【22th Mar】Seminar on functional polysaccharides and hydrocolloids
Advanced Rheology Institute of SJTU, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 22th March 2014
Agenda (Room 518, 5th floor, Chemistry Building A)9:00-9:10 Opening remarks Prof. Zhang Hongbin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.9:10-9:40 The relation between texture and flavor release in relation with dysphagia Prof. Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Osaka City Univeristy and Hubei University of Technology.9:40-10:10 Protein-polysaccharide interactions: phase behaviours and applications Prof. Fang Yapeng, Hubei University of Technology.10:10-10:40 Intelligence platform for industrialization of new hydrocolloids Dr. Huang Long, Neober Biotech Co. Ltd.11:00-11:30 Sucrose release from agar gels Prof. Su Lei, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry.14:00-14:30 Understanding the structural evolution in complex fluids via rheological approaches Prof. Yu Wei, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.14:30-15:00 Industrial polysaccharide hydrocolloids & their rheology Prof. Zhang Hongbin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.