
【22nd.Oct.】Unnatural Information-containing Macromolecules
日期:2015-10-22 阅读:750


TOPIC: Unnatural Information-containing Macromolecules
SPEAKER: Prof. Jean-François Lutz, Institute Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France

TIME:OCTOBER 22 (Thursday) PM14:00
LOCATION: Fifth-floor Lecture Hall, Chemistry Building A (化学A楼5楼演讲厅)
INVITER: Prof. Yongfeng Zhou (周永丰教授)

Abstract: Information-containing macromolecules are polymers that contain a message encrypted in their comonomer sequences. In this lecture, I will present recent achievements obtained in my laboratory for the synthesis of information-containing macromolecules. Recent progress in the field of sequence-controlled polymers allows synthesis of unnatural macromolecules with precisely controlled primary and secondary structures.



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