
【14th.May】Internet of functions in tailored-made 0D to 3D multicomponent nanostructures: from high-performance sensors to multiresponsive hybrid nanostructures
日期:2018-05-14 阅读:880

1. Prof. Paolo Samorì 受聘上海交大顾问教授典礼


TOPIC:Internet of functions in tailored-made 0D to 3D multicomponent nanostructures: from high-performance sensors to multiresponsive hybrid nanostructures
SPEAKER:Prof. Paolo Samorì, 欧洲科学院院士,Université de Strasbourg & CNRS
TIME:May 14 (Monday) 14:30 pm 
LOCATION:Room 528, Chemistry Building A (化学A楼528会议室)

Internet of functions in tailored-made 0D to 3D multicomponent nanostructures: 
from high-performance sensors to multiresponsive hybrid nanostructures

Paolo Samorì

ISIS, Université de Strasbourg & CNRS, 8 allée Gaspard Monge, 67000 Strasbourg, France.

Nowadays, Internet of Things is becoming a leitmotiv in our daily life, the latter being characterized by interconnected macroscopic tools and technologies thereof operating 24/7. On the nanoscale, one among the greatest challenges in chemistry consists in the development of artifical Complex Chemical Systems with functions that are getting more and more sophisticated and interconnected among each other. 

In my lecture I will review our endeavour on the the use of supramolecular chemistry approaches towards the development of multicomponent assemblies comprising low dimensional nanostructures such as 0D (nanoparticles), 1D (fibers) and 2D (graphene and other layered materials). Such assemblies exhibit programmable interconnected functions which render particularly interesting for applications as responsive components in (opto)electronics, energy and sensing.


