
【24th.Aug.】Electrochemistry of Single-Nanoparticle Collision
日期:2016-08-24 阅读:801



TOPICElectrochemistry of Single-Nanoparticle Collision

SPEAKERProfessor Bo Zhang (张波) Department of Chemistry, University of Washington

TIMEAugust 24 (Wednesday) AM10:00


INVITER:任吉存 教授

摘要I will present our recent research on the use of ultramicroelectrodes (UMEs) to study single electrocatalytic nanoparticles. My group has been studying stochastic electrochemical events of single metal nanoparticles at UME surfaces in order to better understand interfacial electron-transfer processes and structure-function of nanocatalysts. One of our approaches uses fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) to record voltammetric response of single nanoparticles during collision. FSCV gives unique kinetic information and chemical resolution. Amperometric recording allows one to record single collision events with microsecond temporal resolution. We have discovered some exciting details in collision studies using fast recording speed. I will also describe our most recent experiments in which single metal nanoparticles are oxidized and dissolved at the electrode surface leading to unique oxidation behavior which has never been seen before.  


Bo Zhang介绍

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry, University of Washington Seattle Washington 98195 United States


Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Utah (with Henry S. White)                                                  2002–2006

M.S., Chemistry, Peking University (with Shengmin Cai)                                                       1999–2002

B.S., Chemistry, Shandong University                                                                                    1995–1999

Professional Experience

Associate Professor                                                                                                             2014–present

Assistant Professor University of Washington                                                                        2008–2014

Postdoctoral Research Associate Penn State University                                                          2006–2008


Research Interests

Fluorescence-enabled electrochemical microscopy (FEEM); Single-nanoparticle electrocatalysis; Neuronal communication; Interfacial electron transfer; Single molecule analysis

Honors and Awards

2014       Selected as one of the Top 40 under 40 by Analytical Scientist      

2013       Young Investigator Award, Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (SEAC)

2012       Sloan Research Fellowship, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

2011       Junior Faculty Development Award, University of Washington

2010       Royalty Research Award, University of Washington

2007       Travel Award, Gordon Research Conference on Electrochemistry

2005       Graduate Research Fellowship, ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry

2005       Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad

Professional Activities and Service

Features Panel, Analytical Chemistry 2015-2018

Board of Directors, Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2013–2017

Recent Publications

51.   Hao, R.; Zhang, B.* “Electrochemical De-alloying by Single-Nanoparticle Collision” Anal. Chem. in revision.

50.   Fan, Y. S.; Han, C.; and Zhang, B.* “Nanoelectrodes in Electroanalytical Chemistry” Analyst, in revision. (Invited)

49.   Anderson, T.; Zhang, B.* “Transient Response in Single Nanoparticle Electrochemistry” Acc. Chem. Res. submitted (Invited for a special issue on Nanoelectrochemistry)

48.   Fan, Y. S., Zhou, M.; Han, C.; and Zhang, B.* “Observing Single Hydrogen Nanobubbles in Single Nanoparticle Collision” J. Am. Chem. Soc. submitted.

45. Percival, S. J. and Zhang, B.* “Heterogeneous Electron-Transfer Kinetics and Electrocatalytic Activity at Single Metal Nanoparticles” J. Phys. Chem. C. 2016, In Press. (Invited)

44. Oja, S. M.; Fan, Y. S.; Armstrong, C. M.; Defnet, P.; and Zhang, B.* \"Nanoscale Electrochemistry Revisited\" Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 414-430. (Invited annual review article)  

43.   Hao, R. and Zhang, B.* \"Nanopipette-based Electroplated Nanoelectrodes\" Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 614-620. 

41.   Wood, M.; Zhang, B.* “Bipolar Electrochemical Method for Dynamic in Situ Control of Single Metal Nanowire Growth.” ACS Nano 2015, 9, 2454–2464.



45 Invited Seminars at Universities + 25 Invited Presentations at Conferences

Current Research Support (NIH, NSF, AFOSR, DTRA, UW)


Current group include 9 Graduate Students + 3 Undergraduates + 3 Postdoc

4 Ph.D. Dissertations Supervised

10 Former Postdoctoral Research Associates and Visitors

17 Former Undergraduate Researchers

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