TITLE: Some new developments and new puzzles in some materials
SPEAKER: Prof. Steve Granick, 美国科学院院士,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IBS Center for Soft & Living Matter, Korea
TIME:June 9 (Tuesday) AM9:30
LOCATION: Fifth-floor Lecture Hall, Chemistry Building A (化学A楼演讲厅)
INVITER: Prof. Yongfeng ZHOU
URL: groups.mrl.uiuc.edu/granick
Research areas:
-- Phospholipid assemblies
-- Self-assembly of novel, specially-designed colloidal particles
-- Single-Molecule Imaging
-- Water; hydrophobicity
-- Living Cells
Note: Steve 是Granick 教授是软物质领域的著名学者,研究领域跨物理、化学和生物,他最近在韩国建立了一个软物质中心,想招聘优秀的博士后,如果有同学感兴趣请积极参加这个报告,并提问,也可以提前与周永丰教授联系([email protected])