11/1995  University of Bologna. “Laurea” in Industrial Chemistry (equivalent to a MSc).
01/1996  HCM-Research fellow at Univ. Mons (Belgium) with Prof. J.-L. Brédas.
10/2000  Humboldt University Berlin. Ph.D in Chemistry (summa cum laude; Advisor: Prof. Dr. J. P. Rabe)
10/2000 – 12/2001  Post-doc Humboldt University Berlin (Germany) with Prof. J.P. Rabe.
12/2001 – 09/2008  Researcher (permanent scientist) Istituto per la Sintesi Organica e la Fotoreattività –Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Bologna (Italy)
04/2003 – 09/2008  Visiting Professor, Junior member of ISIS, Director of the Nanochemistry Laboratory Université de Strasbourg & CNRS (UMR 7006)
10/2008 – 09/2012  Full Professor (PR1), Senior member of ISIS and Director of the Nanochemistry Laboratory Université de Strasbourg & CNRS (UMR 7006)
09/2010 – 12/2011  Deputy director of ISIS - Université de Strasbourg & CNRS (UMR 7006)
09/2012 – now  Distinguished Professor Class 1 (PRCE-1), Senior member of ISIS and Director of the Nanochemistry Laboratory, Université de Strasbourg & CNRS (UMR 7006)
01/2012 – now  Director of ISIS - Université de Strasbourg & CNRS (UMR 7006)
09/2015 – now  Distinguished Professor Class 2 (PRCE-2), Senior member of ISIS and Director of the Nanochemistry Laboratory, Université de Strasbourg & CNRS (UMR 7006)
Awards / Honours
2001  IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists.
2006  "Vincenzo Caglioti" Award – Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy).
2009  "Nicolò Copernico" Award for Experimental Physics of Nanotechnology (Italy).
2010  Prix “Guy Ourisson” du Cercle Gutenberg, Alsace (France).
2010  Junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), term 2010-2015 (France).
2010  European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant.
2012  Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
2012  CNRS Silver medal
2014  Elected member of the Academia Europaea
2014  Elected fellow of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC)
2017  Honorary Member of the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
2017  Catalan-Sabatier-Award (Spanish Chemical Society)
2017  Grignard Wittig Lecture (German Chemical Society)
Editorial Activity
2006- now  Member of the Advisory Board of Advanced Materials (Wiley-VCH, i.f. 19.8)
2008- now  Member of the Advisory Board of Journal of Materials Chemistry (RSC, i.f. 5.3)
2009- 2017  Member of the Advisory Board of Nanoscale (RSC, i.f. 7.4)
2011- now  Member of the Advisory Board of ChemPhysChem (Wiley-VCH, i.f. 3.1)
2011- now  Member of the Editorial Board of ChemPlusChem (Wiley-VCH, i.f. 2.8)
2012- now  Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Small (Wiley-VCH, i.f. 8.6)
2012- now  Member of the Advisory Board of Chemical Communications (RSC, i.f. 6.3)
2013- now  Member of the Advisory Board of Chemical Society Reviews (RSC, i.f. 38.6)
2016- now  Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Omega
2017- now  Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Nano (ACS, i.f. 13.9) 
2018- now  Associate Editor, Nanoscale (RSC, i.f. 7.4)
10 major recent publications:
1. J. M. Mativetsky, G. Pace, M. A. Rampi, M. Mayor, P. Samorì, "Azobenzenes as Light-Controlled Molecular  Electronic Switches in Nanoscale Metal−Molecule−Metal Junctions", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 9192.
2. E.  Orgiu,  N.  Crivillers,  M.  Herder,  L.  Grubert, M. Pätzel, J. Frisch, E. Pavlica, D. T. Duong, G. Bratina, A. Salleo,  N.  Koch,  S.  Hecht,  P.  Samorì,  "Optically  switchable  transistor  via  energy-level  phototuning  in  a bicomponent organic semiconductor", Nat. Chem., 2012, 4, 675.
3. T. Leydecker, M. Herder, E. Pavlica, G. Bratina, S. Hecht, E. Orgiu, P. Samorì, "Flexible non-volatile optical memory  thin-film  transistor  device  with  over  256  distinct  levels  based  on  an  organic  bicomponent  blend", Nat. Nanotech., 2016, 11, 769.
4. L.  Zhang,  X.  Zhong,  E.  Pavlica,  S.  Li,  A.  Klekachev,  G.  Bratina,  T.  W.  Ebbesen,  E.  Orgiu,  P.  Samorì,  "A nanomesh scaffold for supramolecular nanowire optoelectronic devices", Nat. Nanotech., 2016, 11, 900.
5. A. Ciesielski, S. Lena, S. Masiero, G. P. Spada, P. Samorì, "Dynamers at the Solid–Liquid Interface: Controlling the  Reversible  Assembly/Reassembly  Process  between  Two  Highly  Ordered  Supramolecular  Guanine  Motifs", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2010, 49, 1963.
6. A.  Ciesielski,  M.  El  Garah,  S.  Haar,  P.  Kovaříček,  J.-M.  Lehn,  P.  Samorì,  "Dynamic  covalent  chemistry  of bisimines at the solid/liquid interface monitored by scanning tunnelling microscopy", Nat. Chem., 2014, 6, 1017.
7. O. Fenwick, E. Coutiño-Gonzalez, D. Grandjean, W. Baekelant, F. Richard, S. Bonacchi, D. De Vos, P. Lievens, M.  Roeffaers,  J.  Hofkens,  P.  Samorì,  "Tuning  the  energetics  and  tailoring  optical  properties  of  silver  clusters confined in zeolites", Nat. Mater., 2016, 15, 1017.
8. A. Ciesielski, S. Haar, M. El Gemayel, H. Yang, J. Clough, G. Melinte, M. Gobbi, E. Orgiu, M. V. Nardi, G. Ligorio,  V.  Palermo,  N. Koch,  O.  Ersen,  C.  Casiraghi,  P.  Samorì,  "Harnessing  the  Liquid-Phase  Exfoliation  of Graphene using Aliphatic Compounds: A Supramolecular Approach", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 10355.
9. M. Gobbi, S. Bonacchi, J. Lian, Y. Liu, X.-Y. Wang, M.-A. Stoeckel, M.A. Squillaci, G. D'Avino, A. Narita, K. Müllen,  X.  Feng,  Y.  Olivier,  D.  Beljonne,  P.  Samorì,  E.  Orgiu,  "Periodic  potentials  in  hybrid  van  der  Waals heterostructures formed by supramolecular lattices on graphene" Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 14767.
10. M.A. Squillaci, L. Ferlauto, Y. Zagranyarski, S. Milita, K. Müllen, P. Samorì "Supramolecular fibers from an amphiphilic semiconducting dyad: ultrafast and ultrasensitive humidity sensor", Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 3170.  

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