
【2nd.Sept.】Towards Scalable Manufacturing of Nanocomposite Films and Membranes Using Capillarity
日期:2019-09-02 阅读:1104

题目:Towards Scalable Manufacturing of Nanocomposite Films and Membranes Using Capillarity
报告人: Prof. Daeyeon Lee, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
地点: 化学A 楼518会议室
邀请人:张绍东 特别研究员

In this talk, I will describe new approaches for scalable manufacturing of nanocomposites by harnessing capillary interactions between nanoparticles and fluids. In the first part of this talk, I will describe our work on generating nanocomposite films with extremely high loadings of nanoparticles using capillary rise infiltration (CaRI).  In CaRI, composites are formed by thermally annealing a bilayer of polymer and nanoparticle, which induces imbibition of polymer into the interstices of the nanoparticle packing. I will share our current understanding of the transport phenomena involved in CaRI. In particular, the effect of physical confinement and nanoparticle-polymer interactions on the dynamics of polymers will be discussed. In the second part, I will describe our recent efforts in creating bicontinuous interfacially jammed emulsions (BIJELs), which are a new class of soft materials with potential applications in reactive separation, membrane separation and catalysis. We have developed a new method to enable continuous generation of bijels using solvent-transfer-induced phase separation (STRIPS). We have developed a new method to enable continuous generation of bijel microparticles, fibers and membranes using solvent-transfer-induced phase separation (STRIPS). A new in situ technique to characterize the mechanical properties of these STRIPS bijel fiber as well as the application of bijels in ultrafiltration and biphasic reactive separation will be discussed.

Brief CV
Daeyeon Lee is Professor in Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his BS in Chemical Engineering at Seoul National University and PhD in Chemical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research focuses on developing deep understanding of the interactions between soft materials near or at interfaces and extending the obtained knowledge to direct the assembly of macroscopic structures that have designed properties and functionality. He has won numerous awards including the 2010 Victor K. LaMer Award, NSF CAREER Award, 2013 3M Nontenured Faculty Award, 2013 AIChE NSEF Young Investigator Award, 2014 Unilever Award for Young Investigator in Colloid and Surface Science and 2017 Soft Matter Lectureship Award.

地址:上海市东川路800号 200240


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