TOPIC:Borane Lewis Acids: From Molecules to Materials
SPEAKER:Prof. Dr. Frieder Jäkle,Dpartment of Chemistry,Rutgers University-Newark,Newark, NJ 07201, USAe,Email: [email protected]
TIME:June 26 (Monday)13:30pm
LOCATION:Chem. Building B, Room 410 (化学B楼 410)
INVITER:Prof. Fan Zhang (张帆研究员)
The ability of tricoordinate borane moieties to participate in pi-delocalization can have a dramatic effect on the optical properties of conjugated materials by selectively lowering the LUMO orbital levels. The electron-deficient character of boron also enables Lewis acid-base interactions, resulting in strong perturbations of the electronic structure. These materials have been studied for applications in areas ranging from biological imaging, lasing, organic photovoltaics, to photochromic materials and molecular switches.[1]
In our recent work, we have explored the effects of boron incorporation into conjugated oligomers and macrocycles.[2] We have also demonstrated that directed electrophilic aromatic C-H borylation is an effective approach to luminescent B-N containing conjugated ladder compounds.[3] Finally, we will show that intriguing new functional materials are obtained when boron is embedded into polymers.[4]
[1] A. Lorbach, A. Hübner and M. Wagner, Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 6048; Y. L. Rao, H. Amarne, S. Wang, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2012, 256, 759; A. Wakamiya, S. Yamaguchi, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2015, 88, 1357-1377; X. Y. Wang, J. Y. Wang; J. Pei, Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 3528-3539; A. Escande, M. J. Ingleson, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 6257-6274; Y. Ren, F. Jäkle, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 13996-14007; H. Helten, Chem. - Eur. J. 2016, 22, 12972-12982; L. Ji, S. Griesbeck, T. B. Marder, Chem. Sci. 2017, 8, 846-863.
[2] P. Chen, A. S. Marshall, S.-H. Chi, X. Yin, J. W. Perry, F. Jäkle, Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 18237-18247; P. Chen, X. Yin, N. Baser-Kirazli, F. Jäkle, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 10768-10772; X. Yin, K. Liu, Y. Ren, R. A. Lalancette, Y.-L. Loo, F. Jäkle, Chem. Sci. 2017, accepted for publication.
[3] M. Yussuf, K. Liu, F. Guo, R. A. Lalancette, F. Jäkle, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 4580-4587.
[4] A. Baggett, F. Guo, B. Li, S.-Y. Liu, F. Jäkle, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 11191-11195; W. Wan, A. Baggett, F. Cheng, H. Lin, S.-Y. Liu, F. Jäkle, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 13616-13619; X. Yin, F. Guo, and F. Jäkle, Macromolecules 2016, 49, 537-546.
Education and Work Experience
2016 - Current Distinguished Professor, Rutgers University
2009 - 2016 Full Professor, Rutgers University
2006 - 2009 Associate Professor, Rutgers University
2000 - 2006 Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
1997 - 2000 Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
1997 Ph.D. summa cum laude, TU München
Fellowships and Academic Awards
ACS Akron Section Award (2012)
Boron Americas Award (2012)
Search for Electroactive Materials (SEAM) Award (2009)
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Prize (2009)
Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (2006-2008)
National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2004-2008)
Other Honors
Editorial Advisory Board Member Macromolecules and ACS Macro Letters (2015-18)
Editorial Advisory Board Member Organometallics (2014-17)
Advisory Board Member International Association of Advanced Materials, IAAM (2011-)
Advisory Board Member Boron in the Americas (2008-)
Editorial Board Member J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater. (2006-2012)
Editorial Board Member Main Group Chem. (2005-)