TOPIC: Transport processes in biological systems: from blood flow in the aorta to drug transport in solid tumour
SPEAKER: Prof. Xiao Yun Xu, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
TIME:APRIL 6 (Wednesday) AM9:00
LOCATION: Room 518, Chemistry Building A (化学A楼518会议室)
INVITER: Prof. Xinyuan Zhu (朱新远 教授)
Professor Xiao Yun Xu
Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London,
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
This talk will address two different research topics: (1) our recent work on multiscale modelling of clot formation and thrombolysis, and (2) a multi-physics model of drug transport in solid tumours. In the first part, examples of patient-specific models of type B aortic dissection and our newly developed thrombolysis model will be presented[1-3]. The second part of the talk will be focused on an integrated modelling framework that couples drug transport in tumour interstitium and cellular responses through apoptosis signaling[4,5]. Our most recent work on computational modelling of thermosensitive liposomal delivery of anticancer drugs activated by high intensity focused ultrasound will also be discussed[6,7].
1. Cheng Z. Wood NB, Gibbs RGJ, Xu XY. Geometric and flow features of type B aortic dissection: initial findings and comparison of medically treated and stented cases. Ann. Biomed. Eng. 2015; 43:177-189.
2. Piebalgs A, Xu XY. Towards a multi-physics modelling framework for thrombolysis under the influence of blood flow. J R Soc Interface 2015; 12: 20150949.
3. Menichini C, Xu XY. Mathematical modelling of thrombus formation in idealized models of aortic dissection. J Math Biol 2016 (in press).
4. Liu C, Krishnan J, Xu XY. Towards an integrated systems-based modelling framework for drug transport and its effect on tumour cells, J Biol Eng 2014; 8:3.
5. Liu C, Krishnan J, Xu XY. Investigating the effects of ABC transport-based acquired drug resistance mechanisms at the cellular and tissue scale. Integrative Biology 2013; 5:555-568.
6. Zhan W, Gedroyc W, Xu XY. Effect of heterogeneous microvasculature distribution on drug delivery to solid tumour. J Physics D: Appl Phys 2014; 47:475401.
7. Liu C, Xu X Y. A systematic study of temperature sensitive liposomal delivery of doxorubicin using a mathematical model. Comp Bio Med 2015; 60:107-116.
Prof. Xiao Yun Xu is a Professor of Biofluid Mechanics in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. She joined Imperial College in 1998 as a Lecturer, and became a full Professor in 2009. She received her BSc and MSc degrees in Thermo-Fluids Engineering from Dalian University of Technology in China, and her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the City University, London. Her research interests include biomedical engineering and bioprocessing, with a special focus on transport processes in biological and physiological systems. She led a group which did most of the pioneering work on the development of image-based computational models for blood flow in large arteries, and the first image-based carotid artery fluid-wall coupled model developed by her group was reported by various media, including BBC online news and Science (“How the Blood Flows”, Science, Vol. 290, November 2000). Her current research activities include cardiovascular fluid mechanics and mass transport, multiscale and multiphysics modelling of thrombus formation, clot dissolution in thrombolytic therapies, and drug delivery to solid tumour, rheological behaviour of biomass suspensions and multiphysics modelling of bioreactors. She has co-authored 123 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and supervised 40 PhD students. In 2009, she received the Imperial College Rector’s Award for Excellence in Research Supervision for her exceptional contributions in providing a supportive learning environment for postgraduate research students.