
【6th Jun】Heterogeneous Organocatalysis: unexpected Reactions promoted by C/N Polymers/Carbons and the design of Mott-Schottky Heterojunctions
日期:2014-06-06 阅读:1352

题  目:Heterogeneous Organocatalysis: unexpected Reactions promoted by C/N Polymers/Carbons and the design of Mott-Schottky Heterojunctions
报告人:Prof. Dr. Markus Antonietti
Max Plank Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Dept. of Colloid Chemistry, Germany
时  间:6月6日(周五),上午10:00
地  点:化学A楼演讲厅
邀请人:陈接胜教授(世博娱乐 )


Markus Antonietti has studied Chemistry in Mainz and did his doctorate with Hans Sillescu. His habilitation about nanostructured polymer gels in 1990 fueled his enthusiasm for complex materials. After a professorship in Chemistry at the University of Marburg he was appointed director for the department of Colloid Chemistry at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in 1993. Markus Antonietti\'s contributions to the chemical community comprise many things, but first of all he is interested in the creativity in research. He loves to share and impart this passion. He likes cooking and loud music.
1990 Gerhard Hess prize of the German science foundation
1992 Faculty award of the Union of the Chemical Industry of Germany
1997 Honorary degree (Dr. sci. h.c.) of Clarkson University Potsdam/New York
2000 Member of the \"Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften\"\"
2003 Goldschmidt-Elhuyar-Award of the Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica
2005 ISI World Top 50 Material Science, H-Index 95
2006 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry/UK
2008 ERC Senior Excellence Grant
2009 Gold Medal of the Macro Group UK for Lifetime Achievements
2011 Grignard-Wittig Award of the French Chemical Society
2011 Honorary Doctorate of the University of Stockholm
2011 Guest Professor of Zhejiang University, Fuzhou University and the University of Science and Technology of China/Hefei
Other scientific responsibilities:
• ca. 500 Scientific Papers, 27 Patents
• “Sekretar” (Chair) of the Class of Natural Sciences of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Academyof Sciences
• about 30 of his former Post-Docs hold leading Professorships, world-wide

地址:上海市东川路800号 200240


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