
【28th.June】Defect-driven Nanostructured Electrode Materials for Energy Storage Systems
日期:2017-06-28 阅读:919

TOPIC:Defect-drivenNanostructured Electrode Materials for Energy Storage Systems

SPEAKER:Prof  Hui (Claire) Xiong,MicronSchool of Materials Science and Engineering Boise State University, Boise,Idaho, USA

TIMEJune 28 (Wednesday)14:00pm-15:30pm

LOCATIONRoom 410 Chemistry  Building B (化学B楼410会议室)

INVITER:Prof.Zifeng Ma(马紫峰 教授)


Abstract: Rechargeable batteries such aslithium-ion batteries and sodium-ion batteries are promising energy storagetechnologies to provide high energy and high power for applications such aselectric vehicles or electrical grids. Recent studies have observed thatelectrode materials (e.g. TiO2) containing intentional structural defectsexhibit enhanced electrochemical charge storage capacity. In the first part ofthis talk I will introduce our work on the irradiation effect on structure andelectrochemical response of TiO2 nanostructured electrodes throughroom-temperature and 250 ˚C proton irradiations asirradiation is known to produce an excess of defects in a material. The defectgeneration upon irradiation and changes in electrochemical response innanostructured TiO2 samples in lithium-ion batteries will be discussed. In thesecond half of this talk I discuss our work on disordered 3D multi-layergraphene material as an anode for sodium-ion battery. Furthermore, theintercalation of sodium into the defective graphene structure is discussedthrough electrochemical characterization, Raman spectroscopy, and small-angleX-ray scattering experiments.

C.V. of Prof.Hui Xiong

世博娱乐Dr. Hui (Claire) Xiong is an Assistant Professorin the Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering at Boise StateUniversity, USA. Dr. Xiong received a BS in Applied Chemistry, MS in InorganicChemistry from East China University of Science and Technology, and a PhD inAnalytical Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh. Between 2008 - 2012,she conducted postdoc work at Harvard University and Argonne NationalLaboratory where her research involved electrochemical characterization ofmicro-fabricated cathode materials for micro-solid oxide fuel cells and thedevelopment of novel nanostructured electrode materials for rechargeablebatteries. Xiong received the NSF CAREER Award in 2015. Her current research isfocused on design and development of nanoarchitectured and defect-drivenelectrode materials, electrolyte stability, and ion-irradiated electrodematerials for rechargeable batteries including Li-ion and Na-ion batteries.

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