
【7th.Aug.】Bioinspired Synthesis and Self-Organization of Programmed Complex Functional Systems
日期:2018-08-07 阅读:1184

题目:Bioinspired Synthesis and Self-Organization of Programmed Complex Functional Systems 
报告人: Prof. Virgil Percec ,Department of Macromolecular Science,Case Western Reserve University,USA
邀请人:张绍东 特别研究员
Our laboratory is involved in the use of biological systems as models for the elaboration of new concepts at the interface between organic, catalysis, macromolecular, supramolecular and biological sciences by using self-assembling non-biological monodisperse macromolecules as building blocks. 

These concepts are subsequently used in the design of nanostructures, and functional complex systems by following the first biological principles “structure determines function”. 

This lecture will first discuss the methodology developed and used in the design and synthesis of libraries of self-assembling building blocks via structural and retrostructural analysis. Subsequently the use of these building blocks for the elaboration of non-biological chiral complex systems 

(Science 1997, 278, 449-452; Nature 1998, 391, 161-164; Nature 2002, 419, 384-387; Science 2003, 299, 1208-1211; Nature 2004, 428, 157-160; Nature 2004, 430, 764-768; Science 2003, 299, 1208-1211; Science 2006, 313, 55-56; Science, 2010, 330, 333-334; Science 2010, 328, 1009-1211;  Nature Chem 2016, 8, 80-89;  PNAS 2006, 103, 2518-2523;  JACS 2006, 128, 14156-14167; JACS 2007, 129, 11265-11278; JACS 2007, 129, 11698-11699; JACS 2008, 130, 7503-7508; JACS 2008, 130, 13079-13094; JACS 2008,130, 14840-14852; JACS 2009, 131, 1294-1304) that exhibit biological functions will be elaborated. This discover and predict methodology will be applied to new highly reactive but stable Ni-based catalytic systems for organic synthesis, new living radical polymerization methods and strategies, and many other (for a series of reviews on this topic from the laboratory of V. Percec see: Acc Chem Res 2008, 41, 1641-1652; Chem Rev 2009, 109, 5069-5119; Chem Rev 2009, 109, 6275-6540; Chem Rev 2011, 111, 1346-1416; Chem Soc Rev 2015, 44, 3900-3923; Chem Rev 2017, 117, 6538-6631).



Virgil Percec was born and educated in Romania (PhD in 1976). In 1981 he defected his native country and after short postdoctoral stays at the University of Freiburg in Germany (July-August 1981) and University of Akron, US (August 1981 to March 1982) he joined the Department of Macromolecular Science of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, US in March 1982 as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1984 and to Professor in 1986. 

In 1993 he was awarded the Leonard Case Jr. Chair at Case Western Reserve University and in 1999 he was invited to join the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia as P. Roy Vagelos Chair and Professor of Chemistry. He has been elected as Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Honorary Foreign Member of the Romanian Academy, and Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. His research reputation is also well recognized by a large number of awards including American Chemical Society Award in Polymer Chemistry (2004), National Science Foundation Research Award for Creativity in Research (1990, 1995, 2000, 2016), Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (1997), Staudinger-Durrer Medal (2005).

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