
【学术报告】 Understanding confinement at catalyst surfaces
日期:2023-06-12 阅读:4252

主    题:Understanding confinement at catalyst surfaces
报告人:Gadi Rothenberg, University of Amsterdam
时    间:2023年6月12日(周一)上午10点
地    点:霞光楼220会议室


Gadi Rothenberg现担任阿姆斯特丹大学教授。于1993和1999年先后在以色列Hebrew University of Jerusalem 取得了化学本科和博士学位。1999年至2001年,在英国约克大学玛丽居里研究员。2001年起在阿姆斯特丹大学工作。2008年晋升为教授同时担任多相催化和可持续化学研究中心主任。2023年,他担任上海清洁技术创新研究所的二氧化碳和循环经济技术主任。主要研究方向为催化剂的合成及其在生物质转化上的应用。至今在Nat. Chem.、Angew、Acs Catal.、Green Chem.等著名刊物发表论文180多篇,出版专著2部。另外获授权专利16项,创办了3家生物质相关公司。

Measuring kinetics of chemical reactions is common in many labs. Knowing the kinetics is essential for testing hypotheses, mechanisms, and optimizing catalytic processes. But the work itself is often time-consuming and labour-intensive. This is especially true when studying Arrhenius relations, which require multiple sets of measurements.
We developed a simple device for measuring the kinetics of gas-producing reactions.  It can give Arrhenius plots with hundreds of data points from a single experiment. In the lecture, I will explain how this device works,and show how you can build one yourself. Then, I will show how these measurements can help us understand the fundamentals of catalytic reactions on surfaces, explaining the empirical observations that Arrhenius made in the 1880s. Finally, I will explain how these new insights can help us design new high-performance catalysts.

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