
【6th.Aug.】The Development of Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers for Solar Cell and Transistor Applications
日期:2019-08-06 阅读:1328

TOPIC:The Development of Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers for Solar Cell and Transistor Applications
SPEAKER: Prof. Martin Heeney,Imperial College London
TIME:  2019年8月6日,下午3:00 
LOCATION:  化学B楼410室
INVITER:  钟洪亮 特别研究员



Controlling the optical band gap and energy levels of conjugated polymers and oligomers is fundamentally important for both transistor and solar cell applications. One useful approach to influence these properties is controlling of the degree of backbone torsion in the conjugated material. 

Here I summarise out recent work in the area, looking at a number of strategies to control backbone torsion. The role of non-covalent interactions, principally S…F interactions will be examined as well as the use of differing chalcogen atom within the polymer backbone. 

The nature and regiochemistry of the solubilizing groups is also shown to have an important effect. Chemical fusing of co-monomer is also shown to be a particularly promising approach, for both donor polymers and non-fullerene acceptors for high efficiency solar cell blends. 

Recent efforts to develop flexible synthetic routes to such monomers which allow the ready manipulation of the solubilizing sidechains, as well as the aromatic heterocycle in the fused unit will be discussed. 

We show that the nature of the sidechain is important for both donor polymers, and non-fullerene acceptors. Changing from commonly used arylalkyl to simple alkyl sidechains is shown to have a positive impact on the performance of materials in single junction solar cells. Optimized acceptors show overall power conversion efficiencies greater than 13% for single junction device. 

We also demonstrate that the nature of the fused heterocycle has an important impact on the optoelectronic properties of the acceptor and that fused electron rich heterocycles are attractive building blocks for both donor and acceptor materials.

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