
【25th.Oct.】Fluorescent Probes and Activatable Photosensitizers
日期:2016-10-25 阅读:978


TOPIC:Fluorescent Probes and Activatable Photosensitizers
SPEAKER:Juyoung Yoon,Distinguished Professor,Department of Chemistry and Nano Science,Ewha Womans University
TIME:October 25 (Tuesday)4:00 PM
VENUE:Room 528, Chemistry Building A (化学A楼528演讲厅)
INVITER:Prof. Shun-ai Che(车顺爱教授)


Juyoung Yoon

Department of Chemistry and Nano Science, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Korea
E-mail: [email protected]


Fluorescence is an important detection method due to its simplicity and high detection limit.1 Fluorescent probes have become powerful tools that allow biologists to study biological processes because they can provide visual information in real time with high spatial resolution. In this presentation, we focus our recent contributions to fluorescent chemosensors and imagin probes. HOCl is a biologically important reactive oxygen species (ROS).1 Previous reports have shown that HOCl is involved in the oxidative burst of phagocytes, a process by which phagocytic cells generate highly reactive HOCl via the myeloperoxidase-H2O2-Cl- system to kill pathogens. Recently, we reported R19S,2 FBS3 and PIS4 as new fluorescent probes for HOCl, which have high selectivity, sensitivity and short response time in a broad range of pH. The development of multifunctional reagents for simultaneous specific near-infrared (NIR) imaging and phototherapy of tumors is of great significance. A synergic methodology of phototherapy, photothermal therapy as well as imaging will be presented. Finally, recent efforts on the developments of gas selective chemosensor6,7 will be presented.

[1] X. Chen, F. Wang, J. Y. Hyun, T. Wei, J. Qiang, X. Ren, I. Shin, J. Yoon, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2016, 45, 2976-3016.
[2] X. Chen, K.-A. Lee, X. Ren, J.-C. Ryu, G. Kim, J.-H. Ryu, W.-J. Lee, J. Yoon, Nat. Protocol. 2016, 11, 1219-1228.
[3] Q. Xu, K.-A. Lee, S. Lee, K. M. Lee, W.-J. Lee, J. Yoon, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 9944-9949.
[4] Q. Xu, C. H. Heo, G. Kim, H. W. Lee, H. M. Kim, J. Yoon, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 4890-4894.
[5] X. Chen, D. Lee, J. Yoon, in preparation.
[6] X. Zhou, Y. Zeng, C. Liyan, X, Wu, J. Yoon, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 4729-4733.
[7] Q. Xu, S. Lee, Y. Cho, M. H. Kim, J. Bouffard, J. Yoon, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 17751-17754.


\"\"CURRICULUM VITAE – Prof. Juyoung Yoon

Work Address Department of Chemistry and Nano Science
  Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Korea 
Telephone +82-2-3277-2400
E-mail [email protected]

B.Sc. Seoul National University (Applied Chemistry)
Ph.D. The Ohio State University (Organic Chemistry)


1994.09 – 1996.08 Postdoctoral Fellow, UCLA (Prof. Donald J. Cram)
1996.09 – 1998.02 Postdoctoral Fellow, Scripps Research Institute (Prof. Kim D. Janda)
1998.02 – 2002.08 Full Time Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Silla University
2002.09 – Present Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Ewha Womans University


Fluorescent Probes; Chemosensors; Molecular Recognition; Organic Functional Materials


250 SCI research papers. (h-index: 76)


1. “A Fluorescent Sensor for Dual Channel Discrimination between Phosgene and a Nerve gas mimic” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 4729-4733.
2. “Intracellular Modulation of Excited-State Dynamics in a Chromophore Dyad: Differential Enhancement of Photocytotoxicity Targeting Cancer Cells” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 5340–5344. (Cover, Hot Paper)
3. “Development of Imidazoline-2-Thiones Based Two-Photon Fluorescence Probes for Imaging Hypochlorite Generation in a Co-Culture System” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 4890-4894.
4. “Polydiacetylene-Based Colorimetric and Fluorescent Chemosensor for the Detection of Carbon Dioxide” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 17751-17754.
5. “A Highly Specific Fluorescent Probe for Hypochlorous Acid and its Application in Imaging Microbe-induced HOCl Production” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 9944-9949.
6. “A Benzobisimidazolium Based Fluorescent and Colorimetric Chemosensor for CO2” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 17846-17849. (Cover, JACS  Spotlights)
7. “Thin Film Formation of Imidazolium Based Conjugated Polydiacetylenes and Their Application for Sensing Anionic Surfactants” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 1422-1425. (Inside Cover)
8. “Zn2+–Triggered Amide Tautomerization Produces a Highly Zn2+–Selective, Cell–Permeable and Ratiometric Fluorescent Sensor” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 601-610.
9. “A Unique Sandwich Stacking of Pyrene-Adenine-Pyrene for Selective and Ratiometric Fluorescent Sensing of ATP at Physiological pH” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 15528-15533. (JACS Select #10)


2013 – Present  Editorial Advisory Board; Chemical Society Reviews (RSC)
2014 – Present  Editorial Advisory Board; Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group)
2015 – Present  Editorial Board; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS)
2015 – Present  Editorial Board; ACS Sensors (ACS)
2015 – Present  Editor; Dyes & Pigments (Elsevier)
2016 – Present Editorial Board; Sensors and Actuators B (Elsevier)
2016 – Present Editorial Advisory Board; Materials Chemistry Frontiers (RSC)
2014 – Present Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
2014 – Present a member of Korean Academy of Science and Technology


2016. 5.; Ewha Academic Award
2016. 4.: Korean Chemical Society Award
2014.3 - present: “Distinguished Professorship” by Ewha Womans University
2012. 11: “Knowledge Creation Grand Prize” by Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea
2012.9-2014.2: “Future Distinguished Professorship” by Ewha Womans University
2011. 10: “Monthly Best Scientist Award” by Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea
2008: “Shim Sang Chul Award” from Organic Division of Korean Chemical Society
2006 & 2010: “Excellent Research Award” by Ewha Womans University



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