
【15th June】 Chemical Product and Process Design & Algae to Biodiesel using Supercritical CO2 Processes
日期:2015-06-15 阅读:1160


TITLE: Chemical Product and Process Design & Algae to Biodiesel using Supercritical CO2 Processes
SPEAKER:Professor Warren D. Seider, University of Pennsylvania, USA
TIME:June 15 (Monday) AM10:00
LOCATION: 410 Meeting Room, Chemistry Building B (化学B楼410会议室)
INVITER: 罗正鸿 教授、贺益君 博士

Warren D. Seider教授是世界化学工程中产品工程与过程系统工程领域的著名教授,他作为主编编写的《产品与过程设计原理》是化工届第一本有关化工产品设计方面的教科与参考书,也是全球该领域的经典教材(已有中译本)。他是化工方面主要期刊(包括化工三大期刊)的编辑或咨询编委,迄今已发表超过200多篇论文(超过30篇AIChE Journal)。Warren D. Seider教授与国内清华大学化工系的陈丙珍院士有合作交流(近期受邀在清华大学化工系授课10天左右),此次Warren D. Seider教授来上海交通大学化工系访问是陈丙珍院士(中国科学院院士)推荐过来交流,在此对陈老师对上海交通大学化工系的厚爱与支持表示感谢。

Warren D. Seider教授详细介绍见:www.seas.upenn.edu/~seider/seider.html 也见附件。




Warren D. Seider is Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at theUniversity of Pennsylvania.He received aB.S. degree from the Polytechnic Institute ofBrooklyn and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan.For many years,he has contributed to the fields of process analysis, simulation, design, and control.Inprocess design, he coauthored FLOWTRAN Simulation -An Introduction (with J.D.Seader and A.C. Pauls) and Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis,and Evaluation(with J. D. Seader, D. R. Lewin, and S. Widagdo).He has coordinatedthe design project course for over 30 years involving projects provided bymanypracticing engineers in the Philadelphia area.He is recognize d for research contributionsin phase and chemical equilibria, azeotropicdistillation, heat and power integration,Czochralski crystallization, nonlinear control, and safety and risk analysis.He hasauthored or coauthored over120 journal articles and authored or edited seven books.

Professor Seider was the co-recipient (with Professor J. D. Seader) of the AIChE WarrenK. Lewis Award in 2004, and the recipient of the AIChE Computing in ChemicalEngineering Award in 1992.In 2011, he received the AIChE F. J. Van AntwerpenAward, and in 2008, he was recognized by the AIChE Centennial Committee as one of“Thirty Authors of Groundbreaking Chemical Engineering Books.”He was elected as aFellow of AIChE in 2005 and as a Director of AIChE in 1983, and has served aschairman ofthe CAST Division and the Publication Committee.He helped to organizethe CACHE (Computer Aids for Chemical Engineering

Education) Corporation in 1969and served as its chairman.Professor Seider is a member of the Editorial Advisory Boardof Computers and Chemical Engineering.


Recent Publications:

Zhang, Nan., Seider, Warren D., Chen, Bingzhen, \"Semi-Global Stabilization of Polymerization Processes Using Extended Washout Filter-Aided Controller,\" in: PSE2015/ESCAPE25, Copenhagen. 2015.

Moskowitz, I. H., Seider, W. D., Soroush, M., Oktem, U. G.,Arbogast, J. E., \"Chemical Process Simulation for Dynamic Risk Analysis: A Steam–Methane Reformer Case Study,\" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2015.

Silva, C. S., Seider, W. D., Lior, N., \"Exergy efficiency of plant photosynthesis,\"Chemical Engineering Science 2015, 130, 151-171.

Zhang, Nan., Seider, Warren D., Chen, Bingzhen. Nonlinear dynamics and Hopf bifurcation in controlled/“living” radical polymerization of styrene,\" (217ap) in: AIChE Annual meeting, San Francisco, 2013.

Silva, C. S., E. Soliman, G. Cameron, L. A. Fabiano, W.D. Seider, E. Dunlop, and A.K. Coaldrake, \"Commercial-Scale Biodiesel Production from Algae,\" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2013, 53 (13), 5311-5324.

