
【14th. Mar.】Development and application of advanced multiphase CFD models for minerals and other process industries
日期:2016-03-14 阅读:807


TOPIC: Development and application of advanced multiphase CFD models for minerals and other process industries
SPEAKER: Prof. Peter Witt and Prof.Yuqing Feng, CSIRO Mineral Resources, AUSTRALIA
TIME:March 14 (Monday) AM10:00
LOCATION: 518 Meeting Room, Chemistry Building A (化学A楼518会议室)
INVITER: 罗正鸿 教授        


Report abstract:
The subject of multiphase flows encompasses a vast field, a broad range of engineering disciplines. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling is playing an increasingly important role in process design, control and optimisation of these complex multiphase industrial systems nowadays.
CSIRO Fluid Process Modelling team has been working on the application of CFD models to new and existing plant in the mineral processing, metal production and energy industries for decades. The broad application of CFD has the potential to save companies many millions of dollars per year. On this seminar, Dr Peter Witt will present the CFD modelling work in the fluid process modelling team he is currently leading. The industrial examples include bath flows and chemical reactions in Aluminium reduction cells, Dry Slag Granulation, HIsmelt iron ore reduction process, solvent extraction (SXT) settlers, gas-liquid flow through a sonic-nozzle and interaction with a fluidised bed, slurry drying and gas flow in rotary dryers, brown coal combustions in Yallourn power station furnace, gas-particle flow is a fluidised bed coker, and slurry flow in thickeners.
Brief Biography
Peter Witt
Peter Witt is the Research Team Leader of the Fluids Process Modelling team in CSIRO Mineral Resources. In 1997 he received a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Swinburne University for his thesis on CFD modelling of fluidized bed. Before joining CSIRO he lectured with the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne. Peter has taught CFD modelling, fluid mechanics and heat transfer to third, fourth and final year engineering students. He has supervised 6 PhD students.

Peter has received a number of awards including: W.P. Brown Medal, awarded by The Institution of Engineers, Esso Prize for the most outstanding final year Mechanical Engineering Student, IChemE Excellence and Innovation Award 2011 - Sustainable Technology Award and 2013 Vittoria de Nora prize for Environmental Improvements in Metallurgical Industries. He has authored >25 journal publication, >50 conference papers, >110 technical reports for industry and organized/ chaired seven international conferences on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries. Guest edited a number of journal special issues.
He has applied CFD to areas including: slag granulation, quenching of vapours in supersonic flows, coal combustion, modelling of the HIsmelt reduction process, fluidized bed cokers and aluminium reduction cells. His research interests are developing and applying CFD models of multiphase flows to better understand and solve problems in industrial plant.

Yuqing Feng
Yuqing Feng (B Eng, 1992; M Eng, 1995; Ph D, 2004, UNSW, Australia) is a senior research scientist at CSIRO Mineral Resources, mainly works on the development and application of advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models for complex multiphase flow systems involving bubbles, particles and droplets, with a focus on their applications in process industries. Recently, he has expanded his research in bio-medical and manufacturing areas, such as the investigation of atherosclerosis formation process using fluid-structure interaction (FSI) modelling of biomechanical behavior of human arteries and the thermal-mechanic response during additive manufacturing process using FEA model. He holds a patent on “Distortion control predictive tool for wire fed

additive manufacturing” (2015), WO2015184495.

In addition to provide practical advice for reliable scale-up, design and control/optimization of different multi-phase complex flow systems for process industries, he has been co-supervising over 10 PhD students in conjunction with several universities and published 3 book chapters, over 100 scientific papers and 30 industrial reports. He is an elected council member of the Australia Fluid Mechanics Society (2015-2018) and serves as reviewers for over 20 international journals and a recipient of 2013 excellent reviewer award from the journal of Powder Technology. He holds a few honor positions from international universities and research institutes, including RMIT, BGRIMM, Northeastern University, Changzhou University, etc.


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