
【16th.Oct.】Supramolecular Machines for Bio-inspired Systems
日期:2018-10-16 阅读:985

题目:Supramolecular Machines for Bio-inspired Systems

报告人: Myongsoo Lee,吉林大学化学学院
时间:  2018年10月16号上午9:30
位置:  化学楼A楼518会议室
邀请人:  周永丰教授

Myongsoo Lee教授是dendrimer自组装的先驱者之一,近年来在超分子机器和仿生方面开展了一系列研究工作,取得了重要突破。

Supramolecular Machines for Life-inspired Systems

Myongsoo Lee
College of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China

[email protected]

In this seminar, I will introduce our recent results how to construct dynamic self-assembled nanostructures exhibiting switchable functions, inspired by life systems. For example, synthetic tubular pores are able to undergo open-closed switching driven by an external signal, which function as an artificial enzyme. 

When self-assembled tubules embed DNA inside the hollow cavities, the chirality of DNA is able to transfer accurately to the coat assembly. The DNA-coat assembly undergoes simultaneous helicity switching in physiological conditions. In the case of toroid assembly, the static toroids are able to undergo spontaneous helical growth when they switch into out-of-equilibrium state. The helical growing drives shaping of spherical vesicles into tubular vesicles, reminiscent of microtubles. Moving from 1-D to 2-D structures, the internal pores are able to form chiral interior which selectively capture only one enantiomer in racemic solution with perfect pore performance. I will discuss recently discovered these results with their biological implications. 


 Figures; Several Examples of Supramolecular Machines.


[1] B. Sun, Y. Kim, Y. Wang, H. Wang, X. Liu, M. Lee, Nature Mater. 2018, 17, 599.
[2] Y. Kim, H. Li, X. Chen, X. Ma, M. Lee, Nature Nanotech. 2017, 12, 551
[3] X. Chen, Y. He, Y. Kim, M. Lee, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 5773.
[4] Y. Kim, J. Kang, B. Shen, Y. Wang, Y. He, M. Lee, Nature Commun. 2015, 6, 8650.
[5] Z. Huang, S.-K. Kang, M. Banno, C. Seok, E. Yashima, M. Lee Science 2012, 337, 1521.

CV of Prof. Myongsoo Lee


State Key Lab of Supramolecular Structure and Materials

College of Chemistry, Jilin University
Changchun 130012, China
e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Lee  received his Ph.D. degree in Macromolecular Science from Case Western Reserve University in 1993. After postdoctoral appointments at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he joined the Faculty of Chemistry at Yonsei University (1994), Seoul National University (2009), and then moved to Jilin University in 2013, where he is presently Distinguished Professor. 

His main research interests include intelligent supramolecular systems, dynamic self-assembly with mechanical motion, and bioactive peptide and carbohydrate nanostructures. He has served as Editorial Board Member for Chemistry an Asian Journal and J. Polym. Sci: Polym. Chem. 

Prof. Lee has authored and co-authored over 210 papers. Most of his works have been published in the highly-reputed journals such as Nature, Science, Nature Mater., Nature Nanotech., Nature Commun., Angewandte Chemie, and JACS. 

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