
【17th Oct】pH-Responsive Polymer Therapeutics as Nanomedicine
日期:2013-10-17 阅读:1472

题  目:pH-Responsive Polymer Therapeutics as Nanomedicine
报告人:Dr Rongjun Chen, Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London
时  间:10月17日(周四)10:00-11:30
地  点:世博娱乐 A楼526演讲厅
邀请人:朱新远教授(世博娱乐 )


  Dr Rongjun Chen (RC) is a lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. RC did his PhD on synthesis and in-vitro testing of pH-responsive polymers for intracellular drug delivery with Prof Nigel Slater (FREng) at Cambridge University (2003–2007), supported by the prestigious Gates Cambridge Scholarship and Overseas Research Students Award. He was awarded the Lundgren Research Award, Henry Lester Award, and Sino-British Fellowship Trust Award for his PhD work. He stayed in Prof Slater’s Lab for his postdoctoral research (Oct 2006–Sep 2009), on a Pfizer-funded project on lyophilisation of pharmaceuticals and a BBSRC-funded project on manufacture of clinical-grade viral vectors for gene therapy, where he was awarded the Pfizer Project Prize, CamBridgeSens Innovation Awards (2 times), and Business Creation Prize. He started his independent academic career at University of Leeds as a Group Leader and BHRC Senior Translational Research Fellow (Oct 2009–Apr 2013) and then moved to Imperial as a Lecturer in May 2013. RC has considerable expertise and 10 years of experience in functional materials, targeted drug delivery, molecular imaging, nanotoxicology, cancer theranostics and cellular bioprocessing. RC has developed smart biomimetic polymers, biofunctional nanoparticles and polymer micelles as non-viral vectors, and tested them in a variety of in-vitro and in-vivo models (e.g. model lipid membranes, erythrocytes, a wide range of cancer cells, cardiac cells, multicellular spheroids tumour models, and animal models) for intracellular drug delivery for effective treatment of various diseases including cancer and cardiovascular.

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