
【22nd.Dec.】dynamic molecular networks: from molecular recognition to self-synthesizing materials
日期:2017-12-22 阅读:1371


题目:dynamic molecular networks: from molecular recognition to self-synthesizing materials
邀请人:张绍东 特别研究员

Life is a highly dynamic and complex system containing components such as bilayer membranes, nucleic acids and proteins. These biological macromolecules are not randomly mixed together, but kept in specific compartments, reflecting a high degree of organization.


However, the theory behind such well organization of biological organisms is still a mystery for scientists. Learning how to understand much simpler synthetic systems may shed some light on this intriguing issue. Systems chemistry[1] appears justified as it deals with chemical systems endowed with a high degree of complexity, so as to show emergent properties, that is, properties of a whole system that are not predictable solely from the properties of its constituent parts. Dynamic combinatorial chemistry[2] has been proven as a powerful framework for the study of complex chemical systems, for its products form dynamic molecular networks. Our research was extensively focused on self-assembly in complex chemical systems, from thermodynamically[3-5] to kinetically[6,7] controlled systems.


We have demonstrated that, in a dynamic molecular network, self-replication could be driven by self-assembly whose outcome is a self-synthesizing material. This discovery reveals that self-assembly not only can construct beautiful and intriguing structures i.e. catenanes[3] and “Russian-doll”-like supramolecular architectures[4], but also can promote the molecules to make copies of themselves as the living matters in nature[6,7].


We have also found that the morphologies of the self-assemblies may be able to decide the occurrence of self-replication.[8] These results have shown the complex interplay between molecular and colloidal aspects of the dynamic systems.

(1) Li, J.; Nowak, P.; Otto, S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 9596.
(2) Corbett, P. T.; Leclaire, J.; Vial, L.; West, K. R.; Wietor, J.-L.; Sanders, J. K. M.; Otto, S. Chem. Rev. 2006, 106, 3652.
(3) Li, J.; Nowak, P.; Fanlo-Virgos, H.; Otto, S. Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 4968.
(4) Li, J.; Nowak, P.; Otto, S. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 833.
(5) Li, J.; Cvrtila, I.; Colomb-Delsuc, M.; Otten, E.; Otto, S. Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 15709.
(6) Li, J.; Carnall, J. M. A.; Stuart, M. C. A.; Otto, S. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 8384.
(7) Nowak, P.; Colomb-Delsuc, M.; Otto, S.; Li, J.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 10965.
(8) Bartolec, B.; Smith, W.; Otto, S.; Li, J.* in preparation.


   李健维,于2009年,在南开大学化学系林华宽教授课题组,完成超分子化学方向的硕士学位后,前往荷兰格罗宁根大学Stratingh Institute,攻读系统化学方向的博士学位,师从系统化学的领头人Sijbren Otto教授。期间,他主要对复杂化学体系中的分子自组装行为进行了研究,于2014年3月获得博士学位。随后,他在英国牛津大学Hagan Bayley教授课题组,以蛋白质纳米孔技术为工具,在单分子水平上,对可逆共价化学反应及其在催化方面的应用,进行了为期两年的博士后研究。从2016年9月开始,他在芬兰图尔库药物与科学研究院的资助下,以高级研究员和课题组组长的身份,在图尔库大学化学系建立课题组,开始了独立工作。





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