
【2nd.Apr.】Fluorescence fluctuation and super-resolution imaging for fundamental biomolecular studies and towards clinical diagnostics
日期:2018-04-02 阅读:763


题目:Fluorescence fluctuation and super-resolution imaging for fundamental biomolecular studies and towards clinical diagnostics
报告人:Dr. Jerker Widengren, Professor in Experimental Biomolecular Physics, Royal Inst Technology (KTH),Member of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
时间:4月2日 (周一), 上午10:00
地点: 化学楼五楼518会议室
邀请人:任吉存 教授


Fluorescence fluctuation and super-resolution imaging for fundamental biomolecular studies and towards clinical diagnostics
J Widengren
Exp. Biomol. Physics / Applied Physics, Royal Inst. Technology (KTH)
Albanova Univ Center, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
e-mail: [email protected]

Our research group at KTH work with development of ultrasensitive and ultrahigh resolution fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging techniques, for detection, identification and characterization of biomolecules, in solutions and in cells.

First, a brief introduction to single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) will be given, and how the FCS technique can be used to provide new perspectives on proton exchange and biomolecular interactions in biomembranes.

Second, it will first be presented how fluorescence blinking kinetics due to long-lived, highly environment sensitive photo-induced transient states of organic fluorophores can be exploited as an additional source of fluorescence-based information. Proof-of-principle experiments, advantages, limitations will be discussed, and applications including live cell transient state (TRAST) imaging of cellular metabolism and membrane microfluidity will be presented.

Last, it will be shown how ultrahigh resolution imaging of cellular protein distribution patterns using Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) microscopy can potentially provide new diagnostic parameters on the level of individual cells, and also give further insights into underlying disease mechanisms. Examples, including cultured cells, clinically sampled breast cancer cells and platelets, will be given.

Jerker Widengren
Professor in Experimental Biomolecular Physics, Royal Inst Technology (KTH)
Member of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences

Education experience
1. M.Sc in Engineering Physics, KTH, 1989
M.D. / Physician, Karolinska Institutet (KI), 1998
 2. Ph.D., Medical Biophysics, 1996, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
 Working experience
1. Postdoc., 1999-2001, Max-Planck Inst. of. Biophys. Chem., dept. of Neurobiology and dept. of Spectroscopy and Photochemical  kinetics, Göttingen, Germany. (groups of Claus Seidel and Reinhard Jahn)
2. Assoc. Professor, 2001-2003. Karolinska Institutet.
3. Professor in Experimental Biomolecular Physics, KTH,2003-now. Permanent position.

- More than 90 original publications in total (abstracts and proceedings not included), cited more than 4500 times (Scopus, March 2018).
- More than 40 Invited lectures and talks (Sweden and abroad) during the last 10 years.
- Chairman and organizer of several international workshops and meetings on single molecule spectroscopy, FCS and related techniques
- Commissions of trust: PhD thesis opponent (7 times), Thesis committees (>30 times)
- Reviewer of manuscripts in renowned journal (10-15 / year) and of applications of grants and university positions at Swedish and foreign universities (2-3 / year).
- Invited guest professor at EPFL, Lausanne, June-August 2006, and at the Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble June-August 2009.
- Head and Chair of the department of Quantum and Biophotonics/Applied Physics, KTH, with >30 scientists (PhD students, postdocs, senior researchers and professors).
- Head of the research studies at the department of Applied Physics, KTH, 2008-2012
- Director of the Life Science Technology platform of KTH, 2013 – 2015
- Deputy Head (pro-prefekt) of the dept of Applied Physics, KTH, 2015-2017
- At present more than 15 national and international research collaborations, within the field of ultrasensitive fluorescence spectroscopy, development of techniques, fundamental biomolecular studies and biomedical applications thereof.
- Coordinator of the EU FP7 project FLUODIAMON with 12 European partners, 2008-2012
- Several PCT patent applications and patents on fluorescence microscopy. Co-inventor of a patent family concerning fluorescence techniques for high-throughput screening.
- Elected member of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), 2017-


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