
【3rd.Jan.】Covalent and Noncovalent Approaches to Rigid Coplanar π-Conjugated Molecules and Macromolecules
日期:2020-01-03 阅读:1399

题目:Covalent and Noncovalent Approaches to Rigid Coplanar π-Conjugated Molecules and Macromolecules
报告人:方磊 Tenured Associate Professor Texas A&M University
时间:2020年1月3日 周五下午15:30
邀请人:颜徐州 研究员


  方磊,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。1983年生于江西鄱阳。2003年本科毕业于武汉大学化学基地班,2006年获武汉大学硕士学位,导师何永炳教授。2010年获美国西北大学化学博士学位,师从2016年诺贝尔奖得主Fraser Stoddart教授。2011~2013年在斯坦福大学化工系鲍哲南教授课题组从事博士后研究工作。2013年8月加盟得克萨斯A&M大学(TAMU)化学系,现为副教授,享受终身教职 (英文职称为Tenured Associate Professor)。其独立课题组6年内吸引并直接支配了近300万美元的科研经费。在Nature Chemistry, Chem, JACS, Angew Chem, Chemical Science,EES等国际顶尖期刊发表论文70多篇,被引用超过4500次。获批美国专利5项,其中转让企业一项。先后获得中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金,美国化学会石油研究基金新锐学者,钟渊化工(Kaneka)青年教授奖,美国化学会PMSE青年学者荣誉, 2017年美国国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金(NSF CAREER Award),MDPI Polymers青年学者奖,Theime Chemistry Journal奖,中美华人教授协会杰出青年教授奖等荣誉。担任多个国际顶尖杂志审稿人。并担任美国化学会国家奖项(ACS National Awards)评审委员,美国国防部研究生奖学金评委,美国国家自然科学基金评委,以及Lawrence Berkeley国家实验室用户评审委员。

Molecular conformation and rigidity are essential factors in determining the properties of individual molecules, the associated supramolecular assemblies, and bulk materials. Pursuing a rigid and coplanar molecular conformation often represents one of the primary objectives when designing and synthesizing conjugated molecules for electronic and optical applications. Two general bottom-up strategies – covalent annulation and noncovalent conformational control – are often employed to construct rigid coplanar π-systems. In this lecture, I first describe our efforts to synthesize rigid coplanar π-systems fused by various types of bonds, including kinetically formed covalent bonds, thermodynamically formed covalent bonds, N→B coordinate bonds, and hydrogen bonds, in order of increasing dynamic character. The subsequent section discusses the characteristic properties of selected examples of these rigid coplanar π-systems, in comparison with control compounds that are not rigid and coplanar, particularly focusing on the optical, electronic, and electrochemical properties. For systems bridged with noncovalent interactions, active manipulation of the dynamic bonds can tune variable properties at a molecular or collective level. Intermolecular interactions, solid-state packing, and processing of several cases are then discussed to lay the foundation for future materials applications of rigid coplanar π-systems.

(1) Lee, J.; Li, H.-B.; Kalin, A. J.; Wang, C.; Yuan, T.; Olson, T.; Li, H.-Y.; Fang, L.* Extended Ladder-Type Benzo[k]tetraphene-Derived Oligomers. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 13727–13731.
(2) Zou, Y.; Ji, X.; Yuan, T.; Stanton, D. J.; Cai, J.; Lin, Y.-H.; Naraghi, M.; Fang, L.* Synthesis and Solution Processing of a Hydrogen-Bonded Ladder Polymer. Chem, 2017, 2, 139−152.
(3) Zhu, C.; Ji, X.; You, D.; Chen, T. L.; Mu, A. U.; Baker, K. P.; Klivansky, L. M.; Liu, Y.; Fang, L.* Extraordinary Redox Activities in Ladder-Type Conjugated Molecules Enabled by B←N Coordination-Promoted Delocalization and Hyperconjugation. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 18173–18182.
(4) Zhu, C.; Kalin, A. J.; Fang, L.* Covalent and Noncovalent Approaches to Rigid Coplanar π‐Conjugated Molecules and Macromolecules. Acc. Chem. Res., 2019, 52, 1089–1100.

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