【22nd Jan.】Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on Co-based nanoparticle catalyst
Title: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on Co-based nanoparticle catalystSpeaker: Prof. De Chen, 挪威工程院院士,Department of Chemical Engineering, Norway University of Science & TechnologyAddress: 410, Chemistry Building B (化工楼B,410)Time: PM14:00-15:00, Thursday, 22 Jan., 2015 (周四,1月22号,下午14:00-15:00)邀请人:肖文德
Prof. De Chen participated more than 20 research projects, most on catalysis in natural gas conversion. Coordinated more than 10 research projects in KOSK, RENERGI, GASSMAK, NANOMAT programs Coordinated current projects on Advanced methane conversion from atoms to the process (collaboration with MIT and East China University of Science and Technology) in Renergi and Vista, Engineering nanoparticles and integrated processes for hydrogen production in KOSK, Core-shell nanoparticles for fuel cell catalysts, carbon nanomaterials for energy storage and tow projects in InGAP (innovation center of new processes and products of natural gas conversion) Participate one project in EU 7th program. Published more than 200 scientific papers in pre-reviewed journals (H-index:37). Eng. Envir. Sci, Adv. in Catalysis, Adv. Mater., J. Catal., J. Phys. Chem, A, B and C, Chem. Matar. are the examples. Presented more than 150 presentations in national and international conferences. Keynote lectures: 1-2 per year Guest editors in Topics in Catalysis (2 times) and in ChemCatChem.