
【31st.Nov.】Dynamic behaviour and catalysis in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
日期:2018-12-01 阅读:918

TOPIC:Dynamic behaviour and catalysis in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
SPEAKER:Prof. Lee Brammer, University of Sheffield
TIME:October 31(Wednesday)  16:00 pm

Address: Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield, Brook Hill, Sheffield S3 7HF. 
Webpage: //www.sheffield.ac.uk/chemistry/staff/profiles/lee_brammer 


Professor of Chemistry, University of Sheffield, Jan. 2008-present 
Invited Professor: New York University, USA, 2009; Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, 2007. 
Reader in Inorganic Chemistry, University of Sheffield, 2001-2007 
Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Missouri-St. Louis, USA, 1996-2001 (tenured) 
Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Missouri-St. Louis, USA, 1990-1996 
NATO Fellow, University of New Orleans (1987-88); Brookhaven National Lab., New York (1988-90) 
Education: PhD in Inorganic Chemistry, University of Bristol, February 1987 
BSc Hons. (1st class) in Chemistry, University of Bristol, July 1983 (Thomas Malkin Prize) 

Research Interests 
• Dynamic behavior in solid state: chemical reactions, flexibility, transformations (in situ crystallography & spectroscopy) 
• Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for gas separation and catalysis 
• Self-assembly, molecular recognition & intermolecular interactions, especially hydrogen bonds and halogen bonds 

Publication summary (including selected papers) 
• 122 publications (113 papers, 9 book chapters) generating >20,000 citations. Average citations for all papers: 175. Average citations for papers as principal author: 74. H-index: 44. 
• Publications have been highlighted in Science magazine, in RSC magazines and blogs, as VIP or “hot” papers in RSC journals and Wiley journals, with commentaries in IUCr journals, and articles on Diamond DLS and Daresbury SRS websites. 

“Encapsulation of Crabtree's Catalyst in Sulfonated MIL-101(Cr): Enhancement of Stability and Selectivity between Competing Reaction Pathways by the MOF Chemical Microenvironment,” A Grigoropoulos, AI Mckay, AP Katsoulidis, RP Davies, A Haynes, L Brammer, J Xiao, AS Weller, MJ Rosseinsky, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 4532. 
“Solvent-switchable continuous-breathing behaviour in a diamondoid metal–organic framework and its influence on CO2 vs CH4 selectivity,” EJ Carrington, CA McAnally, AJ Fletcher, SP Thompson, M Warren, L Brammer, Nat. Chem. 2017, 9, 882. 
“Chemical transformations of a crystalline coordination polymer: a multi-stage solid-vapour reaction manifold,” IJ Vitórica-Yrezábal, G Mínguez Espallargas, J Soleimannejad, AJ Florence, AJ Fletcher, L Brammer, Chem. Sci. 2013, 4, 696. 
“Mechanistic Insights into a Gas-Solid Reaction in Molecular Crystals: The Role of Hydrogen Bonding,” G Mínguez Espallargas, J van de Streek, P Fernandes, AJ Florence, M Brunelli, K Shankland, L Brammer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 8892. 
“Ligand substitution within non-porous crystals of a coordination polymer involving extrusion from or insertion into AgO bonds by alcohol molecules,” S Libri, M Mahler, G Mínguez Espallargas, DCNG Singh, J Soleimannejad, H Adams, M Burgard, N Rath, M Brunelli, L Brammer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 1693. 
“Reversible gas uptake by a non-porous crystalline solid involving multiple changes in covalent bonding,” G Mínguez Espallargas, M Hippler, AJ Florence, P Fernandes, J van de Streek, M Brunelli, WIF David, K Shankland, L Brammer, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 15606. 
Invited Talks and Presentations 
• 85 invited talks at conferences, including keynote and plenary lectures, in UK, USA, Europe, Asia and S. Africa 
• 60 seminars at universities, research institutes, etc. in UK, Europe, USA, South Africa, Asia. 
• >200 conference presentations by research group members. 

Conference organisation 
• Have organized or been a programme committee member for many conferences in UK, Europe, USA, South Africa, Japan. 

Former research group members 
Former Brammer members include Professors in UK, USA and Spain, Research Group leaders at Salk Institute (San Diego) and IVIC (Venezuela), Lecturer in Thailand, Pfizer Senior Principal Scientist, "Ramon y Cajal" Fellow (ranked 1st nationally, Spain), and employees at many chemistry-related companies. Group members have won national and international awards. 
External activities 
• President, British Crystallographic Association, 2015-18; Past-President, 2018-19. 
• EPSRC Chemistry Grand Challenge on Directed Assembly: “Champion” for hybrid materials theme 2010-2017. 
• Member of scientific teams for proposed or constructed beamlines at Diamond Light Source and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (ISIS Neutron Facility) in the UK and Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA. 
• Panel chair Diamond Light Source (2015-2018) and panel member Spallation Neutron Source (USA) (2012-present). 
• Chair of Editorial Board, RSC journal CrystEngComm, 2003-07. 
• Co-editor, IUCr journal Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 1996-2008. 
• International Union of Crystallography, Structural Chemistry Commission, member 1999-2008 (chair, 2002-2005). 
• Review panel member/chair for Academy of Finland (2013), Danish National Research Foundation (2013). Chemistry department 5-year reviews at University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (2014) and University of Cape Town (2015). 
• Reviewer/examiner for tenure/promotion or PhDs in numerous countries in Europe, N. America, Australia, S. Africa, Asia. 

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