
【1st.June】Low temperature direct biomass fuel cell and bio-hydrogen production
日期:2017-06-01 阅读:715

TOPIC:Low temperature direct biomass fuel cell and bio-hydrogen production
SPEAKER:Prof. Yulin Deng,School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and IPST at Georgia Tech, Georgia Institute of Technology,USA
TIME:Jun 1 (Thursday)10:15am 
LOCATION:Room 410, Chemistry B Building(化学B楼 410会议室)
INVITER;Prof.Jiesheng Chen (陈接胜 教授)

In this talk, I will briefly discuss our recent research in two groundbreaking technologies: 1) low temperature biomass fuel cell; 2) low temperature hydrogen production using raw biomass. 

A novel fuel cell that directly consumes natural polymeric biomasses, such as starch, cellulose, lignin, and even switchgrass and wood powders will be discussed. This fuel cell combines some features of solar cells, fuel cells, and redox flow batteries. The power density of the solar-induced hybrid fuel cell powered by cellulose is almost 3,000 times higher than cellulose based microbial fuel cells. Unlike most cell technologies that are sensitive to impurities, the cell reported in this study is inert to most organic and inorganic contaminants present in the fuels. The fuel cell is completely noble metal free.   The similar system was investigated for low temperature hydrogen production using native biomass directly. With this novel approach, we can use only 16% of water splitting energy to produce the same amount of hydrogen.  



邓渝林博士是美国佐治亚理工学院化学与生物分子工程系的终身教授。他本科于1982年毕业于中国东北师范大学化学系,以后在中国四川化学与轻工业学院任五年讲师。1992年, 邓渝林获得英国曼彻斯特大学高分子化学博士学位. 1992-1995, 加拿大麦克麦斯特大学博士后。 从1995年开始, 他先后在美国造纸学院和佐治亚理工学院任副教授和教授。邓渝林教授是国际林业科学院院士(2010-现在),美国化工学会自然产物分会的理事(2003-2016), 并获得2014年美国化工协会Andrew Chase 奖。 他曾经主持或参与主持过近20个国际学术会议。

邓教授是低温生物质能源燃料电池的首创者。这种新型生物质燃料电池开辟了一条合理利用可再生能源的新途径。这项新技术的发现引起了世界可再生能源科学界的广泛注意。 他在Nature Communications, JACS、Angewandte Chemie、Nano Letters,Nano Energy等期刊发表260余篇学术论文,做过近百次学术报告, 拥有三项美国专利。他是2家期刊的副主编,4家期刊的编委,30多家期刊的评委。曾经领导和主持过十多个50万美元以上的重大科研课题,包括美国能源部(DOE),美国科学基金委员会(NSF),美国农业部(USDA)和多个工业界资助的科研项目。他的多项研究成果被各种世界媒体和美国化学会C&EN专题报道,部分研究成果已经在美国工业化。

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