Dunlop, E., A. K. Coldrake, C. S. Silva, and W. D. Seider, \"An Energy-limited Model of Algal Biofuel Production: Towards the Next Generation of Advanced Biofuels,\" AIChE Journal 2013, 59 (12), 4641-4654.

Liu, X., W. D. Seider, and T. Sinno, \"A General Method for Spatially Coarse-Graining Metropolis Monte Carlo Simulations onto a Lattice,\" J. Chem. Phys., 138, 114104 (2013).

Oktem, U. G., W. D. Seider, M. Soroush, and A. Pariyani, \"Improve Process Safety with Near-Miss Analysis: On the Horizon,\" CEP, 20-27, May 2013.

Liu, X. , W. D. Seider, and T. Sinno, \"Coarse-Grained Lattice Monte Carlo Simulations with Continuous Interaction Potentials,\" Phys. Rev. E86, 026708-1-5 (2012).

Kleindorfer, P., U. G, Oktem, A. Pariyani, and W. D. Seider, \"Assessment of Catastrophe Risk And Potential Losses In Industry\", Comput. Chem. Eng., 47, 85-96 (2012).

Pariyani, A., W. D. Seider, U. G. Oktem, and M. Soroush, \"Dynamic Risk Analysis using Alarm Databases to Improve Safety and Quality: Part II Bayesian Analysis,\" AIChE J., 58, 3, 826-841 (2012).

Pariyani, A., W. D. Seider, U. G. Oktem, and M. Soroush, \"Dynamic Risk Analysis using Alarm Databases to Improve Safety and Quality: Part I Data Compaction,\" AIChE J., 58, 3, 812-825 (2012).

Silva, C. S., L. A. Fabiano, G. Cameron, and W. D. Seider, \"Optimal Design of an Algae Oil Transesterification Process,\" in Karimi, I. A., and R. Srinivasan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th Int\'l. Symp. on Proc. Sys. Eng., Singapore, 15-19 July 2012.

Slominski, C. G., W. D. Seider, S. W. Churchill, and J. D. Seader, \"Helical and Lemniscate Tubular Reactors,\" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 50, 15, 8842-8850 (2011).

Pariyani, A., W. D. Seider, U. G. Oktem, and M. Soroush, \"Incidents Investigation and Dynamic Analysis of Large Alarm Databases in Chemical Plants: A Fluidized-Catalytic-Cracking Unit Case Study,\" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49, 8062-8079 (2010).


Books and Special Journal Issues:

Seider, W. D., J. D. Seader, D. R. Lewin, and S. Widagdo, Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, Third Edition, John Wiley, 2009.

Seider, W. D., J. D. Seader, and D. R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, Second Edition, John Wiley, 2004.

Seider, W. D., J. D. Seader, and D. R. Lewin, Process Design Principles: Synthesis,Analysis and Evaluation, John Wiley, 1999.

Lewin, D. R., W. D. Seider, J. D. Seader, E. Dassau, J. Golbert, D. N. Goldberg, M. J. Fucci, and R. B. Nathanson, Using Process Simulators in Chemical Engineering: A Multimedia Guide for the Core Curriculum , Version 2.0, distributed by John Wiley, 2003.

Seider, W. D., J. D. Seader, D. R. Lewin, S. Winters, M. Ali, D. Miller, M. DiTillio, C. S. Tanzi, R. C. Chang, and E. Dassau, Simulation of Process Flowsheets , Version 3.0, Multimedia CD-ROM, distributed by John Wiley, 1999.

Myers, A.L., and W.D. Seider, Introduction to Chemical Engineering and Computer Calculations, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, January, 1976. (translations in Polish, Japanese, and Chinese)

Seader, J.D., W.D. Seider, and A.C. Pauls, FLOWTRAN Simulation -An Introduction, Third Edition, CACHE Corp., Ulrich\'s Bookstore, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1987.

Mah, R.S.H., and W.D. Seider, Editors, Foundations of Computer-Aided Chemical Process Design, Vols. I and II, AIChE, 1981.

Seider, W.D., Editor, \"Richard R. Hughes Memorial Issue,\" Comp. and Chem. Eng., 11, 6 (1987).

Seider, W.D., Editor, \"Stuart W. Churchill 60th Birthday Issue,\" Chem. Eng. Comm., 9 (1981).


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