题 目:生物质及废塑料直接液化制生物原油研究
报告人:徐春保博士(Charles Xu),University of Western Ontario
时 间:4月15日(周二),10:00-11:00
地 点:化学楼B楼(建工楼)会议室
Dr. Xu is currently an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chair of NSERC(加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金会)/FPInnovations(森林和造纸创新联盟) Industrial Research in Forest Biorefinery at University of Western Ontario, and the leader of the Industrial Bioproducts Laboratory funded by Canada Foundation for Innovation.
His research is centered on development of high-value bioproducts from bioresources (e.g., agro-forest biomass/residues, municipal solid wastes and wastewater sludge) via thermo-chemical and catalytic conversion processes. In addition, Dr. Xu is active in upgrading of heavy residual oil via hydro-treatment and recovery of organics from oil sands tailing water.
He was awarded the Japan Institute of Energy Outstanding Young Scientists Award in 1999, the prestigious Syncrude Canada Innovation Award in 2011 from Canadian Society of Chemical Engineers (presented to a young Canadian chemical engineer under the age of 40 who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of chemical engineering while working in Canada), and more recently the 2014 Outstanding Profile Award in Professionals Sector from Fairchild Television.
Dr. Xu has co-edited a Springer book on biorefinery, published 9 book chapters and more than 80 peer-reviewed journal papers. Dr. Xu is currently serving as an editor-in-chief for the International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (IJCRE).