题目:New Directions in Palladium/norbornene CooperativeCatalysis
报告人:ProfessorGuangbin Dong,Professorof Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
时间:10:00-11:30 a.m. December 19th, 2020(Beijing time)
地点:ZOOM会议号:690 063 48156 ;ZOOM会议密码:812951
邀请人:ProfessorWanbin Zhang(张万斌教授)
ProfessorGuangbin Dong,Professorof Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2016/6,Professor of Chemistry,University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2011–2016,Assistant Professor,CPRIT Scholar for Cancer Research, University ofTexas at Austin, Austin, Texas
2009–2011,Camille and Henry Dreyfus Postdoctoral Fellow, California Instituteof Technology, Pasadena, California,Advisor:Professor Robert H. Grubbs
2004–2009,Ph.D.in Chemistry,Stanford University, Stanford, California,Advisor: Professor Barry M. Trost
1999–2003 B.S. in Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing,China,Advisors: Professor ZhenYang and Professor Jiahua Chen
Our research focuses on 1) developingnew transition metal catalysts based on supramolecular chemistry forchemoselective C−Hbond activation of small molecules; 2) developing novel catalytic C−H and C−C bondactivation methods for efficient small-molecule agents synthesis; 3)establishing efficient synthetic routes to access natural products with highpotent anticancer activity and their unnatural analogues; and 4) developing newmethods for preparation of novel graphene nanoribbon materials from a bottom-upapproach.