
【18th.Nov.】Graphene Based Materials for High Performance Supercapacitor
日期:2015-11-18 阅读:808


TOPICGraphene Based Materials for High Performance Supercapacitor 
SPEAKER: 范壮军教授,哈尔滨工程大学

TIME:November 18 (Wednesday) AM9:30 
LOCATION: Fifth-floor Lecture Hall, Chemistry Building A (化学A楼5楼演讲厅) 
INVITER:  张帆研究员



Graphene, a one-atom-thick two-dimensional (2D) carbon material, has attracted increasing attention in the past several years due to its high surface area, remarkable thermal conductivity, excellent electronic conductivity and mechanical properties. Different from most porous carbon materials, the surface area of graphene depends on its solid surface, but not the porosity. However, graphene sheets tend to form irreversible agglomerates or even restack to form graphite due to their strong p–p stacking and van der Waals interactions between the intersheet of graphene, resulting in a dramatic decrease of the surface area.


In order to make full utilization of the high intrinsic surface area of graphene, recently, porous graphene materials including graphene nanomesh, crumpled graphene and graphene foam, have attracted tremendous attention and research interest, owing to their exceptional porous structure (high surface area, and high pore volume) in combination with the inherent properties of graphene, such as high electronic conductivity, good thermal stability, and excellent mechanical strength. Interestingly, porous graphene materials and their derivatives have been explored in a wide range of applications in the fields of electronic and photonic devices, energy storage, gas separation/storage, oil absorption and sensors.



   范壮军,哈尔滨工程大学教授,博士生导师,国家“万人计划”领军人才,黑龙江省“龙江学者”特聘教授,先进炭材料研究所所长。博士毕业于中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,清华大学化工系博士后,美国斯坦福大学访问学者。获得教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、黑龙江省杰出青年基金、黑龙江省青年科技奖和中国科学院院长优秀奖。研究方向为纳米炭材料的可控合成及其在储能、环保领域的基础应用研究。近几年在 Adv. Mater、ACS Nano、Energy Environ Sci、Adv. Funct. Mater、Adv. Energy Mater、Nano Energy、Chem. Commun、Carbon 等国际期刊上发表论文90余篇,他引7300余次,授权12项国家发明专利,获得黑龙江省科学技术一等奖。



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