
【8th.May】Metal-Organic Frameworks as a New Platform for Small Molecule Activation
日期:2019-05-08 阅读:1042

题目:Metal-Organic Frameworks as a New Platform for SmallMolecule Activation

报告人:Shengqian Ma(马胜前), Professpr of Chemistry, Department ofChemistry, University of South Florida

时间58 (周三), 上午10:30


邀请人:李新昊 教授



Metal–organicframeworks (MOFs) represent a new class of materials, and one of their strikingfeatures lies in the tunable, designable, and functionalizable nanospace. Thenanospace within MOFs allows designed incorporation of differentfunctionalities for targeted applications, such as gas storage/separation,sensing, drug delivery; and it has also provided plenty of opportunities forheterogeneous catalysis application. We will discuss the systematic developmentof MOFs as a new platform for small molecule activation including CO2 chemicaltransformations and H2activation.


[1] “Porous Metal-Metalloporphyrin Gel asCatalytic Binding Pocket for Highly Efficient Synergistic Catalysis” Zhang, W.;Dynes, J. J.; Hu, Y.; Jiang, P.*; Ma, S.* NatureCommun. 2019, 10, in press.

[2] “Optimizing Radionuclide Sequestration in Anion Nanotrapswith Record Pertechnetate Sorption” Sun, Q.; Zhu, L.; Aguila, B.; Thallapally,P. K.; Xu, C.; Chen, J.; Wang, S.*; Rogers, D.; Ma, S.* NatureCommun. 2019, 10, 1646.

[3] “Promoting Frustrated Lewis Pair forHeterogeneous Chemoselective Hydrogenation via Tailored Pore Environment withinMetal-Organic Framework” Niu, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Lan, P. C.; Aguila, B.; Ma,S.* Angew Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, DOI:10.1002/anie.201903763.

[4] “Reaction Environment Modification inCovalent Organic Frameworks for Catalytic Performance Enhancement” Sun, Q.;Tang, Y.; Aguila, B.; Wang, S.; Xiao, F.-S.;* Thallapally, P. K.; Al-Enizi, A.M.; Nafady, A.; Ma, S.* Angew Chem. Int. Ed., 2019,58, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201900029.

[5] “Bio-Inspired Nano-Traps for UraniumExtraction from Seawater and Recovery from Nuclear Waste” Sun, Q.; Aguila, B.;Perman, J.; Ivanov, A. S.; Bryantsev, V. S.; Earl, L.; Abney, C.; Wojtas,L.; Ma, S.* Nature Commun. 2018, 9, 1644.






Shengqian Ma(马胜前), Professpr of Chemistry, Department ofChemistry, University of South Florida.Shengqian Ma obtained his B.S. degree fromJilin University, China in 2003, and graduated from Miami University (Ohio)with a Ph.D. degree in 2008. After finishing two-year Director’s PostdoctoralFellowship at Argonne National Laboratory, he joined the Department ofChemistry at University of South Florida (USF) as an Assistant Professor inAugust 2010. He was promoted to an Associate Professor with early tenure in2015 and to a Full Professor in 2018.


He received theUSF Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award in 2015 andthe USF Outstanding Faculty Award in 2018. He is the recipientof 2014 NSF CAREER Award and has been selected as the ThomsonReuters Highly Cited Researcher in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and2018; he was also awarded the IUPAC-2015 Young Chemist TravelAward and the 2009 IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists fromInternational Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC); he receivedthe Young Investigator Award from American Chemical Society(ACS) Division of Inorganic Chemistry and the Director’s PostdoctoralFellowship from Argonne National Laboratory in 2008 as well.


His current research interest focuses onthe development of functional porous materials including metal-organicframeworks (MOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), porous organic polymers(POPs), and microporous carbon materials for energy, biological,environmental-related applications. He has published more than 180 papers (over140 since independent career) with the total citations over 17600 and theH-index of 66.


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