
【19th.July】Functional DNA Nanotechnology and Its Applications as Theranostic Agents for Sensing, Imaging and Targeted Drug Delivery
日期:2017-07-19 阅读:1065

TITLE:  Functional DNA Nanotechnology and Its Applications as Theranostic Agents for Sensing, Imaging and Targeted Drug Delivery 
SPEAKER:  Prof. Yi Lu, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
TIME:  July 19 (Wednesday), 10:00-11:30
Venue:  Room 528, Chemistry Building A (化学楼5楼演讲厅)
INVITER:  Prof. Xinyuan Zhu (朱新远教授).


Selective theranostic agents are very useful for point-of-care diagnostic, therapeutic drug monitoring, biomedical imaging and targeted drug delivery. Despite a lot of effort, few such agents are commercially available, especially for small molecular biomarkers, metabolites and therapeutic drugs for diseases such as cancers. Specifically, designing selective theranostic based on a single class of molecules for a broad range of targets remains a significant challenge. 

Most processes are on a trial and error basis where successes in designing agents for one target can be difficult to translate success in designing agents for other targets. To meet these challenges, we have been able to use in vitro selection or SELEX to obtain DNAzymes, a new class of metalloenzymes that use DNA molecules exclusively for catalysis, and aptamers, a new class of nucleic acids that rivals antibodies, that can bind targets of choice strongly and specifically, and use negative selection strategy to improve the selectivity. By labeling the resulting DNAzymes and aptamers, called Functional DNA with fluorophore/quencher, gold nanoparticles, gadolinium, quantum dots or supermagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, we have developed new classes of fluorescent, colorimetric and MRI agents for metal ions and a wide range of other targets with high sensitivity (down to 14 pM) and selectivity (> 1 million fold selectivity).

1-3 These sensors have been applied for imaging metal ions and other targets in living cells and in vivo to offer deeper insight into their roles in biology.

4 They have also been combined with drugs as theranostic agents for both imaging and targeted drug delivery.

5 Recent progress in this project will be presented. 

1. a) Juewen Liu, Zehui Cao and Yi Lu, Chem. Rev. 109, 1948–1998 (2009); b) Hang Xing, Kevin Hwang, Ji Li, Seyed-Fakhreddin Torabi, Yi Lu, Curr. Opin. Chem. Eng. 4, 79-87 (2014).
2. Juewen Liu and Yi Lu, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 6642-6643 (2003).
3. Juewen Liu, Andrea K. Brown, Xiangli Meng, Donald M. Cropek, Jonathan D. Istok, David B. Watson, Yi Lu, Proc. Natal. Acad. Sci. USA, 104, 2056-2061 (2007).
4. a) Peiwen Wu, Kevin Hwang, Tian Lan, Yi Lu, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 5254–5257 (2013); b) b) Kevin Hwang et al., Angew. Chemie Intl.Ed. 53: 13798–13802 (2014); c) Seyed-Fakhreddin Torabi, et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 112, 5903-5908 (2015); d) Wenjing Wang, Nitya Sai Reddy Satyavolu, Zhenkun Wu, Jian-Rong Zhang, Jun-Jie Zhu, and Yi Lu, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 56, 6798–6802 (2017); e) Zhenkun Wu, Huanhuan Fan, Nitya Sai Reddy Satyavolu, WenJing Wang, Ryan Lake, Jian-Hui Jiang, and Yi Lu, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. (in press: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201703540)  
5. a) Z. Cao, et al., Angew Chemie Intl. Ed. 48, 6494 (2009); b) H. Xing, et. al. J. Mater. Chem. B 1, 5288 (2013); c) H. Xing, C. Zhang, G. Ruan, J. Zhang, K. Hwang, Y. Lu, Anal. Chem. 88, 1506 (2016); d) H. Xing, K. Hwang, Y. Lu, Theranostics, 1336 (2016).

  陆艺教授于1986年获得北京大学化学系学士学位,1992年获得美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)博士学位。后在美国加州理工学院 (Caltech)美国科学院院士Harry B. Gray小组从事两年的博士后研究。从1994年起在美国伊利诺斯大学香槟分校(UIUC)任教,现为该校化学系,生物化学系,生物工程系和材料科学与工程系Jay and Ann Schenck终身荣誉教授。

  陆艺教授长期从事 a)设计的金属蛋白的功能作为可再生能源和制药催化与工程; b)DNA 酶的基础研究以及它们在环境监测,食品安全,医学诊断和治疗的研发和应用; c)生物纳米材料可控形态及其在成像和医学应用的指导组装。已是生物无机化学和DNA传感器的研究领域是领军人物之一。

  陆艺教授在Nature(3 篇),Nature 子刊(8篇)、Science(2 篇)、PNAS (16 篇)、JACS(65 篇)、Angew Chemie(20 篇)等国际著名学术刊物发表文章 310 篇,并是一些国际著名学术刊物(如 Accounts of Chemical Research,Analytical Chemistry, ACS Sensors, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 以及Nano Research)编辑委员会或编辑顾问委员成员。陆教授的文章被引用超过 17350次,其中一篇文章被引用超过1000次,52篇文章被引用超过100次,H-index达到71。2015和2016年,陆教授连续两年被汤森路透列为高被引用科学家名单之一。

  由于其学术水平和成就,陆艺教授获得了很多科研奖,其中包括 2015年英国皇家学会的应用化学无机化学奖,美国国家自然科学基金会特别创新奖、美国国家科学基金成就奖、曾获美国科学促进会院士、霍华德休斯医学研究所 HHMI 教授、皇家化学学会 Fellow(FRSC)。

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