
【15th.Oct.】Guided Discovery of New Semiconducting Materials for Efficient Solar Energy Conversion
日期:2015-10-15 阅读:807


TOPIC: Guided Discovery of New Semiconducting Materials for Efficient Solar Energy Conversion
SPEAKER: 米启兮 博士,上海科技大学物质学院 助理教授
TIME:OCTOBER 15 (Thursday) AM10:00
LOCATION: 410 Meeting Room, Chemistry Building B (化学B楼410会议室)
INVITER: Prof. Jiesheng Chen (陈接胜教授)

Abstract: Scalable applications of solar energy conversion to electricity and chemical fuels require semiconductors that feature efficient light absorption and ambient stability. In order to find new semiconducting materials that significantly outperform existing ones, we derive a hypothesis that explicitly relates the type of band gap (i.e., a direct or indirect band gap) and the crystal structure of a given semiconductor: For a compound semiconductor composed of d0, d10, and s2 metal cations and chalcogenide or halide anions, the type of its band gap is directly correlated to the structural topology of the metal polyhedra in the crystal structure. Recently, under the guidance of this structure–property relationship for compound semiconductors, we have experimentally discovered several new perovskite-type materials that exhibit high structural symmetries, sharp absorption edges, as well as enhanced stabilities. Plans for applying these new semiconductors in solar cells and solar water splitting will also be discussed.


个人简介:米启兮从北京大学化学学院获得理学学士学位(2003年),并毕业于美国西北大学化学系,获得哲学博士学位(2009年)。此后他利用美国自然科学基金会奖学金,在加州理工学院太阳能化学创新中心(CCI Solar)进行了博士后研究,并与美国能源部下属的阿贡-西北太阳能研究中心(ANSER)和人工光合作用联合中心(JCAP)开展了紧密合作。作为上海科技大学物质学院的全职助理教授,米启兮的研究方向是材料物理化学和清洁能源,主要的研究内容包括:人工光合作用、太阳能分解水制氢氧、光电化学、半导体光电转化材料、光致电子转移和时间分辨光谱/磁共振谱学。



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