
【24th.Mar.】有机半导体室温磷光发光材料 Room temperature phosphorescence light-emitting from organic materials
日期:2017-03-24 阅读:958


TOPIC:Room temperature phosphorescence light-emitting from organic materials (有机半导体室温磷光发光材料)
SPEAKER:Dr. Kazunori Ueno (CSIRO, 澳大利亚国家科学与工程院 高级研究员)

TIME:March 24 (Friday)10:00am
INVITER:钟洪亮  特别研究员


Dr. Kazunori Ueno

2008-Present  CSIRO Material and Manufacturing, Clayton, Melbourne, Australia.

Project Leader MadMax Project (with a Japanese company) leading research project focused on development of OLED materials and the devices(2008-2013)

Project leader of CSIRO for OPERA (2012-2014)

Project chief of OLED material and device research ( 2008 – present)

1992-2008      OD Development Centre, Canon Inc. Japan.

As a principal staff engineer and a research director, leading more than 150 researchers of OLED group including CRA (Canon Research Americas) which focuses on materials study, display development and associated manufacturing processes, Japan.

1988-1991      Nippon Shikayakuhin Co. LTD, Japan.

General manager of research and development division, leading for new dental pharmaceutics.

1974-1988      Research Institute of Industrial Science, Kyushu University / Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University.

 As a research associate, educating master course and doctor course students.  Research for synthesis of heterocyclic compounds.



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