题目:Development of New Catalytic Reactions Involving Bond Activation
报告人:Prof. Naoto Chatani (日本大阪大学)
Curriculum Vitae
Present Address: Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering
Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan
Phone: +81-6-6879-7397
Fax: +81-6-6879-7396
E-mail: [email protected]
1975-1979 Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering,Osaka University (Awarded the degree of B.S.)
1979-1981 Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering,Osaka University (Awarded the degree of M.S.)
1981-1984 Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering,Osaka University (Awarded the degree of Ph.D.)
supervised by Profs. Noboru Sonoda and Shinji Murai
Professional Career:
1984-1989 Assistant Professor, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University (Prof. Terukiyo Hanafusa)
1989-1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry,Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University (Prof. Shinji Murai)
1992-2003 Associate Professor
2003-present Full Professor
1988-1989 Postdoctral Research Associate, Department of Chemistry,University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Prof. Scott E. Denmark)
2001-2002 Visiting Associate Professor, Catalysis Research Center,Hokkaido University
2002-2003 Visiting Associate Professor, Institute for Molecular Science
2003-2004 Visiting Professor, Institute for Molecular Science
Young Chemist Award of the Chemical Society of Japan (1991)
The fourth Green and Sustainable Chemistry Award: Minister of Education, Sports, Culture, Science and Technology Prize (2005)
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan Nissan Chemical Industries Award for Novel Reaction and Method (2010)
The Silver Metal of Nagoya Medal (2013)
Thomson Reuters: The Japan Research Front Awards 2016 (2016)
The Chemical Society of Japan Award (2017)
Humboldt Research Award (2017)
Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher (2017)
Arthur C. Cope Scholars Award (2018)
Research Area: Organic chemistry, Organometalic chemistry