
【1st.Nov.】Polymer-Assisted Metal Deposition-An Interfacial Chemical Approach For Soft Electronics
日期:2016-11-01 阅读:1017


TOPIC:Polymer-Assisted Metal Deposition-An Interfacial Chemical Approach For Soft Electronics
SPEAKER:A. Prof. (Tenured) Zijian Zheng,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK.
TIME:November 1 (Tuesday)14:00 pm
LOCATION:Room 410, Chemistry Building B (化学B楼410会议室)
INVITER:张川 特别研究员


Polymer-Assisted Metal Deposition-An Interfacial Chemical Approach For Soft Electronics

Zijian Zheng *


Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Email: [email protected]


Metal conductors are indispensable element for most future soft electronic devices that find remarkable applications in wearable displays and solar cells, deformable antenna and capacitors, electronic skins, point-of-care diagnostics, and biological actuators. One critical challenge in this field is how to fabricate highly conductive, adhesive, smooth, and soft metal conductors at low temperature under ambient conditions, and preferably in a roll-to-roll manner. Conventional metal nanoparticle inks fall short to satisfy these requirements because of their relatively high processing temperature, rough surface, and poor adhesion, especially for easily oxidized metals such as Cu.


Our laboratory recently develops Polymer-Assisted Metal Deposition (PAMD) to address this issue. PAMD allows ambient fabrication of flexible, foldable, stretchable, compressible, and wearable metal (especially Cu) conductors with very high conductivity. The key innovation of PAMD is the use of a thin and functional polymeric interfacial layer that assists electroless deposition (ELD) of metal thin films and patterns (Au, Ag, Cu, and Ni) on soft substrates such as plastics, elastomers, papers, and polyurethane sponges. Such a polymer interfacial layer offers remarkable adhesion between metal and substrate, which is critical for enhancing the mechanical durability of the metal layer upon large deformation. In general, PAMD includes three steps, being (1) surface grafting of functional interfacial polymer, (2) immobilization of the catalytic moieties, (3) metal deposition by ELD. Importantly, PAMD is compatible with versatile substrates and different printing technologies at ambient conditions. This seminar will discuss the materials chemistry of PAMD and demonstrate their applications in several important soft electronic devices including circuits, solar cells, supercapacitors, and transistors.


1. K. Li, H. Zhen*, L. Niu, X. Fang, Y. Zhang, R. Guo, Y. Yu, F. Yan, H. Li, Z. J. Zheng*,Adv. Mater.2014, 26, 7271-7278.
2. Y. Yu, C. Yan, Z. J. Zheng*,Adv. Mater.2014, 26, 5508-5516.
3. Y. Yu, J. Zeng, C. Chen, Y. Yang, Z. J. Zheng*,Adv. Mater.2014,26, 810-815.
4. R. Guo, Y. Yu, Z. Xie, X.,Y. Yang, Z. J. Zheng*,Adv. Mater.2013, 25, 3343-3350.
5. X. Wang, H. Hu, Y. Shen, X. Zhou, Z. J. Zheng*,Adv. Mater.2011, 23, 3090-3094.
6. X. Liu, H. Chang, Y. Li, W. T. S. Huck, Z. J. Zheng*,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2010, 2, 529-535.
7. L. Liu, Y. Yu, C. Yan, K. Li, Z. J. Zheng*,Nat. Commun.2015, 6, 7260.
8. R. Guo, Y. Yu, J. Zeng, X. Liu, X. Zhou, L. Niu, T. Gao, K. Li, Y. Yang, F. Zhou,* Z. J. Zheng*,Adv. Sci.2015, 2, 1400021.
9. Y. Yu, X. Xiao, Y. Zhang, K. Li, C. Yan, X. Wei, L. Chen, H. Zhen, H. Zhou, S. Zhang, Z. J. Zheng*,Adv. Mater.2016, 28, 4926-4934.



Professional Experience & Education:

2013-now     Associate Professor (Tenured)       The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK.

2009-2013    Assistant Professor                  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK.

2008-2009    Postdoctoral Fellow               Northwestern University, USA.

2004-2007    Ph.D. in Chemistry                  University of Cambridge, UK.

1999-2003    B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering     Tsinghua University, China.

Research Interest and Expertise:

nanopatterning, 3D nanoprinting, interfacial science, surface chemistry, polymer brushes, polymer science, self-assembly, flexible/stretchable/wearable electronics, 2D materials

Editorial and Professional Service

2013-2014    Leading Guest Editor, Advanced Materials, Wiley.

2016-now        Editor, The Scientific Pages of Metallurgical and Material Engineering, The Scientific Pages.

2012-now     Editor, Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, TIBS.

2014-now     International Advisory Board, Material Research Express, IOP.

2012-now     Scientific advisory board, RadiaShield Technologies Corporation, USA.

2012-now     Scientific advisory board, Epro Development Limited, Hong Kong.

2011-now     Adjunct Associate Professor, South China University of Technology, China.

Awards and Honors:

Early Career Award of Young Giants of Nanoscience (2016), Faculty Award, HK PolyU (2016), Emerging Investigator Theme of JMC A, RSC (2015), Top-100 Engineers, International Biographic Center (2015), Future Leaders Award, STS Japan (2015), GENEVA International Technology Invention Award Silver Metal, Switzland (2015), Visiting Professor Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities, Tsinghua University (2014), Outstanding Researcher Award, Shenzhen City (2012), Visiting Scholar Scheme, Nanyang Technological University (2011, 2015), EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award, UK (2005-2007), Chinese Government Research Student Award, China (2006), Cambridge Display Technology (CDT) Studentship, UK (2004-2007), Honored Graduate, Tsinghua University (2003), “SK” Award, Tsinghua University (2002), “12·9” Award, Tsinghua University (2001), Tsinghua Scholarship, Tsinghua University (2000).


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