reviews Chemistry (1), Nature Communications (13), Science Advances (5)) 等上发表SCI论文百余篇, 最近相关研究成果入选 美国化学学会JACS Early Career Investigator virtual collection and JACS Reader's Pick 2022。获得JMCA新兴研究者(2019), 新加坡国立大学理学院青年科学家(2021),新加坡国立大学青年研究者奖(2022), 美国化学学会 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Influential Researcher Awards 2023, 新加坡国家研究基金会重大科研项目(竞争性研究计划)首席科学家(2023).



The precise manipulation of quantum states of matter at the atomic level holds significant promise across a wide spectrum of modern technologies, spanning from next-generation nanodevices to nanocatalysis. In this talk, I will first share our recent progress in the atomic-scale engineering of quantum materials and exploring quantum nanoscience. Additionally, I will discuss about the rational design of atomic-precision nanocatalysis, with an aim to establish the correlation between their local structures and catalytic response. The advancements made in synthesizing and developing these advanced materials with atomic-precision surpass traditional design strategies, paving the way for a transformative shift in both chemical production and energy conversion, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future.



[1] Hai X, Zheng Y, Yu Q, Guo N, Lu J.*, et al. Geminal-atom catalysis for cross-coupling. Nature, 2023, 622, 754–760.

[2] Sun T, Tang Z, Zang W, Lu J.*, et al. Ferromagnetic single-atom spin catalyst for boosting water splitting. Nature Nanotechnology, 2023, 18, 763–771.

[3] Fang H, Mahalingam H, Li X, Lu J.*, et al. Atomically-precise Vacancy-assembled Quantum Antidots, Nature Nanotechnology, //doi.org/10.1038/s41565-023-01495-z.

[4] Hai X, Xi S, Mitchell S, Harrath K, Lu J.* et al. Scalable two-step annealing method for preparing ultra-high-density single-atom catalyst libraries, Nature Nanotechnology, 2022, 17, 174–181.

[5] Li X, Mitchell S, Fang Y, Li J, Lu J.*, et al. Advances in heterogeneous single-cluster catalysis, Nature Reviews Chemistry, 2023, 7, 754–767.


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