
【23th May】Engineered Biomacromolecules for Therapy and Diagnostics
日期:2014-05-23 阅读:1366

题  目:Engineered Biomacromolecules for Therapy and Diagnostics
报告人:Professor Andreas Herrmann,
University of Groningen,Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials,Department of Polymer Chemistry
时  间:5月23日(周五),下午2:00
地  点:化学A楼五楼演讲厅




Andreas Herrmann studied chemistry at the University of Mainz (Germany). From 1997 to 2000 he pursued his graduate studies at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz in the group of Prof. Klaus Müllen. Then he worked as a consultant for Roland Berger Management Consultants in Munich (2001). In the years 2002 and 2003 he returned to academia as a postdoctoral fellow working on protein engineering with Prof. Don Hilvert at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich.  In 2004 he was appointed as a head of a junior research group at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. In 2007 he moved to the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, where he holds a chair for Polymer Chemistry and Bioengineering. The Herrmann group investigates engineered biomacromolecuels and bioorganic hybrid materials for biomedical and other high-tech applications.

• Ph.D.\"summa cum laude\" (top 3% of degrees)
• 2008 Reimund-Stadler-Prize from the German Chemical Society (GDCh).
• 2009 Dr. Hermann-Schnell-Prize from GDCh
• 2009 ERC Starting Grant from the European Commission (most prestigious award for   young researchers in Europe)
• 2010 VICI grant from NWO (most prestigious award for young researchers in The Netherlands).
• Winner of the Dutch Venture Challenge Fall 2012 organized by the Netherlands Genomic Initiative (NGI)
• 2013 Eyenovative Prize from Novartis


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