
【19th.Apr.】:“Efficient ligand platforms from our group for enantioselective catalysis”
日期:2018-04-19 阅读:855

题目:“Efficient ligand platforms from our group for enantioselective catalysis”

演讲人 :Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Vidal-Ferran,Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ)&Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), Tarragona;Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain
时间 :4月19日(周四)下午3:30-

地点 :化学楼A-528演讲厅

邀请人 :张万斌 教授

Our research interests encompass the design of efficient enantioselective catalysts for transformations of interest, and the study of their use to prepare enantiomerically enriched products of biological, or pharmaceutical relevance. Crucial aspects of this work include modular design of the catalysts; use of versatile synthetic procedures (organic and inorganic transformations, or supramolecular processes); incorporation of regulation mechanisms for their active-site geometry; and computational study of their catalytic cycles (through collaborations). The application of our ligands in rhodium-mediated hydrogenations and hydroformylations, palladium-mediated allylic substitutions and metal carbene C-H insertion reactions will be discussed.











Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Vidal-Ferran

Current Position:
        ICREA Research Professor; Research group leader at ICIQ
        1987 Graduation in Chemistry from the “C.E.T.S. Institut Químic de Sarrià” (Enginyer Químic pel C.E.T.S. Institut Químic de Sarrià)
        1992 PhD in Chemistry from the “C.E.T.S. Institut Químic de Sarrià” (Doctor Enginer Químic pel “C.E.T.S. Institut Químic de Sarrià”) in the field of Organic Chemistry
        1996 PhD in Chemistry from the University of Barcelona
Research Positions:
        1993–1994 Research Fellow under the "Human Capital and Mobility Program" from the European Union; University of Cambridge (UK)
        1995–1999 Research Fellow under the "Programa de Reincorporación para Doctores y Tecnólogos" from the Spanish Government and Associated Professor; University of Barcelona (Spain)
        1999-2003 – Visiting Scientist at the Central Research Division of Bayer AG, Laboratory leader at the Central Research Division of Bayer AG, Laboratory leader at the Research & Development Department of the Unit “Fine Chemicals” at Bayer AG; Leverkusen, Germany
        2003 – ICREA Research Professor at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Tarragona, Spain
Fields of interest
        Asymmetric Catalysis, Organic Synthesis, Structural Elucidation, Molecular Recognition, Self-Assembly, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Molecular Sensors, Process Chemistry (Optimization and Development), Industrial Applications of (Asymmetric) Catalysis.      
Honors and Awards: 
1993–1994: “Human Capital and Mobility” Fellow at the University of Cambridge Chemical Laboratory (UK)
1999–2000: Visiting Scientist at the Central Research Division of Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany Research Group has been receiving the “Consolidated Research Group” status from the Catalan Agency for Academic Research(from 2004)
Honorary member of the “Israel Chemical Society” (from 2009)
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC, from 2014)
Member of the steering committee of the “International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry” (from 2014)
Visiting Professor at the “Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire (IPCM)” of the “Université Pierre et Marie Curie”, Paris (2016) 



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