
【14th.June】Organocatalytic Radical Methods for Aldehyde Synthesis
日期:2017-06-14 阅读:919

TOPIC:Organocatalytic Radical Methods for Aldehyde Synthesis
TIME:June 14 (Wednesday)15:30pm
LOCATION:化学A楼 528演讲厅
INVITER:张万斌 教授
报告简介:Arguably, aromatic aldehydes are the most fundamentally important substances used in organic synthesis. Therefore, the availability of predictable and chemoselective methods for aldehyde synthesis has a profound impact on chemical synthesis. Classical approaches to aromatic aldehydes are not atom- and step-economical. The state-of-the-art methods for the synthesis of aldehydes rely on transition metal catalyzed (hydro)formylation reactions. Achieving truly practical processes will streamline aldehyde synthesis, but require a fundamentally distinct design paradigm. Toward this end, recently our research laboratories initiated a program aimed at developing sustainable, environmentally friendly, and mild strategies for aldehyde synthesis. In this context, new formylation reagents are designed and new reactivities are harnessed for developing unprecedented organocatalytic photoredox processes for efficient synthesis of structurally diverse aliphatic aldehydes, (hetero)aromatic aldehydes, and α, β-unsaturated aldehydes from feedstock chemicals.


//chemistry.unm.edu/database/personnel/faculty/wei_wang/image.jpg报告人简介:现任美国新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico)化学系终身正教授、博士生导师;华东理工大学药学院肿瘤药物研究所所长,教授、博士生导师;中组部首批“千人计划”特聘专家。1988取得南京师范大学化学系理学学士;1993取得中国科学院上海药物研究所理学硕士;2000获得美国北卡州立大学(North Carolina State University)化学系化学博士;2000-2001,美国亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)化学系博士后。社会兼职有《中国药学学报》和《中国化学快报》编委,中美化学与化学生物学教授协会(CAPA)主席,《Current Organic Synthesis》和《Letters in Organic Chemistry》编委,以及《Organic Chemistry Insights》荣誉编委等。获奖及荣誉称号包括:美国新墨西哥大学的Nominated for the 2006-2007 Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award和The Creative Award 2012,中美化学与化学生物学教授协会的Distinguished Junior Faculty Award 2008,美国多肽协会(the American Peptide Society)的The Bruce W. Erickson Young Investigator Award,以及杂志《Tetrahedron Letters》的Most Cited Paper 2004-2007 Award和Most Cited Paper 2006-2009 Award等。王卫教授主要研究包括有机合成新方法学的开发,不对称催化和绿色化学有机反应的研究和新药研发。迄今为止,在Nature Commun., Nature Mol. Biol., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem., J. Biol. Chem., Chem. Sci., Org. Lett., Chem. Commun., J. Org. Chem., Chem. Eur. J., Adv. Syn. Catal., ACS Catal., J. Mater. Chem. ChemCatChem 等杂志上发表论文220多篇,专著1本和章节16篇,H-index为60,国内外专利6件,是化学领域引用率前5%的作者。开发的手性吡喏烷磺酰胺类催化剂已成功地转让给美国Aldrich Chemical公司,研发的新型抗癌药物转让给美国Andaman Therapeutics,正开展临床试验,可望成为用于治疗乳腺癌、肺癌、白血病和前列腺癌的抗癌新药。


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