
【17th April】Australia/China Research Workshop
日期:2013-04-17 阅读:1600


Australia/China Research Workshop

Environment-regulated self-organization of biomacromolecules: to origin, evolution, and quality of life”


此次研讨会,已获得中澳联合科学研究基金项目资助,旨在通过该国际合作项目形成由多名中澳科学家共同参与的研究团队,促进该领域的研究,带动中澳双方多方面的合作与交流。会议将主要以“在多类型表面的大分子相互作用”(mostly in the area of the interactions of macromolecules at various types of surfaces)为主要内容,围绕生命体自组装,从以下四个专题展开学术交流。

1) Self-Assembly of Polymers

(2) Biomaterial;

(3) Nanostructured Materials;

(4) Interface Science/Engineering

会议由世博娱乐官方网站 和The Australian Technology NetworkATN)共同组织,邀请了9名澳大利亚专家和13名中方学者(交大、复旦和苏州大学代表)发表学术报告,欢迎有兴趣的老师和同学参加。


April 17, 2013 PROGRAM


Opening Ceremony

ChairProf. Qinghua Lu

8: 30 - 8:40

Welcoming and Opening Remarks

Vice President (SJTU)

8: 40 - 9:55

Introduction of ATN and Delegation

Prof. Neil Furlong (ATN)

9: 55 - 9:10

Introduction of SCCE of SJTU

Prof. Jiesheng Chen (SJTU)

9: 10 - 9:30

Photo and Coffee Break

Session 1: Self-Assembly

Chair: Prof. Deyue Yan

9: 30 – 10:00

Hyperbranched-based supramolecular polymers

Prof. Yongfeng Zhou (SJTU)

10: 00 – 10.30

Two-dimensional nanostructures via the assembly of n-type conjugated molecules

Prof. Fan zhang(SJTU)

10: 30 - 11: 00

Photodeformable Liquid Crystalline Polymers

Prof. Yanlei Yu (FDF)

11: 00 – 11: 30

Supramolecular Complexes of Wedge-Shaped Sulfonic Acid Molecules and Polybases

Dr. Lei Li (SJTU)

11: 30 - 12:00

Self-Assembly of Flexible Particles

Prof.Daoyong Chen (FDF)

12: 00 - 13:30

Lunch Time

Session2 Biomaterials

Chair: Prof. Qinghua Lu

13: 30 – 14:00

Rational design of surfaces for industrial and biomedical applications:

insights from simulations

Prof. Irene Yarovsky (Australia)

14: 00 – 14.30

Surface Modification of Materials for Biomedical Applications

Prof. Hong Chen (SCU)

14. 30 – 15.00

Developing cell signalling activation biomaterials

Prof. Yin Xiao (Australia)

15. 00 – 15.30

Coffee Break

Chair: Prof. Hong Chen

15.30 – 16.00

Pathobiology and prevention of bone defects caused by injury, aging and cancer treatment

Prof. Cory J Xian (Australia)

16.00 – 16:30

Unimolecular Micellization of Star Conjugated Copolymers for the Emission Enhancement and Its Bioapplication

Prof. Xinyuan Zhu (SJTU)

16.30 – 17.00

Synthesis, Stimuli-Sensitive Nanomedicines and Hydrogels of Nonlinear Biodegradable Block Copolymers

Prof. Changmin Dong (SJTU)


April 18, 2013

Session 3: Nanostructured Materials

ChairProf. Jiesheng Chen

8: 30 - 9: 00

Optically Active Chiral Mesoporous Materials

Prof. Shunan Che (SJTU)

9: 00 - 9: 30

Preparation and Characterization of Chiral Polysilsesquioxanes and Silicas

Prof. Yonggang Yang (SCU)

9: 30 - 10: 00

Nature-inspired synthesis of inorganic materials

Assoc. Prof. Vipul Bansal (Australia)

10: 00 -10:30

Coffee Break

ChairProf. Shunai Che

10: 30 –11.00

Microfluidic Nebulization Platform for Polymeric Nanoparticle Synthesis and Pulmonary Drug and Gene Delivery

Prof. Leslie Yeo (Australia)

11.00 – 11:30

Understanding and Controlling the Molecular Orientation in Polymer Ultrathin Films

Prof. Zhijun Hu (SCU)

11: 30 – 12:30


Dr. James P. Blinco (Australia)

12: 00 - 13:30

Lunch Time

Session 4: Interface Science/Engineering

Chair: Prof. Haibing Fang

13: 30 – 14.00

Bidirectional but Irreversible Nanoparticles Crossing Interfaces

Prof. Dayang Wang(Australia)

14: 00 – 14.30

Force fields and Simulation Methods in Predictions of Adsorption

Prof.Huai Sun(SJTU)

14. 30 – 15.00

Template Effect of Oil-in-Water Emulsions: Interfacial Basicity Induced polymerization of Dopamine

Dr. Haolan Xu (Australia)

15. 00 – 15.30

Coffee Break

Chair: Dayang Wang

15: 30 – 16:00

Computer simulation of aqueous speciation and interfaces: From polymer membranes to ionic polymers

Prof. Julian D. Gale (Australia)

16: 00 – 16:30

Nano water

Prof. Haibing Fang (IAT)

16: 30 – 17:30

Discussion Session


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